The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art6 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

egg i vann 1 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you write a good story from my photos, you may get
a good upvote from me and my friends


Great digital art sir @xpilar. I consider this picture is very good and meaningful creativity. I see the author's consistency in making a digital art. Nature is a good object to be explored and we can took it as a lesson in our life. Water, mountains and celestial objects shown are complete displays, as well as the selection of the night atmosphere. There is a point on four balls above the spiral. There is one different colored ball there. I think that's where the desire of the owner who wants to highlight about everyone can be different and has another color. the best difference is the difference that makes excellence, not showing the difference itself. If you are different, try to be able to give "color" to others. Nature provides an opportunity for us to make changes. All views will be on you, if you are able to make that difference as a positive thing. I am sorry if my description too far from the truth. Keep working good sir.

4C (Community, Creativity, Content and Consistency).

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Hi @khaimi

Thanks for your thoughts and the history, like it

The XPS System In Operation.


A new scenario is being created in the universe thanks to advances in technology, the XPS system is being tested on the planet Mars, through the expeditions it has been known that the existing water contains toxic particles that could cause harm to humans, therefore, has made available the starting and testing of the XPS system to adapt the condition of water for the welfare of humanity and to use this planet as a place of coexistence.


The system has been turned on and set in motion on a place of the ocean in the planet Mars, some spheres of steam and hydrogen are put in operation to purify the water, parallelly this system allows to go absorbing any polluting body of the air to avoid that it pollutes the water again.

The water is attracted by the oxygen and hydrogen spheres in movement forming a whirlwind, the liquid heats up and becomes almost steam, in this process the toxic particles are eliminated. The liquid returns to its normal state after a rapid condensation caused by the same XPS system. The cutting-edge operation allows to purify 5 thousand cubic feet of water per minute and according to experts the purification level is 100% reliable.

Humanity has the hope of living on a new planet. Let's wait and see the advances in technology.

Hi @jadnven

Thanks for your thoughts and the history, like it

Thank you for your support friend @xpilar

Romantic love story

In France, a very beautiful girl called Victorine Lavorcad lived from a wealthy and noble family. Victorine lived in a large palace and was very luxurious. They always held parties in this palace and invited the stars of the French community. Julien Boussouet, Julian was brilliant in conversation and very loved but poor. Julian loved the rich Victorian girl and offered her an engagement, but she was rejected and preferred by a rich young man from an ancient family named Reynel. I married Victorin from the wealthy young man Reynel. After the marriage I discovered that he was rude, very heartless, very cruel, and that he was bad to deal with, so Victorine did not tolerate all this and was seriously ill. She remained in her bed until death signs appeared. They buried her in the cemetery near the palace where she was born. Julien knew of her death, and went to her grave and wished to retain some of its impact, so he decided to come to the cemetery after midnight and to open the coffin and take a tassel of her hair, and Julian did so, and when he approached the head of Victorin Vaftorin shaking and trembling and then opened her eyes, Julian was stunned, but he took his strength and carried it in his arms and went to his house and rushed. Julian returned to the cemetery quickly and closed the coffin so that no one knew that Victorine was still alive. Victorine stayed at Julian's house for several weeks until her health was restored. Then Victor and Julian agreed to travel to America to start New life. Twenty years later, they returned to Paris after a longing and a short vacation. At one of the concerts, Victorine and Julian were invited. Vetctorin looked up when she saw Reynel standing and looked at her and said to her, "You look very much like a lady I know. She remembered that he had thrown her once with a piece of iron that hit her left hand and left traces. Reniel knew of the wound in her hand and told her that she was Victorine, so Victorine had only to admit everything. So, she could marry Julien, have a big wedding and happily complete their lives and return to America.

hi @michaeljack

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

Snow White and Mirror Queen and Fisherman
On a cold winter day, snowflakes falling from the clouds like white bath feathers, one queen sitting in the window of her palace, enjoying the beautiful view, entertaining herself by sewing some cloth. When she looked at the snow, she forgot that the needle was in her hand, and she took her hands out of the window to touch the snow, and poked her finger, and the drops of blood fell from him on the snow. When the Queen saw the red blood on the snow white, she walked from the scene, arrived to have a girl as white as snow, and to have a red lipstick, and a black hair like ebony, the window frame made of it. Not long after that, she had her prayers and had a child of the same qualities she had hoped for, but the Queen died shortly after the birth of the child. A year after the queen's death, the king married a woman of beauty again, but she was so arrogant and arrogant that she could not see another beautiful woman. The new queen had a magic mirror, standing in front of her every day staring at her. "My mirror, my mirror, tell me, who is the most beautiful woman in this world?" The answer from the mirror always came: "You are the most beautiful among women at all." This daily dialogue felt comfortable and comforting to the queen. She knew very well that the mirror could not lie to her.

Hi @angelinafederer

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

The suffering of Cinderella There was a gentleman living with his second wife who married her after the death of his first wife, and this wife - unlike the first - arrogant and cruel and bad creatures. Not only that, she had two daughters who resembled her in character and morals . This man had a daughter named Cinderella, a thin-skinned girl, beauty and self-effacing, and she inherited those qualities from her dead mother. [1] Not long on the marriage of the new man, even he started his wife to show ill - treatment of Cinderella, not for anything but to her jealousy of her beauty and good created by her paper, it has made those qualities in Cinderella girls seem uglier and hated, so this woman did not stop harassing them in various forms, and missed Her most troublesome work at home, as pots and dishes, polishing furniture, made her wipe the ground, and arrange bedding every morning. It did not stop at that, but made her sleep in the [[Summing up Uncle Tom's Cabin] story on a bed made of dirty straw. Cinderella's daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law had the luxury of sleeping on a luxurious family in elegant rooms with tiled floors with large mirrors that allowed them to see their full picture. Her father's wife treated her two daughters gently, giving them all kinds of attention, making them wear the most beautiful clothes, feeding them the best food. In contrast, Cinderella gave only the dirty and worn clothes that the girls had worn and did not allow her to buy anything but scrap. Despite Cinderella's fatigue because of her continuous work all day and into the evening, her father's wife would not let her sit down in front of the fire until late in the evening, when the fire was about to die, and the poor woman sat near the ashes, From the heat; and the remnants of that fire were all that comforts the cold and tired Cinderella last night. [2] Cinderella suffered all the harm she was receiving from her father's wife and daughters, and never dared to tell her father what she was suffering from bad treatment at home, she is sure that he would reprimand her rather than help her, because he believed his wife in everything, and what was To oppose it. [1] Chapter II: Invitation of the Prince One day an invitation from the King's Palace arrived at the house, saying that the prince (the son of the king) had prepared a big party, and invited all the girls of the town to get ready to attend. The invitation that arrived at the house did not exclude anyone, that is, Cinderella was to go to the party that if her father's wife refused it, and forced Sinderella to decorate the dresses that she and her daughters will wear at the party, and made her to cook and equip, and made her hair and hair her daughters. Cinderella did not even dare to ask her father's wife if she could go to the prince's party. She knew very well that the response would be harsh, so she imagined the conversation with the cat who was living in the house saying, "Can I go with you to the party?" Then comes the wife of her father: "You beautiful girl will stay at home to wash dishes, and the survey of the earth, and the family to sleep for me and the beautiful girls who will return tired of the concert, and you will want to sleep immediately. Two days later, the expected date came. The wife and her two daughters went to the royal hall that the prince had prepared for the ceremony and left Cinderella at home behind them. Cinderella followed the cart that her father's wife had with her two daughters with her eyes, and she would have liked to follow her with another car. But the cart was moving away from the house on the road leading to the palace. The farther the cart moved, the more tears flowed from Cinderella's eyes. ; She was the most willing to attend the ceremony, and if her mother was alive she would not be at home cleaning the pots and wiping the floors, while the town girls at the Prince's handsome party.Chapter III: Spectrum and magic wand It was not long before Cinderella stayed crying in front of the house until I heard a voice calling her. At first Cinderella thought she imagined, but once she looked at the source of the sound behind her, until she saw a beautiful, beautiful and beautiful woman, this spectrum was the mother of Cinderella. [4] Cinderella's sense of fear turned to excitement when the next conversation took place Woman: What do you think about crying, Cinderella? Cinderella: I have endured the injustice of my father's wife all this time, and she bore the cruelty of her two daughters. I was cleaning the house on my own every day and doing all kinds of hard work. Woman: And what else? Cinderella: I also made clothes for my father's wife and two daughters, to make them hair, and to prepare their beds, to prepare everything they needed, to bring them food, and to set fire to them. Woman: And what else? Cinderella: I used to bet on the best clothes, eat the best food, and get the best treatment, and I sleep on a poor bed of straw, and wear only worn clothes used, and eat only the remnants of food. Woman: And what else? Cinderella (her tears were wiped away and her cheeks reddened from shyness): No ... something else. Woman: Yes, Cinderella, I came because I know how much you want to attend the Prince's ceremony, so you have to help me bring some things so I can take you to the party. Cinderella: Really? Where do I wear my dress? And dress shoes? And a car carrying me to the concert? Woman: You do not have to, from all this, I'll manage it. But I want you to prepare me the largest pump you find, and to prepare six small mice and one big. I also want you to go to the lake where you will find some orchids, and six of them are orchids. Cinderella marveled at the woman's requests, but she did everything she asked of her. She was gone for a little while. She returned with six mice and six lizards and a large pumpkin, and gave it to the woman who was standing this time with gold sticks in the night, sparkling like a star. The woman pointed to the pumpkin, and she just turned into a fancy carriage that Cinderella did not see even in the king. Then the woman pointed to the six mice with her stick. The mice turned into pure, clean, powerful horses, and pointed to the big mouse. He became a driver dressed in elegant clothes and took the horses to the vehicle. Then she pointed again to the orchids, and turned into servants dressed in elegant clothes like the one worn by the driver. [4] Cinderella stood stunned in front of the cart and the horses and servants do not know what she says, and then looked at her clothes shabby shabby, the woman pointed her stick to Cinderella, and turned worn clothes to the most beautiful dress Cinderella saw in her life, and a necklace of jewelry around her neck was one of the most valuable contracts that can A girl in the town bought her, and she also wore a glass shoe that glistened more than ever. [4] And before Cinderella spoke with one word, the woman said to her, "We have no time to talk, go to the party and enjoy your night, Cinderella, you deserve it." But one thing you should know well and commit to is to leave the party and go home before At midnight, if the hour is twelve o'clock, everything will return to its old days. The cart will return a lot, the horses will be mice, the servants will be lizards, and your dress will return to the torn kitchen clothes that you were wearing. [4] Then the servants opened the door of the cart to Sinderella, and rode it and went to the palace of the king. Chapter Four: Concert and Midnight The arrival of Cinderella to the Prince's party was a big fuss, and the guard at the palace door welcomed this princess, whom no one had ever seen or heard of, and some of them went to tell the Emir that a princess had arrived at the ceremony and had to receive it. [4] This is what really happened, when he saw Prince Cinderella mesmerized beauty and is interested in them alone without the rest of the audience, remained seated her side all the time, eating dinner with her, and did not stop speaking to . [4] It was not only the prince who took Cinderella's beauty and elegance that he took part in the audience wondering about this sudden princess, and where she came from. Abu Cinderella's wife and two daughters were no exception. They admired her and talked about her throughout the ceremony. On the way back, even after they reached the house, they told Cinderella about the Princess who had robbed the Prince. [4] Cinderella did not forget the commandment of the woman. Before the twelfth hour, the prince and the attendant asked, and left the party after the prince promised to return to the party the next day. The prince invited her back to his palace, awaiting the return of this charming princess tomorrow. The next night the ball was returned. The wife and her two daughters left for the party, leaving Cinderella in her worn clothes to do the housework. The woman returned and did with Cinderella what she did the night before, but the night dress was more beautiful. Cinderella went to the party after the woman invited her and reminded her to return before midnight. Cinderella arrived at the party, and the audience held their breaths for their beauty and elegance. The prince accompanied her as a shadow throughout the party. He did not pay attention to any other girl, and only danced with her. And Sindrella was so happy that she forgot herself, forgot to leave, and did not notice the time that passed quickly until the hour was announced declaring the night. [4] At that moment, the Prince was giving a speech to the audience, looking around him, paying attention to the absence of the beautiful girl. Cinderella ran out of the hall before her dress returned to his first condition. Because she ran quickly, she lost an individual from her shoes on the stairs, and she could not pick him up for fear that she would miss the time. The prince left behind her, leaving the ceremony behind him, but his mother had disappeared, and the Arabs, and horses, and all of the service has also disappeared, and left no trace but the individual shoe glass, which escaped from her feet on the stairs, the prince picked him up and returned to his palace sad . The last chapter: Cinderella shoes Days passed on the prince in a state of sadness and depression because of the disappearance of this girl, who left only the impact of the individual of her shoes, did not know how to find them. This remained the case until an idea came to him, which he began immediately. [4] He called the chief guard at his palace and ordered him to take that small shoe and wrap it on all the houses of the country, announcing that the prince would marry the girl who would accept the shoe. The chief guard immediately went to carry out what the Emir had said. [4] As long as it does not enter the feet of any girl in the shoe glass, despite the attempt of each girl to force her foot to enter the shoe. The situation remained the same until the guards arrived at Cinderella's house. Of course, the sisters competed to measure the shoe that was not even close to measuring their feet. Then it was a surprise. After the wife and two daughters of Cinderella made fun of trying to measure the shoes and tried to prevent them, the guard asked them to stay away from them. The prince's orders were clear that the shoe would pass on all the girls in the town without exception. [4] Cinderella's foot slipped into the shoe smoothly and effortlessly, it was perfectly appropriate for her feet, how he had not made his foot precisely. The two girls and their mother were shocked when they saw what happened, especially after Cinderella took the second individual out of her pocket and did not stop at that. Her mother's back came back and no one could see him except Cinderella. The woman pointed to her with Cinderella, , Wearing Cinderella clothes worn back to the clothes just as charming as attended by the Prince's concerts, and smiled heavily on the face of the great guard, who was happy because he could find the girl looking for her prince, and thus was able to end the suffering of the Prince. [1] They threw the girls themselves in front of Cinderella, and had asked them to allow what Flnh, and Cinderella turn pardoned them, and said to them that they do not carry in her heart any hatred or hatred of them, and Odathma and set off with the guard to the Prince Palace, which Saad too much to see it , Fzal his main concern, and returned life To rebound in his veins. [1] After days of Cinderella married the prince, and lived wedding majestic, Cinderella and her heart shining white spirit and good ceremony, called for girls to Taicha at the king 's palace, and Zojthma two of the senior staff at the royal court.

Hi @oscarliam

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

Welcome to new World, where everyone desire to build his or her special empires.
Some years ago, three were three friends planing of building a new world , one of them is more technical unique than the rest, they started angry and jealous of his skills and knowledge, they have misunderstood among themselves, these two took that advantage to sideline the third friend, this make their plans alters for some time.

Remaining two friends corporate and continue with their plans without carry the third friend along, few months later; the building of the new world close to completion people's were amazing with the architectural design and development, community and Others were anticipating for the good project, few years later; their plans to build new world comes to fulfilment, they invited high profile people, oba's (king) chiefs from various community for the opening. The third friend travel from the place to nearby village because he felt really hard and couldn't withstand it.

At the opening ceremony of the new world, everything went so well and great. peoples begin to fall's in and establish themselves; so unfortunately some part of the new world collapse and nothing less than 12 (twelve) lives were lost! This was tragedy of a things that happened people begin to migrate back to their respective place in order to run for their lives. The two friends has to find a solution to fix the problems, they try all possible their best but they couldn't get it right, one of the remaining two friends suggest that the only possible solution to get the problem fix is the third friend, they look for him but couldn't find him around they were forced to look for him in the nearby village, they resolve together and became united, within few Months they fix everything and all were perfect but lot of people were still afraid to lose their lives; the third friend came up with a unique ideas by making some things free to attracted people before they know uncountable of people falls in again and they eventually become popular and wealthy. Three head are better than one. Everyone is important with it uniqueness and diverse gifts. Each and everyone of us are endowed with a diverse of gifted, none should look down on other.

Thanks for share your amazing digital art with us..


The other guy heard about the news it was a bad new really for him, he felt really sad he couldn't contribute his skills and knowledge to the successful of the new world

Hi @ davidad

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

Du er velkommen Snr Xpilar. Sendte deg beskjed og spurte ditt velvære. En av fyren som kom med Steemit gjennom gruppens oppsett på Facebook, jeg retweette innlegget hans.


was in ancient times the king and queen lived in the palace, and Tmanaa that God Arozkhma a child or a child, and after several years Rozkhma God is very beautiful baby girl, sued King ceremony to mark the birth of his daughter Princess, and the king called on the concert Fairies seven , and every fairy wished security for this princess The second girl wished the Princess to be the Angel of the Angel, and wished the Third Fairy to be a graceful Princess, and the Fourth Fairy wished to be the Princess Dancer, and the Fifth wished to be the voice of the Princess beautiful singing, and the sixthShe was hoping to be a skilled princess playing instruments, and when the seventh fairy began to enter the old fairy into the hall, which was not invited by the king to the ceremony, and to her anger not to invite to this ceremony predicted the death of the Princess when she was 16 years old because of a finger with a finger from the spinning machine, The old lady disappeared and the palace turned into a sad cry for the future of the little princess. In this case, a good fairy intervened and told the king and his wife that the princess would not die but would sleep for 100 years. The king collected all spinning machines in the kingdom and burned them to reassure his heart. When the princess was 16 years old and was playing with her dog in the palace garden, Then the old lady said, "This is the machine." The old woman said it was a spinning machine. She told the princess to try it on her own. When the princess caught it and stuck it in the needle of the machine and fell to the ground, the old woman was the old lady. All the sadness in the palace, said the good fairy that it will make everyone in the palace sleeping with the princess so as not to panic the princess after 100 years when you wake up from sleep, and that awakened by a handsome prince. After a hundred years passed by the palace Prince Waseem asked an old man about the palace, the old man said that this palace is inhabited by a dragon and no one dares to enter it. The Prince entered it and found it full of plants and giant trees and was unable to overcome them. In the meantime the good fairy helped him and gave him a sword to kill the trees and to kill the dragon. After cutting all the trees, the prince appeared to the giant dragon. The prince fought with him and killed him. This dragon was the evil old fairy. Then the handsome prince saw the sleeping princess and marveled at her beauty. And all woke up in the palace. When I woke up, everyone thanked the handsome Prince for what he did and told him what she wanted from me. Thank you for what I did. The Prince told the King that I wanted to marry your daughter the princess. The king agreed and held a big party to celebrate the marriage of his daughter the princess of the brave prince.

Hi @kertmason

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

Once upon a long time ago , a young man named Alaa El Din , this was a young man from a poor family, and was the uncle of Aladdin someone selfish and loves only himself, and one day Aladdin went with his uncle to look for treasure in a cave, and asked his uncle him to come down to Cave, and attend the treasures inside. Aladdin was very scared, and suddenly the door of the cave was closed. Ala'edeen's uncle tried to open the door but could not, and left it and did not care about it. Aladdin was locked in the cave, and as he walked among the treasures, he caught a very old lamp, so he grabbed it and wiped the dust out of it. Then the lamp shook and a big, big mary came out of it. He thanked the genius Aladdin for taking him out of this lamp. He said to Ala 'al-Din: What do you want me to do to thank you? To remove me from the lamp ?? And Aladdin said to him, I want you to bring me out of this cave. Indeed, Aladdin came out of the cave. He was in the country of Aladdin Sultan named " Qamaruddin ", and he had a very beautiful girl named "Yasmin". Aladdin always saw her sitting in the balcony of the palace. He loved her very much. He saw that his association with her was impossible. The marriage of his daughter to a poor young man. Aladdin returned to his home with the magic lamp, told his mother about the story , and then asked Aladdin of the genie a lot of money, gold and gifts to advance the sermon, "Yasmin," the daughter of the Sultan, but the grief of Aladdin when the Sultan rejected this request because his daughter engaged to the son of the minister. On the wedding day of Princess Yasmin of the minister's son, Aladdin asked the man to make the princess see the son of the minister as a foolish young man and refused to marry him. The genie actually did so, and the ceremony ended without the marriage of the princess of the Sultan's son. Aladdin went back to the Sultan to ask for the hand of Princess Yasmin. The Sultan agreed that Aladdin would build a large palace to live with the Princess. Aladdin asked the man to build a palace and built the palace's master. Aladdin married the princess and he and his wife The princess and his mother at the palace. Alaa Al-Din's uncle returned to the town and learned that Aladdin did not die in the cave, and that he came out with the magic lamp and became rich. Alaeddin's uncle denied that he was a lamp salesman and went to Aladdin Palace. He convinced the princess to replace the old lamp with a new lamp. Princess on it; they do not know that a magic lamp, and when Aladdin returned to the palace aware of what happened, and learned that his uncle is done so, and told Aladdin his wife Princess "Jasmine" full story . Aladdin went to his uncle under the pretext that he wanted to allow him, and wanted to get the satisfaction of him, and while Aladdin argued with his uncle Aladdin took the lamp without feeling uncle, and after taking him went to the palace and took the genie from the lamp and told him it is free, He wanted to serve him, and he said to Aladdin that he does not want freedom, and wants to serve him because he is a young and honest, and good morals. Aladdin and his wife, princess "Yasmin" and his mother and magic genius lived a happy life.

Hi @adamdavid

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

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