The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art5 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

mysterious landscape 1 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


Today is Daniel's birthday and his parents took him to a park to enjoy such a beautiful day, the sun was in its best color, white clouds like cottons and the park full of plants, trees and flowers.
Daniel's first impression was of boredom because he wanted more action on his special day.
They entered the park and their surprise was a giant labyrinth that when they reached the goal they would give him a great prize and a huge chocolate cake.
Daniel walked smiling thinking was quite easy, but it was not a total enrredo had secret natural passages, trees everywhere that made it a complete challenge.
I spent minutes circling, but happy.
He laughed and threw himself into the beautiful green grass.
When they finally managed to reach the goal he felt so happy, and promised that next year he would return to the natural park.

Hi @jdbs

thanks for your great story

Thank you for so many opportunities to dream and create.


A park has just finished being built on a barren land. This land was once a vast desert. By the local government this land was built with the latest land-processing technology, so you can enjoy this park.

But there is a unique story about this park before it was built. This is related to the government's trust in an engineer who gave the idea to build a park in the desert land.

Government people laugh at the brilliant idea of ​​the engineer. Because according to them in this barren desert land will not be able to grow by various plants. But this engineer was not discouraged to convince these people. Only a head of government who thinks crazy is realizing the idea of ​engineer. ​Finally, be a park with a beautiful green view in your eyes.

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Hi @anroja

thanks for your great story

You're welcome sir

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Un humilde campesino decide migrar a una ciudad lejana del campo, despues de un largo trayecto llega hasta una casa lujosa para ofrece al señor de la casa su talento a cambio de comida o algo más. El campesino le comenta al señor que es muy bueno en actividades del campo, el dueño de la casa queda un poco pensativo moviendo la cabeza de un lado a otro, de pronto detiene su mirada hacia un lugar donde solo se observa un gran árbol lleno de ramas de forma desordenadas y sn podar.

Aquel señor le pregunta al campesino, usted es bueno para podar arboles?. -Si, responde aquel humilde visitante.

Bueno, usted ve a aquel árbol ? - quisiera que le de una forma acondicionada al lugar, usted decide el diseño o el corte amigo mio, le dice el dueño del lugar.

El señor deja solo al campesino mientras este comienza con la labor de podar el árbol que no tenía forma, su tamaño era tremendo así como 5 metros de largo, 2 metros de ancho y 3 metros de alto. Tres horas más tarde el campesino un poco cansado llama al patron y le muestra el resultado de su trabajo. Asombrado quedó el señor al ver semejante arte ante sus ojos.

A humble peasant decides to migrate to a city far from the countryside, after a long journey he arrives at a luxurious house to offer the lord of the house his talent in exchange for food or something else. The peasant tells the gentleman that he is very good in rural activities, the owner of the house is a little thoughtful moving his head from one side to the other, suddenly stops his gaze towards a place where you only see a large tree full of branches in a disorderly way and sn pruning.

That gentleman asks the farmer, are you good at pruning trees? -Yes," answers that humble visitor.

Well, do you see that tree? - You decide the design or the cut, my friend, tells you the owner of the place.

The lord leaves the peasant alone while he begins the work of pruning the tree that had no shape, its size was tremendous as well as 5 meters long, 2 meters wide and 3 meters high. Three hours later the slightly tired peasant calls the boss and shows him the result of his work. The gentleman was astonished to see such an art before his eyes.

Hi @adeljose

thanks for your great story

Dear @xpilar sir, firstly i'm very sorry for being irregular in your post, i hope you will able to understand my situation after reading my previous post about "***Trap of 360 degree mangement***".. About one week i had no any time for myself, but i use to see your beautiful creation, here i'm going to share my thought and imagination according to your art.



Anaconda is very beautiful creation by our creator, although it's look like a giant snake but it very well know to us for it's cool temperament. In your art you made a great circle looking like a green anaconda.

Long long time ago there was city named city of dust. The city was very famous for it's dusty environment. People of this city feel very proud being the citizen of this city. Because they love make pollution all the time. They love to throw there dust here and there, they don't like the clean water of river, so that the make a plan to make it black as much as they can. So they started to thinking how they can make it polluted, they were unable to making it much polluted and much black they want by throwing there daily good, Because they have to polluted other places by their daily producing dust. Those time they feel very scarcity for the dust. In the mean time they are able make a master plan to make the river water polluted and make it black. They are starting to build industries beside those river they wanted to polluted, and they started to throwing their industrial dust into the river and finally the become success to make the river water black. It's make them very proud citizen of City of Dust. After a some day's they feeling so tense about one thing, although they making pollution whole over the city and also river canal everything, but also they are feeling to breath with fresh air. And it's make them very uneasy, then they started to thinking how to they can make the make the air polluted, it's really challenging for them. Firstly they find out the source of fresh air supplier and find that green forest, green tree is the only responsible for the fresh air, then they started to destroyed the green forest, they make huge deforestation and started to build a lot civilization and for the civilization they started to build the brick field and industries, and started to emission the brick field and industrial smoke in to air, and finally they are successful to polluted the air. Now they can smell a different kind of flavor in the air, and it's make them very exited and very proud.

One day some very responsible people of this city, who was selected for deforestation by the people, they were cutting trees in a deep forest suddenly they saw some trees are moving slightly, and those tress are quite different from other tress, those trees are not grown up from soil, they have a green root, they just become very afraid after seeing that, after a while it's make them very shocked when they saw A very Big Green Anaconda are coming very fast towards them, they started to run away but alas!! they unable to run away anaconda catch them and eat them. The people of Dust city become very tense for those people because they have no idea about them what was done with them. The Governance of the city send a team to find out them from this forest, anaconda also eat them, it's really make them very surprise they just don't know what is happening in deep of the forest, then the Governance send a very special force to find them, but the member of force also not coming back.

The people of Dust city become very afraid with the matter. One day in the midnight the anaconda come to the city from the forest, he started to eat the dust from the city, and from his body trees are falling down in the ground, people of dust city become very afraid with the activities of this anaconda, because the anaconda eating all dust from their city and it's become very thread for their existence not only that anaconda making their city greener and making the air fresh, they feeling problem with breathing fresh air. The Governance of the city come forward to kill the anaconda, otherwise they will die, they build a very special trained army forced to kill the anaconda, in the mean while the anaconda eat 70% dust from the city, in a midnight when the anaconda is sleeping, then the forced come and started to shout the anaconda, after one hour the anaconda fall died. It was a great achievement for the city of Dust, But they lost their 70% Dust form their but they feel very proud because the anaconda unable to eat the whole black water form their river and unable to destroyed the air pollution machine. One they will able to fill up their city With Dust. Now they are living with very peace.

Thank you for reading my imagination.

Stay blessed.

Hi @shadonchandra

thanks for your great story

Thank you very much sir.

Una Esperanza De La Naturaleza

Una preocupación enorme envuelve a la humanidad, la deforestación está siendo parte indiscutible del calentamiento global, muchos cientificos están colocando todos sus esfuerzos en revertir esta situación y para eso han creado una sustancia nutricional llamada Xpirinox para acelerar la alborización del planeta.

Las pruebas han arrojado un exito rotundo de Xpirinox sobre las semillas, ya que despues de aplicarse esta sustancia, la planta crece rapidamente y con ramificaciones más pronunciadas, de hecho, suelen crecer tallos secundarios con la misma fortaleza que el principal.

Xpininox neutraliza la contaminación del suelo y absorbe todas las particulas transformandolas en proteinas y/o nutrientes para el desarrollo y aprovechamiento de las plantas.

A Hope From Nature

A huge concern surrounds humanity, deforestation is being an indisputable part of global warming, many scientists are putting all their efforts to reverse this situation and for that they have created a nutritional substance called Xpirinox to accelerate the dawn of the planet.

The tests have thrown a resounding success of Xpirinox on the seeds, since after applying this substance, the plant grows quickly and with more pronounced ramifications, in fact, usually grow secondary stems with the same strength as the main one.

Xpininox neutralizes soil contamination and absorbs all particles transforming them into proteins and / or nutrients for the development and use of plants.

Hi @jadnven

thanks for your great story

Hello @xpilar, your digital image is very good to describe. and in my opinion, your digital image shows someone who got lost in a dense forest. allow me to tell a story. one day, there were 8 people who visited a forest. their goal is to hunt for rare animals. when in the middle of a trip, one of their friends saw a rare animal, the mountain gorilla. without telling the others the existence of the gorilla, he went alone to pursue the gorilla. he chased very far. and when during the chase, the gorilla disappeared without a trace. then he didn't know the direction to meet other friends. he is confused, and he is sad. this is also because he is greedy. he wanted to have these rare animals without sharing them with his other friends. this is my description of this digital image that you are displaying.

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Hi @aulia1993

thanks for your story

Very beautiful picture @xpilar

In the summer garden I will enter, as in the miracle garden,
Under the shade of ages, trees and heaven.
On one of the days chosen at random,
When life is impossible without miracles.
It all came together for good reason
Events, people, secrets, times.
And there are unique places
Where beauty is wonderful, like a wave.

Hi @serkagan

thanks for your great description

You are so keen to see details in your work. When I look at this post I feel like I'm watching the details of the previous post. I am entering a room in a house. Or enter in one part of the park as in my comment on the previous post. this shows you work very carefully. You also really calculate well when making a work. I feel you are a great architect who masters the exterior design and interior. We can see this by looking at the previous post that I copied from yours then we can compare with this post.


From a distance the eyes are very beautiful. colors that cause coolness and do not bore. Of course, it is interesting for us who have been living with bars of air pollution and far from the pleasure of fresh air.
Through this post, I feel that you are invited to enter the garden that spoils us.
The beauty of nature which is full of plants shows that its inhabitants are very concerned about the surrounding environment. Especially when looking at green leaves and we know very well only plants with green leaves produce oxygen. with oxygen we breathe freely. don't we know how expensive oxygen is in the hospital? Won't we feel grateful when we are around shady trees and don't have to pay to get any amount of oxygen?
Yes, and in this post the tone illustrates how the inhabitants have really appreciated nature. The slope of the land is not damaged by leveling it. They chose to use the terracing system instead of dredging the hills and leveling them. with this, the sloping land is not damaged but can still be used.
the structure of the park that is made dependent also adds to our knowledge that the residents are able to make high technology to make good use of space. With increasing levels of cultivated plants there are also more so that the oxygen product becomes larger. As is currently being developed with vertical parks to meet the increasingly narrow spatial needs. this is one lesson we can take.
Woody plants are also planted at regular distances by strengthening so that the soil is not prone to landslides when rain comes. Shorter vegetation makes us feel like we are entering a park with very soft grass.

.the beauty of heaven
Thank you @xpilar
warm regard from Indonesia

Hi @rokhani

thanks for your great description

I like the park
I really hope that my park is like that.

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