The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art5 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

solnedgang og pen natur 2 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


After an earthquake a few hours ago, a tsunami struck an island on the planet Asniwa, the earthquake that occurred a few hours ago was the most devastating earthquake that ever happened on the planet Asniwa, causing some lands to collapse and form cliffs.

Planet Asniwa is a planet located 5 thousand light years from earth. This planet is uninhabited and most of it is sea, there are five islands. The largest island is Rasama Island, while the earthquake and tsunami that occurred a few hours ago is on the island of Kanasa, which is the third largest island on the planet Asniwa. The earthquake that occurred on the island of Kanasa has a magnitude of 18.2 SR. Before on the planet Asniwa there had been an earthquake several hundred years ago with the strength of 12.7 SR which caused the separation of Anasi island with Akasi island. In the past these two islands were still united. Both of these islands are the smallest islands on the planet Asniwa.

After an earthquake on the island of Kanasa, a few hours later a tsunami occurred, it is estimated that this Kanasa island will also be divided into 2. The tsunami that hit this island of Kanasa is still as high as 120 m above sea level. Until now there have been no signs of receding. So it cannot be ascertained that a new island has been formed as a result of being separated from this Kanasa island.

Learning from experiences that occur. The tsunami that hit the island of Kanasa is expected to recede in the next few weeks. Waiting for the return of the ground plate to return to its original position.

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thanks for your great story @anroja

You are welcome sir

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Synergy, The Mermaid City.

An incognito site has been in the middle of the ocean, little frequented by humans and inhabited by beautiful but dangerous sirens. Sinergia is a city of women who were fleeing the constant rapes and mistreatment they suffered, one day Sinergia was underwater and all the women drowned.

A fiery wind shook the waters of that place heating up the inert bodies of the drowned women, after that rude reddish gale each woman was transformed into a Siren giving her the opportunity to have a new life. All of them formed a team and because of their power to swim quickly underwater and possess a hypnotic song they went to take revenge on all the men they met and do justice for that bad life they put him through.

Soon news spread of the existence of the Killer Sirens in the ocean waters and now they are sought to be trapped, the nets have removed the Sirens from the surface and now they hide again in their refuge, in Synergy, the city Siren.


Sinergia, La Ciudad Sirena.

Un sitio incognito se haya en medio del oceano, poco frecuentado por los humanos y habitado por unas hermosas pero peligrosas sirenas. Sinergia es una ciudad de mujeres que huían de las constantes violaciones y maltratos que sufrían, un día Sinergia quedó bajo el agua y todas las mujeres se ahogaron.

Un ardiente viento sacudió las aguas de aquel lugar calentando hasta los cuerpos inertes de las mujeres ahogadas, despues de ese raudo vendaval rojizo cada mujer se fue transformando en Sirena dandole la oportunidad de tener una nueva vida. Todas ellas formaron un equipo y debido a su poder para nadar rapidamente bajo el agua y poseer un canto que hipnotiza fueron a tomar venganza sobre todos los hombres que encontraran y hacer justicia por aquella mala vida que le hicieron pasar.

Pronto se corrió la noticia de la existencia de las Sirenas Asesinas en las aguas del oceano y ahora son buscadas para ser atrapadas, las redes han alejado de la superficie a las Sirenas y ahora se esconden nuevamente en su refugio, en Sinergia, la ciudad Sirena.

thanks for your description @jadnven

Very beautiful picture @xpilar

The rock and the sea are two hands
One nature, its two elements.
One stands, movement contrary,
The second is always torn around the rock.
The sea is changing its shape and temper,
That roars wildly, then temporarily ceases.
Rock on the contrary, granite form,
And the other will never be!

Hello sir @xpilar, your digital image is very good. in my opinion your digital image is very good to describe. Your digital image shows how much the ocean benefits for human life. like useful fish, the sea also has beauty so that humans can enjoy it. sea water is also useful for processing into salt, and many other benefits.

God deliberately created the sea on each island. so that humans can enjoy it. and God deliberately created an ocean greater than the land. so that humans can enjoy the ocean as much as they want. God is all-loving and merciful. humans should be aware of this. and always be grateful for the blessings God has given. this is just my description of this digital image that you are displaying

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thanks for your nice description @aulia1993

Climate change has wreaked havoc on the world, dense ice caps are being devoured by inclement heat, water levels are rising at an alarming rate, inhabitants of the world are forced to evacuate their regions due to flooding, governments warn of the chaos they are experiencing.


El cambio climatico ha hecho estragos en el mundo, los densos castilletes de hielo estan siendo devorados por el inclemente calor, los niveles de agua están subiendo a paso alarmante, habitantes del mundo se ven obligados a evacuar sus regiones debido a las inundaciones, los gobiernos alertan sobre el caos que se vive.

thanks for your description @adeljose

Hello @xpilar
Another Beautiful digital art my friend..
Water is clean and we can also see inside water.
Rocks inside the water and out side water make this art awesome.
Golden sunlight make this rocks golden. Blue sky with golden clouds looks awesome. beautiful digital art my friend. thanks for share with us..

Good night . Your digital image shows amazing natural beauty. the sea is the most beautiful gift given by god to mankind. many human beings become fishermen. every day they can earn money at sea.

The sea is also a tour for humans to be able to see the beauty of the sea. the sea is also a place to travel to a place. With the existence of the sea humans must be very grateful. Bargaining also with me in this steemit. I must be grateful for you in this steemit. you are very kind. You never differentiate users here. both those who have great power and small. You see users here all the same. you give kindness to everyone. I'm sure the other users are also grateful for you here. you are a hero to us.

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What a great rocks

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thank you @mrme1984

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