Week #16 Fox Tales : A theme fit for International Women’s Day, winners, and a chance to win extra STEEM!

in #art7 years ago (edited)

If you love writing stories then this contest is for you! Write a one paragraph story about the image pictured above. Be creative, think outside of the box, and follow the contest rules! 

WOW! The stories written for week #15 were incredible! I enjoyed reading each and every one of them and it was actually pretty difficult for me to pick a winner. I was also surprised to see that all three winner’s have won the extra bonus STEEM prize! The challenge was to write a story which had no clear beginning or ending and it also had to be exactly 15 sentences!! Please give the stories a read below!

1st place // @eaglespiritGilda

… gilda looked through the opening of her browstone and the beautiful display of pastel blue sky before the bombs exploded one more time. she jumped with fright as she heard another round of people screaming for their lives. she knew she had to get out of the attic before someone found her, the soldiers were swarming the streets and killing people -- blood was everywhere. she held on tightly to her gun and extra ammunition she had hidden away realizing she was alone. gilda was visibly shaking, but knew she had to just breathe and focus just as her survivalist instructor had taught her, she could do this. the bug-out bag she had created was ready to go with only had a few more meals left, she had to make it out the door and on the route she practiced over and over before the takeover. she heard the shouts in the street and knew there were still too many people to make a go of it, she would have to wait a little longer. suddenly, gilda heard a crash downstairs and heard many footsteps rushing into the kitchen. there were men and women voices, and they started to play some music while they ate, drank, and had sex. it took everything for her not to jump out the window and run for her life, but she knew she had to remain calm. there was no way she would be able to move since the floors would creak. the unwelcome visitors would surely hear her. gilda started to meditate and get into the mindset of no space or time. when she brought herself out of the zone, she looked up through the exposed brick to see the twinkling of stars. she didn’t hear a sound and quickly grabbed her bag to head out of the newly exposed brick that led out to the neighbors rooftop ...

2nd place // @ryunamistThe Killer

"Puddle, puddle on the floor, tell me who's an ugly whore?" His sinister laugh echoed through the alley as he paced back and forth while waving his stick around. Agreeing for the deal in broad daylight was never a good idea to begin with, but the thrill of it was too tempting for DM to refuse. His impatient hands were tightly gripping the cane while he searched for even a single soul in his desserted view. The only thing keeping him company were his collection of flasks spread out on the table next to his van. His smile would beam on his face everytime he stopped in his track to glance at them. There was nothing he could do but admire the expressions they held. But his attention was soon stolen by the noise of a galloping horse cart heading his way. It stopped next to his van and DM enthusiastically strode forward to welcome his new guest - a hooded figure who held a black box in his hands. He placed it on he table and took out a glass flask from the inside, quite similar to the ones DM had. As if he couldn't hold back for another moment, DM quickly snatched it away and held it infront of his face for a closer look. Inside was wriggling something which made DM unable to stop the malicious grin from spreading on his face - a fresh and living human eye. He stared at the flask with pleasant satisfaction. Oh, how I wish I was the witness of the horror on her beautiful face after she had been defiled. He muttered and placed it on the table with the other ones.

3rd place // @anjkaraNaïvety

'Down, up, left, aaand right,' Mal said, tweaking, massaging the skin around its eye. It was cold to the touch now, but he could fix that, surely. He paused, frowning, hand quivering. 'Where the hell am I going wrong?' he sighed. 'Maybe I should give up on this one.' He sat back in the creaking chair and cupped his jaw, rasping dirty fingers against day-old stubble. Mal cast his bloodshot eyes to the crowded corner of the shack, a shrine to his multiple failures. A mocking smell haunted him and he wasn't sure whether it was just in his head, but it was the only thing that felt real right now. Just as old age had done, the cold morning crept up on him. A filthy slick had pooled in the gaps between collapsing cobblestones, but reflected there, for just a moment, he could see the naïve sky. He cracked his bent knuckles – pop pop pop – and turned again to his work. 'Do you see me yet, little princess?' he muttered, half coughing. His phlegm tasted metallic. He stroked its tranquil face. 'Wakey wakey.'

Thank you everyone for being patient about the next theme announcement! I’m trying to get better about pushing these images for the contest out faster but this week was extremely challenging for me. I knew I wanted to complete the image that’s pictured above but then I changed my mind and tried to go a different route. Eventually I ended up circling back to my original idea. 😭 I’m sorry!

This week’s image took me longer than expected. I had maybe 5 meltdowns because I was torn between wanting to level up my art game or finish quickly. My Fox Tales images typically range from 2-4 hours max. I was left to mutter insults and question why I kept going when I could potentially sketch 5 images within this timeframe. I’ve also been feeling pressured creatively to bring new ideas to the table for this contest. 

Under all this stress @bleedpoet was able to lift my spirits. I was going through my wallet and noticed that he had sent me some STEEM. I went on to message him to see if it was a mistake and I was delighted to read his response! He’s the best and if you aren’t following him already then please do!

Today is International Women’s Day so in celebration I’d like to challenge writers to write a story centered around women empowerment! Writer’s who stick with this theme will qualify to win the extra bonus STEEM prize! To clarify, going with the theme challenge is not necessary if you’re not interested in the extra prize.

A portion of the prize pool is a contribution courtesy of @artwatch and @bleedpoet! Thanks so much for helping to sponsor this writing contest! Please give both @artwatch & @bleedpoet a follow! 


1st // 5SBD (5 BONUS STEEM)

2nd // 3SBD (3 BONUS STEEM)

3rd // 1SBD (1 BONUS STEEM)

Contest Rules:

Upvote & Resteem this post.

Create a separate post with your ONE PARAGRAPH stories and use the #foxtales tag.

Feel free to use the current story image for your post.

Submit your post in the comment section below.

Maximum of 3 entries - only one story per person will qualify for a portion of the prize pool so everyone has a fair chance.

The length is to your interpretation. There is no real ‘rule’ of how long a paragraph is but I’d say to use your best judgement. If it doesn’t flow right and you know that it is indeed going over then edit your writing.

*Qualify for the extra bonus STEEM by writing a story centered around women empowerment!

Deadline // Friday March 16th  //  5:00 UTC

Thanks for stopping by and good luck to those who decide to participate!

Do you have any questions? 🦊


Here is my entry....my first time and surely not the last.


My first entry for the week! Hope you like it.

A young girl protecting an even younger boy from a group of bullies - quite a movie-like situation. But Stacy Walker had seen it a few times in her life, and experienced it, too. From the glass of the coffee shop she frequently visited, she was quietly watching the same scene repeat in front of her eyes as if it was deja-vu. The victim was tightly holding on to a piece of bread while tears welled up in his eyes, the girl protecting him had a fierce look on her face as if she wouldn't buzz , and after a couple of moments when her stubbornness even made the bullies' intentions waver, they left after shouting some words that Stacy couldn't here. The girl didn't shout back, but turned to the boy and brushed off the dirt from his clothes and waved him goodbye when someone came to pick him up later. He offered her half of his bread but she kindly refused. 'A strong woman is kind and she never accepts injustice.' Stacy recalled the words of her dead mother and a smile slowly crept up on her face. Moments later, when she was outside the shop, she approached the girl and gave her a sweet hug. "Had your ice cream, Anna? Let's go home." She said.

Click here for the original post.

Yay! Thank you so much for the awesome
Prompt and win. Woo Hoo.

xx Eagle

Be sure to create a separate post and link it in the comments here.

I need to create a seperate post for the extra steem win contest? Thus that mean I should delete this one I just did, creat a post for it and put it in the comment section?

You didn't necessarily have to do that. Just copy paste your content to a separate post and provide its link here.

My bad!!
Thanks for the info, I'll keep that in mind for next time...
Preciate it....

@moneyinfant has added your contest to the list Steemit Writing Contests: Issue #43. The list is updated on a daily basis and your contest will remain on the list until its expiration - there's nothing you need to do.

The list was created to save writers the excessive amount of time spent searching through the #contest tag for writing contests. Now they can just come to the list each day, see new contests and use their time doing what they love - writing.

If you'd like to help spread the word about the Steemit Writing Contest List I'd really appreciate a resteem, but it certainly isn't necessary. The project is simply meant to help writers save time and contest creators attract more contestants.

P.S. If you know of any contests I've missed I'd love to hear about them. Thanks!

Whew! I wasn't able to submit another entry because of exams but I'm glad I managed to come up with something before the deadline.

Here's my second entry.

Is this allowed? Since it's not exactly a paragraph.

This is my first time... Hoping to win

You’ve won 3rd place! 🎉

Wow am so happy to win 3rd place on my first attempt. Congratulations to my co-winners. @vermillionfox thanks, really meant a lot.
If you are looking to give up, please don't... You might just be the next lucky winner.

You’ve won 1st place! 🎉

You’ve won 2nd place! 🎉

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