A Day at the Museum D'Orsay -- Traveling Through Paintings #6

in #art5 years ago (edited)

Welcome on a tour through one of the most amazing art exhibitions in Paris!

Actually, there are almost too many museums to count there; and if you are fortunate to visit Paris one day you should plan plenty of time for discovering the world of art!

The museum I am inviting you to today is Museé d'Orsay 😊

Museé d'Orsay resides in a very large hall which was originally a train station. Now it is rebuilt into a museum and houses one of the most famous paintings from Van Gogh to Monet and Renoir (just to name a few), but houses also statues and several intriguing art collections.

Come walk with me as we travel through the many paintings 👩‍🌾

Between all of this there was a house of which I could only make out the roof. Going there of course meant to leave the road, but I was thirsty and my stomach was surely looking forward to some food, so I decided to step into the fields and explorer the country side...

It was harder to walk in the fields than on the road, but it was also more rewarding. I could touch the bushels of grass with my hands and listen to the many insects which lived here. Rather than being an observer I became a direct experiencer of the world around me. Nature was so close to me that the thin boundary between me and the world became translucent and insignificant.

I came ever closer to the little house I saw from the road and soon it stood before me, not so small. There was a wooden door with beautiful engravings and a window was half open from which a delicious smell came forth. I knocked the door and to my surprise a voice called me inside.


A middle aged woman sat there on her couch, patiently holding a bright red book. She turned her head and smiled at me. "Welcome young traveler", she said in a calm voice. "It is nice to meet someone on such a lovely day. Are you hungry or thirsty? I baked a lemon cake of which there just happens to be one more slice left over for you".

I wanted to refuse her as a gesture of politeness, but the smell of the freshly baked cake was too pleasant to resist. I smiled and thanked her and told her about my journey so far. Her eyes widened with interest as I told her about how my journey started - that is, as a tourist in a museum in Paris and how I wandered into one if its paintings. She must have thought me to be a very creative story teller, and I doubt that she put much faith into this part of my story, but as a whole she did seem quite amused by it. She particularly inquired about the strange apparition that I had seen the night before and told me that she had seen something quite similar some years ago. Unfortunately, she also did not know more about it.

We must have talked for several hours and I was thankful that I had met such a kind and hospitable person and I thanked her again for the slice of lemon cake and the cup of tea. She bid me farewell and wished me a wonderful journey and that I should perhaps write her one day and tell her what had happened to me.

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