
@thomasheindl - idk what I did wrong before. Guess I did it now.
Maybe go soliciting #steemit-austria - there should be votes to get from them. If you were here, you could come to one of our monthly Stammtisch, organized by @nicoletta but no, you are in a tropical paradise and mock the less fortunate that are freezing their ass off here! Rub it in about freezing - right now, the place I came from in Canada, Lethbridge, is warmer than Vienna!
Always the fault of the Russians!
At least in Canada, it was always our own fault (i.e. a Canadian Arctic front) - and on that one, the Americans blamed us all the time for their miserable weather. It was always " a Canadian cold front", never a "Alaskan cold front", lol
And here you find comprehensive reportage about the February Stammtisch of #steemit-austria

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