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RE: The Face Of Addiction

in #art7 years ago

I know beating addiction can be hard. And admitting you have one is the first step in the road to beating it.
Thank you for posting the drawing and the photo capture the emotions in an impacting way


Being addicted to abusive authority is an elusive addiction to break, for me each time I think I'm free, I find even more comes up....from dysfunctional family and friends, science and medicine, education systems, religions, work, nation states, and don't forget corporations and banks!

But when it comes to family it hits closer to home, at least for me realizing that took a lot

Yes it does for most of us, unless you are a group the government or business sector wants to marginalize. The Native Americans are an example, the government screwed them over in the past and is still screwing them over and the Indians can't do anything about it. Cept play nice.

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