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RE: In Honor Of Earth Day, The First Nation's Story Of Mother Earth & Help Support An Artist Today!

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Fabulous share from the most spiritually aware Steemian I have had the pleasure to cross paths with.

Earth day should be an opportunity for us as a species...A race to come together and make one small change to make this little blue green orb we call home a better place!

Sadly I am sure we all realise by now that if we leave this to leaders, politicians, Kings and Queens nothing will change EVER!

We need to be the generation to make that change...People who know me through Discord groups have generally heard my small changes to make our world a better place...Don't misunderstand...I am only talking about small, even tiny insignificant things. But if we all took part creating tiny ripples in the pond of giving, loving and helping others we would create a movement so enormous it would cause a tsunami of good feeling, care and happiness around the globe.

People often read or hear my words and assume I am some old hippy-dude but no lol. I am just a normal everyday guy who wants to see a better community, country, continent and indeed planet! I believe small changes can get us there if enough people get onboard!

Keep going my friend, you have it the right way :)

Image courtesy of the AWESOMETASTICAL Pixabay.

Holy cow, now that is one amazing comment and badge of achievement for me. For you to say that is quite an honor. you must have read my stuff before? LOL!!
I am so with you on our being the generation to make the change and all colors united! YES!!
I so agree that they may be insignificant at the time, but it is the ripples. DEAD ON! Preach!! LOL
We are One!

Missing the green n grey aliens👽👾

If you would like a story like that, it will be forthcoming. :)
I was thinking more of the Ant people first but there are always the Greys ...

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