In Honor Of Earth Day, The First Nation's Story Of Mother Earth & Help Support An Artist Today!

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Story of Mother Earth, In Honor Of Earth Day


Alright, so here I am posting into the early morning again and missing the actual day of the event. However, I felt a push to write the First Nation story of Mother Earth. This story is from the Canadian perspective and very lovely.

As a full disclaimer, I am not stating that I wrote this piece in its entirety, in fact this is oral history and much of it must come from someone else. Therefore, it would not be an oral tradition if the story did not come from those before me. I will add a bit of Eagle Spirit in here, but to keep the story in true context it must be told in the same context as our storyteller.

The story is usually told by a campfire and everyone is gathered around and comfortable. The storyteller will come out and we await with expected breath ...

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Turtle Island

First Nations people call this world Turtle Island. The Universe was created by Kitch-Manitou and one day came to visit Mother Earth, Muzzu-Kummik-Quae. The creatures that walked the land, that swam in the sea, and flew in the air were in balance. As were the trees, grass, and the flowers. Upon reflection, Manitou realized there was one more thing he could Create. He could give Turtle Island a creature that could dream, in the image of himself.

All other creatures on Turtle Island were stated into existence, but Manitou wanted these beings to have vision and see new possibilities. Kitchi-Manitou represents the Universe. Both male and female. Therefore, there was a need for these new beings to have both. It was this feminine quality as the spirit Geezhigo-Quae, to whom Kitchi-Manitou ascended. Geezhigo-Quae (Sky Woman) lives on the Moon.

Kitchi-Manitou, the Great Spirit, the most powerful being in the Universe asked if she would a being with him on Turtle Island. He asked if she would love and nurture his children. Sky Woman agreed. They joined together and Sky Woman became pregnant with the children of Kitchi-Manitou.

Sky Woman went down to Mother Earth to make preparations for the birth. She built a lodge by tanning hides to cover it and dried meat for the winter. Many animals passed by to ask what she was doing. She explained that she was carrying Manitou’s children and was preparing a home for them. The word spread across Turtle Island. Most creatures were happy that Manitou had given them his children. But the Water-Manitous were angry.

Every creature on Mother Earth needed water and the Water-Manitous were the water protectors. They knew that Kitchi-Manitou was the Great Spirit and if his children walked the earth they would lose power. In retaliation they caused the Great flood that flooded Mother Earth.

Sky Woman retreated to the Moon after her camp was destroyed. Water covered the land, but like every female Geezhigo-Quae had a mind of her own. She wasn’t helpless and made a plan to save Mother Earth. Although the world was inundated water below, Sky Woman could see a few animals that could be saved from the Water Spirits because they could swim!

The first creature she asked for help was from the giant turtle. Soon the loon, beaver, and muskrat were among her helpers. She told them, “I don’t have all the powers of Kitchi-Manitou, but I have the power to recreate. I need you to dive deep onto the ocean floor and bring me a handful of the original soil made by Kitchi-Manitou. The soil will be the seed I use to recreate the earth.”

All the animals tried to do as Sky Woman asked without success. The giant sea turtle went first, but couldn’t descend to the bottom. On his last return to the surface he asked Geezhigo -Quae to come down from the Moon and sit on his back so that she could help them.

All afternoon the loon and the beaver took tried too, but they just couldn’t get to the bottom either. The last one to try was the little muskrat. Typically, Muskrats never swim in the deep water. The muskrat decided it was up to him to do the job. He took a deep breath and disappeared below the surface. Sky Woman and the other creatures waited, but the muskrat didn’t return. Sunset came and then nightfall. The moon cast a sad glow on the water. The night was long.

As light filled the sky Geezhigo-Quae scanned the ocean. She strained her eyes to find the muskrat. Suddenly, she gasped and pointed across the water. There was something floating in the distance. The giant turtle got into the water and swam quickly towards it. When they got close Sky Woman realized it was the muskrat, and he was dead.

Sadly, she pulled him from the water and cradled him in her arms. She looked down and noticed that one of his paws was clutched tightly and gently pried it open. In his tiny paw, there was the soil to recreate earth. The muskrat did it! To thank the muskrat she bent over and breathed life back into him, which is why we still have muskrats today.

Then she took the soil and breathed into it the characteristics that would allow it to provide nourishment, shelter, teachings and incentive to the beings that would live upon it. As she did so the Muzzu-kummick-quae again took shape above the water. Geezhigo-Quae continued to move over the new soil. She walked in wider and wider circles, and earth was recreated.

Soon after, Sky Woman gave birth. When Kitchi-Manitou returned, he was grateful to Geezhigo-Quae for her strength and compassion. He decided that she must have a new name, a name that would always hold honor and respect. Thereafter, she was known as Nokomis or The Great Mother, creator of the Anishinabe, the Good Beings. The children of Kitchi-Manitou and Nokomis had generations of children and filled Mother Earth.

I hope you enjoyed this story, if so upvote, if you found it interesting make a comment, and if you simply adored it then give it a resteem. Peace.

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If you are interested in purchasing this piece of artwork, painted by First Nation artist Jackie Traverse you can call the Da Vic Gallery at (604) 679-8392. Price is $1,300 CAD. Help support an artist today!

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Dear Steemian, Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine Woman in training, first time blogger since November 2017, right here on Steemit, paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the paranormal. If that’s you, please say hello! See you soon, @eaglespirit

Fabulous share from the most spiritually aware Steemian I have had the pleasure to cross paths with.

Earth day should be an opportunity for us as a species...A race to come together and make one small change to make this little blue green orb we call home a better place!

Sadly I am sure we all realise by now that if we leave this to leaders, politicians, Kings and Queens nothing will change EVER!

We need to be the generation to make that change...People who know me through Discord groups have generally heard my small changes to make our world a better place...Don't misunderstand...I am only talking about small, even tiny insignificant things. But if we all took part creating tiny ripples in the pond of giving, loving and helping others we would create a movement so enormous it would cause a tsunami of good feeling, care and happiness around the globe.

People often read or hear my words and assume I am some old hippy-dude but no lol. I am just a normal everyday guy who wants to see a better community, country, continent and indeed planet! I believe small changes can get us there if enough people get onboard!

Keep going my friend, you have it the right way :)

Image courtesy of the AWESOMETASTICAL Pixabay.

Holy cow, now that is one amazing comment and badge of achievement for me. For you to say that is quite an honor. you must have read my stuff before? LOL!!
I am so with you on our being the generation to make the change and all colors united! YES!!
I so agree that they may be insignificant at the time, but it is the ripples. DEAD ON! Preach!! LOL
We are One!

Missing the green n grey aliens👽👾

If you would like a story like that, it will be forthcoming. :)
I was thinking more of the Ant people first but there are always the Greys ...

Ah the trusty little persistent muskrat. A very fun story. I imagined turtle island to be on the back of a gigantic turtle but reading again seems not... What happened to the water manitous?

yes, the little muskrat ... awwww
glad you liked it E!
i used to think so too about the giant turtle story on its back and prob bc of all those photos about that in our life.
water manitous are still around ... watch your back! muahahahaha

A 100% upvote from me because I think your story is really interesting. For years ago I've read a book written by James Alexander Thom, called "Tecumseh" ... and wow, I really loved the story. Ever since I've been interested in reading story's about the native americans. Natural medicines have my interests too. Wish I knew more of them, but here in Europe much knowledge is lost ... I'm gonna follow your blog!

wow! you are so kind and i am so very honored. I appreciate your support so much and this comment has helped encourage me to share more. my sincere thank you.


Beautiful story ES.

I always love reading stories of creation and lore from other cultures and this is one very wonderful tale of how the smallest of animals can make a difference.

Thank you Mave!!!
Yes, the smallest little baby can def make a difference, I appreciate your support and kind observation. :)

Havent heard that story in eons...

Aww, so glad you recognize and came by to read it and comment. xoxo

Happy you put so much time in honoring our Mother Earth.

awww, so appreciative that you see it took time! LOL
i thank you so much for your thoughtful comment and support.

Beautiful story. I have always loved stories like these. I remember reading many of them and trying to find more as a child. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you B, I appreciate your kind response and support. This gives me encouragement to share more of my stories. :)

WHAT a great post!!!

SO many people have disconnected with their heritage and past. It's wonderful to see you writing about it and also for featuring a fabulous artist!

Thank you so much GD! I appreciate your kind comment and support. This means a lot to me. xoxo

Very lovely story Eagle, thank you for sharing ♡

ah so glad you liked it amy!

I really enjoy the way this storey encapsulates nature in the creation of Earth. I've never heard of this before, and these stories are so important and should be shared far and wide.

Thank you for sharing!

so glad you can learn about my culture's story and i will share more in the future. yes, that is a great point on sharing far and wide. my sincere appreciation for your kind comment.

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