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RE: The Face Of Addiction

in #art7 years ago (edited)

You should read Lee Jeffries interview. He talks about how he finds balance taking pictures of the misery he sees....he is an amazing artist! The picture was difficult to draw because of my limited skill set and the memories that came up...drawing this picture was a cathartic experience.

The young lady died of her addictions, she was raped and abused as a young girl and used drugs to self medicate.


Horrible story.... And that's why I don't make any art of such kind - I just want my mind to stay safe. But thank you for the clue about interview, I'll check out!

Within the horror is beauty and salvation. But it takes much practice to stay balanced. First I had to learn this facing my own demons before I could face other people's demons. With meditation I learned my reaction to things I like and don't like happen in my own mind anger, aversion, fear hurt me not anyone else. I must be responsible for my reactions, no one else can do this for me or I will always be avoiding life. My Buddhist teacher taught me several kinds of loving kindness and compassion meditations which heal and guard the mind from negativity.

I wasn't that lucky to find such kind of teacher yet. Only a really strange psychologist who only made me feel worse. So I ended up at psychiatrist's office. And now I want to wait a while untill my mood will be stable again before performing such experiments:)

Before you start metta meditation sit in a quite spot, feel comfortable and keep your back straight but relaxed. Follow your natural breath for 5 minutes with eyes closed. Relax!

Beautiful metta instructions
This is my teacher SN Goenka, I was able to work with him at a vipassana retreat in the late 90s. Amazing human being!

Pema Chodron on compassion tonglen meditation

Thank you so much! Ill give it a try!:)

Even if they don't help now reading and trying out the meditation just one time will plant a healing seed.

Loving kindness called metta and compassion will help you level out a little bit, takes some practice, the effect isn't immediate. I know several simple meditations if your interested I can give you links.

I'd love to check them out:) I used some, but they were too far away from what I actually needed

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