Dealing With Frustration, As An Artist.

in #art6 years ago

Coulrophilia tw.jpg

Before I start, for those who haven't seen this piece before, it's called Coulrophilia (Love of/attraction to Clowns) it is 16x20", acrylic on canvas.

And here we go, with something that was running through my mind all of yesterday, something I, and many other artists have to contend with in our market. On the business side, we have to show every now and again to increase familiarity with our work - there is only so much online exposure can do for viewer interaction. In-person gives a much better detail for your potential clients, increases your access to clients, and helps create a relationship between yourself and the art market.

So I do advertise online as much as possible, because it doesn't cost me more than my internet connection and the electricity I'm already running my laptop on. Occasionally, a curator reaches out to me with interest in showing my work. Unfortunately, 9 times out of 10, it's with a business model that doesn't work for me.

This happened yesterday. I received a message through Facebook from a curator in Prague, trying to put together an international show for artists they discover online. I was sent a link to the application page, and best wishes from the organizer.

My first thoughts were optimistic, but cautious. I thought to myself, that it's an odd curatorial practice, to 'invite' people to apply, based on the quality of work you see, but I understand how important paperwork is for legal reasons. Then I opened the link, and read the criteria.

It said nothing about what sort of work they were looking for, only that the basic hanging fee was 550 Euros, which covered you for two pieces into the show. Premium was closer to 900 Euros, I think. I didn't see anything about any of that fee covering shipping or flight costs, either.

I'm still hesitant to throw the word 'scam' around, because I honestly have no idea, and never will, most likely, what goes into whatever sort of show it is that they're trying to produce, but I feel increasingly frustrated how often it seems that these institutions prey on the desperation to be seen. Or how often they're only available to artists with trust funds, or those who ALREADY have a great client base for financial success.

The fact is, I know gallery owners who operate on a hanging fee system. The ones I know work very very hard to make a system that is affordable for artists, and it does work for many artists I know, which is great. Small hanging fee and small commission, and often when they don't receive sales, they at least receive interest and the occasional commission. The cons of this system are that most of the time, to make the events successful, artists are expected to invite as many people as they can, which ends up usually with a beautifully packed... party. People come to look, enjoy, laugh and hang out with friends, but sales end up being a hope rather than the focus.

There's nothing wrong with parties, and it's not to say that I've never sold any work at this type of show before, but over the years, the amount of money I've paid in hanging fees and commissions is much greater than the amount I've made. I work full-time as an artist, so my income is largely dependent on the sales of my work. Shows will never guarantee sales. Not in a commission-based show, not in a hanging fee-based show. At least for me, if I don't sell work where the gallery takes commission instead of a hanging fee, I don't lose money.

I also, have sold much more work through commission-based galleries than I have through hanging-fee based galleries, which is likely better attributed to luck than anything, but it is what it is.

My frustration goes deeper, into the human social system. We talk. Our communicative abilities are part of what make us what we are, but we also have to be SO careful what we say. Many careers have been ruined by offhand comments. It takes two seconds to say the wrong thing, and a lifetime to rebuild yourself.

So when I get these messages inviting me to pay 550+ Euros to send my work away, I can only decline politely. I don't know that this system won't work for other people, and I don't know who these curators know. Hell, someone added me to a list called 'unfollow' on twitter yesterday, because I've been slowly paring down my follow list to see more of my friends' posts. Who knows what else people do because they feel slighted.

So I funnel it all back into my craft. It's the only safe place for frustration to go, because diplomacy is so integral to the survival of my business.

[email protected] for purchase inquiries and commissions.
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Trust your gut and as you do well put it, “diplomacy is so integral to the survival of my business”
Best of luck your way!

Thank you, @artedellavita! Same to you! :)

Great post @rachelsvparry. I get a few dubious invites to hang my work at shows too and I always err on the side of caution. i make little enough money from my work as it is - don't want to be spending it (and the hours of time required to plan for a show), only to find it was a 'scam' or a poorly organised event. In our trade time and reputation is too precious not to be cautious.

Exactly! There's no shortage of people only too eager to take advantage of the hard work of others. Even legitimate events are not always a good fit. We have to be so careful, because really, what do we have beyond reputation?

For me, the worst part is not knowing whether you've made a good decision or passed up a great opportunity - as you mention, most of the time you'll never know. To counter this i try to limit myself to shows that have been going for a few yrs - that way i can generally find reviews, however, these tend to be more expensive affairs. So far this year have planned no shows and am focussing of developing new works, so its a bit less stressful atm lol.

I'm in the same boat! I've done one show this year, but mostly working on the creative process. The quality is improving! The sales, however.... not so much! Lol.

I think it's very smart to check reviews, where available. Not everyone thinks to do so. :)

Yeah, i'm just super paranoid i guess haha. Sales poor for me at the moment too, nobody's biting :( wish you luck and hope the sales pick up, your artwork certainly deserves it!

Nothing wrong with a little paranoia here and there! Lol!

Likewise! Here's to both of us getting more sales. You do beautiful work, too. I just followed. :)

Thank you, much appreciated :)

I think you did the right think, that is crazy, A hanging fee and that cost?

Social media is an odd bird. You never know what it might do, coo and sit on your finger or slam itself against the bars of it's cage and bite you. I leared awhile back to just take online reactions with a grain of salt. I noticed that people seem more 'brave' online when they can hide behind a screen so tend to be more acerbic, but much like bullies in real life, when confronted often cower.

I love this piece. I am a hater of clowns, but early on in Steemit I did a clown piece for a contest and found myself rather enamored of them. It was a good 'therapy' piece. :)

Yeah seems shady, I never had my work posted in any galleries yet Im going to look into getting more serious and organized but I think its only right if its based of commision

I really like Coulrophilia, it's not clear here but I'm pretty sure it's your work, right? Beyond the image itself (the model pose is delightfully fun, and I can help but thing that two of the balloon-knots are very deliberately placed), I enjoyed learning a few things here.

First, I didn't know about the term. Heck, I didn't even know there was a (somewhat) opposite to the fear of clowns. Second, I'm not part of the art world, and it's pretty interesting to find out about stuff like hanging fees.

Right on Sistah!!! I would never do that - i feel sorry for the people who try it...Blessings to you! I hate paying for renting wall space also - it did not used to be this way - of course - and then the art is hung salon style which is so crass... oh well - I wish I was one of the artists who made a bunch off posting here on steemit but it does not seem to be working out that way for me...and I really like your work by the way - it's GREAT! I was searching for other artists who do encaustic - and I found you - but I am not seeing any encaustic - how's it going for you? I just started this week...

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