Art At SteemFest - Don't dream it, DRAW IT! (or both ;) )

in #art7 years ago (edited)

AS you saw already, there are some great events dedicated to Art at Lisbon during the Steemfest2.

@roelandp and @everlove posted about it in the past days.

Another little things that we, Steem artists, are going to do, is creating some drawings there, in Lisbon, during the 5 days of the SteemFest2

At the Art At SteemFest place (LX Factory) there will be available these cards:

The cards, A5 size, will be in good 300g drawing paper.

Like this:

So, you'll get something like this:

And you are invited to draw something on the white back of the card, then give it to someone as a gift, or keep it and post your drawing, or give it back to the Art place (we'll make a sale from those drawings, maybe, for the Travel Reinbursement Fund).

 The principal event for Art at Steemfest will be the  Pop Up Art Gallery with the exposition: Art at SteemFest for the complete duration of the event from 1 to 5 november.  You can still send a photograph of your artwork to be part of it (deadline: October 24)

Other events: 

  • @timsaid will manage a photowalk on saturday, 
  • @opheliafu will organize a art workshop 
  • @everlove will do a projection of the many artworks created during her  Collaborative Art Journey  on Steem.
  • I'm going to have a talk about a future, larger collaboration between artists on Steem (a new guild?), but it may happen in an informal and not scheduled way (on Saturday afternoon)
  • People who organized art projects on Steem can submit artworks from their events to be part of the exhibition! Follow the instruction in everlove's post

I'm going to take pics and videos of these exhibition and workshop so to share everything with the artists that will not be there.

Art At SteemFest is just another step for a greater collaboration and a larger presence of artists on Steem!


Excellent idea! Do you want to use the tag #steemfestart for steemfest art posts? We can keep a track of work produced there with it and info(like this post) about steemfest art ideas, promotions and workshops.

What you are doing here is fabulous! i love your cards!

Cool idea :-) Looking forward to participating!

I always love your ideas.

very nice idea.. I hope you all check out my daughters piece which will be present in Lisbon

We'll do it for sure. :)

Thank you So much

I just loved the word you says " don't just dream, draw it and show the world your dream and what you are capable one"
I am not that good on art, let's ask my little brother to help me out in here.

As I keep saying I'm so bummed to miss steemfest and all of your great art events! I submitted an art piece to the exhibit and look forward to following posts about the event. Thanks for all you are doing to make art an important part of steemfest!

thx! we'll do many updates :)

I'm currently painting something to submit for the expo :)
sadly I won't be able to attend this year but I'm SO waiting for next year and be able to meet all the art gang on steemit.
I'll be checking your posts

YAY----the mojo is flowing and the beauty for art space is growing!!! How exciting to see this come together. It will be an active and amazing space to share our passions. There is so much to offer. Great post @paolobeneforti. <3

I always love your ideas.

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