
Sun beats Fire ant in RoShamBo too

Omg being the aesthetic person that I am, Ren & Stimpy absolutely terrified me, my little bro loved it. I can still picture his cat litter box perfectly hahaa!! And the insides of their ears...

As for fire ants, we have imported fire ants here, they kick the shit out of us when we go berry picking in our yard. Have to wear pants tucked into rainboots...wonderful summer attire...

Whaaaaaa they're all the way up in Canada toooooo?


Yeah some of the antics of that show were funny, but overall it was creepy and unsavory... Nightmare fuel!

Yeah we had our own MTV here called Much Music. They would air MTV shit all the time. yay.

De verdad que esa caricatura de " Ren & Stimpy" era por no decir lo menos un poco extraña, pero gracias por el recuerdo

Am I glad that you feel this way about it. Thank you :)

You probably have never met a fire ant, you might not be so supportive then :)

Never met, it's true. They seem to me hardworking :)

They are causing pets to go blind, damaging agriculture & attacking farmers, invading homes, killing sea birds, snakes, spiders... and so much more

How scary! In Russia they are not found...(thank goodness)

Someone from Canada told me they had them, I was surprised... What an evil insect!

I'm also glad they're not in Russia! :)

They are like us... humans! We are inwading, killing birds, snakes, spiders :-)

Unless you eat unhatched birds while they are still alive, then there is no real comparison.

Their bites cause very painfull welts and they're very aggressive against livestock and pets, I want them all gone to put it nicely ;)

Stoner eyes or demon eyes... I can't really decide... Never seen that show, I was born in 94 so I guess it was before my time... you old man... overkillcoin? more like overoldcoin ahahah Just kiding xD

There's re-runs everywheres I think... The small dog screams at the stupid cat, you might like it.

Very nice to see you back on Steemit, have a great day

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