
LOL What's wrong with spammers spamming luv spam? xD Spammers need some luvin' too! xD

They kind of DON'T though! XD They kind of need to be quarantined and treated for the Spam plague XD

I'm not counting bricks, but your Love-Spammer is so accurate I have urge to grab a shovel and punch him in face! Little aggressive? Sorry :(

If you ask me, it's not aggressive enough - why not shovel him in the face and run him over with a bulldozer?

Just an observation though, must be a cultural thing, I've seen some (on Steemit) get love-spams and they respond with gratitude... I guess a compliment is a compliment in their eyes (including crude ones?) :O

I'll keep a look out for love spams and maybe include them in my next rant. Maybe Cleopatra can respond to them, haha...

Well, you still win the 0 SBD prize! ☺

A thousand 8 thousand. Hahahah
Send meeee my zero sbd xD
Good luck with the voice stuff and everything stuff.
I think that spam is one of the worstest ever :s

I'm actually pleasantly amazed that I have had ZERO lovespam happen to me on Steem!! xoxoxoxo You're right, it's just plain awkward haha!!

I've only had a few (even without posting a picture - or probably because I HAVEN'T posted a picture, lolz)...

Nothing too spooky, but still, in a few cases, awkward... flippant marriage proposal for example XD

OOoh wow!!! Trying to get in the dolphin's bed eh?!

More like "trying to mess with the dolphin's head", I doubt their sincerity XD

Ooh yeah I refer to those types as "coonts"...

Nice scribble, let's make a state-endorsed contract to be together foreverzzz...

Ummmm nope XD

Even the flowers are bored 😆
Wonder what a female love spammer would look like?

But the best part was this

Count the bricks in the photo and win zero SBD!

Hahahaa 😂😂

Someone finally commented on the bricks!! XD

Commenting on it was easier than actually counting them. Though the reward was tempting...

wow amazing crude photo shop, love spam!

I know, right? Who doesn't??? XD

293 bricks.

Love the cartoon as always. You say you rushed the photoshop, but unless you comment and tell me what's off that you think you rushed I would never know.

I used to tap dance up until I started college and our instructor always told us the same thing (especially when you're dancing by yourself). The audience doesn't know your routine. As long as you keep dancing no one will know you made a mistake.

Congratulations, you won zero SBD, woohooo! 🎉🎊😂

Well since you upvoted my comment technically I earned some SBD!

Oh no, I spoilt your prize!! Sorry 😬

It kind of looks 'stitched together' in a few places. The original sketch had the title and the word balloons in totally different positions and I had to cut and re-assemble them.

I use the phone to photograph my drawings, I should really use a scanner, but it broke and I haven't replaced it... :D

Thanks @gniksivart! It's good to make an appearance again, hope I can keep it up...

Well at least 1 person appreciates the time it took to count the bricks.

It's looking so funny. What is in his right hand? Is that flowers?

Some dead flowers, yes XD

Stop... giving the spammers great pickup lines! They are scrapplers so watch out...! I hope you get a voice over gig... 666 bricks... doh!

That would freak me out lolz...

Well I figure the spammers probably wouldn't steal those lines because they're not cut n paste and spammers are lazy slugs !

Voice over would be fun to get into, but the competition is nuts. I guess if they think I'm really unique, that would help.

Thanks @otage!

I liked your post, because I see many people who spam to make money and that's not Steemit, Steemit is a social network where you can enjoy publishing things of one.

Hi there. Are you new to Steemit? Where are you from! Thanks for your comment.

Yes, I'm new, I'm from Texas and you?

Am in the States as well. Welcome to Steemit and I hope you have a great time here.

you know some way to grow fast

Fertilizer and water. Pesticides and steroids too.

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