
I have to admit, love your drafts even more than finished work. =)
Totally see them coloured differently - for example, as pop art posters.

That would be interesting and fun :)

I'd also love to digitally paint them.

Looking forward to it! =)

Some day, some day... just not enough hours in the day for us art types XD

You and me both! Don't be jelly though, you're doing it right this time with Steemit! Keep these hot arts coming <3

Heeeeeeey! I remember you :D

Yes! :) No time for jelly, jam or even marmalade XD

You do? Awww... such thanks, many remind, much amaze, wow!

I'm not one to forget!

Also, I've been making some nizzzer p0zts and thinking, I wonder if that @kryptokayden is going to see this or not XD

I'm working on something that's super funny, so I'll have to spam you on twitter when it's done! XD

Hahaha sorry I've been quite busy with a lot of stuffs, too much is going on right now but dont be a stranger! I'd like to be the first to judge if it's funneh or not :D

Oh I know :)

I understand about chaotic life stuff. Fortunately, there may be some very positive chaos for me soon. I twittered you a little about it. Announcement tomorrow lolz.

I've shared the audio (my voice) with about 6 people now and I've gotten some great feedback. However, I can give you a sneak preview of the animation piece. Dunno when I can start it, maybe next week...

Jelly fish! I am new to crypto world and still don't have a clue what boats I am missing.

Uuu, big announcement! Can't wait! :)

Oh it's been brutal for me. I hope that the serious crypto bulls are right and this truly is still an early phase :)

Yes! Big announcement, a good one! (I don't like to share bad news publicly haha)

Thanks for your support! :)

hey! I was about to tell you about jelly fish missing in your art xD ... stopa reading my minda!
This is my last hope too o_o I bought an amount of steem today D:

I know! If steem doesnt work, it's GAME OVER!

Thanx 4 understanding!

We are early adopters here, stay strong and hodl!

I know, right? I imagine in 2011 when BTC hit $30, people were probably sad for missing out on $0.50 prices. Kind of a matter of perspective isn't it!!

Unless you got in on day 1, I think we're all a bit jelly at times.

I look forward to seeing the finished product.

Thanks! I'm thinking about doing one time lapse per week, as things are getting busy-busy :O

But still striving to post every day!

Silly Jelly Fish, Im curious of the backstory of the dolphin with a pencil for your icon. PS just noticed that the fish was holding bitcoin :P

I rolled out the dolphin as my avatar after a skull/cross bones and then a cube shaped alligator. It was just after I reached 6000 SP. Wanted something more fitting for Steemit and my habit of drawing a lot :D

Thanks @bitcoinflood!

I can't help but hear my girlfriends voice in my head when I read this since she's used the term jelly for so god damn long. Really cool idea for artwork though, man. And, dayum. Look at that thicc blocktrades vote :P

I know, that blocktrades is a savage!

I never use the term, just playing off a popular slang though :)

What a pesty thing to hear a lot !

Dude , you're too (cute!?!) ... :]

Look at that look of frustration on Mr Jelly fishies face !!!... ahahah!
Your balance is kicking BUTT, friend :]

Thanks @aineyann, I don't know how I do it lately... Just glad it's working out. Yesterday I got hit with a big project so it's going to be tougher. I have an announcement for tomorrow as well.

Poor jello fish, I've been there too many times XD

You have literally soared through the stratosphere of this flat earth plane ;)

Ouuuu I cant wait for your new project !!... one of these days you are literally going to change the face of steemit - i just know it !!!!
You been doing so well & deserve it as you have always been helping other people here ! Thank you so much for that bellyrub :] - shall be back later for your new update!

You have literally soared through the stratosphere of this flat earth plane ;)


Although I still have a cool idea to roll out. This week has been a tough one, though! But a new opportunity is a great reason to be overly busy (posting soon).

So much tension between downward pressure and upward potential, I feel like a bit of popcorn ready to explode under the heat XD

All good news :] must be exciting that big things are in your reach now and u sure got the dedication !!!.. i will totally be saying hey i know thar dude xD

how does it feeel :]

Ohhh believe me... things are not so great now, but the potential seems great...

It's like I'm a seed in the soil. It's dark, it's cold, it's damp... and the smell of the manure is killing me... I want to spring forth darnit! XD

Looooooool! Too funny ! The smell of manure is stinky but it ... is good for you prehaps?!? Aha :]

I hope you arent under too much pressure ! ... you will spring into fresh pastures no fear of you...

I think it's quite humbling XD

What a day, a client meeting and errands took 4 or so hours away, and I just woke up from a long rest (midnight) so I guess I'd better get some work done!


Big announcement huh? Can’t wait 😊

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