My Fractal Poem (Comedy Open Mic 20)

in #art6 years ago (edited)

"Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line."

Benoit Mandelbrot

I've been experimenting with making fractals from images.

I found two basic patterns.

  1. Madelbrot Orbit

  2. Juia

I like the Mandelbrot orbit structure as it gives more of a psychedelic feeling.

This is the Manelbrot orbit picture I started with and then zoomed in on an area that looked cool. I chose that green area. Finally I found the spiral that lead to the circulating head.

This is another image I liked from the Mandelbrot picture.

The Julia picture gives me something like this:

I can make adjustments like change the number of polynomials or change the orbit trap size.

I can also change the original picture to make it more difficult to recognize.

This was my original picture.

If I makes some changes add in zeke and tone and changing light and color I can get a new fractal:

I zoom in and get something like this:

Can you guess whose avatar this is?

Fractal Disguise

A puzzle of numbers
zoom in and out
a picture is a million words
A million words make a picture

Inside you find life itself
deranged transmuted

So many mutants
So many Steem Monsters

Who am I but a fractal in disguise?

Verse of the Day/ John 7:24

"Stop judging by mere appearances...

Mineopoly Quote:

"I caught a cold in the middle of the summer!!"


Have you tried any picture art?

I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.

I nominate @janton and @oddbot^^


That's an amazing Benoit Mandelbrot quote, one of my favorites. Here's another, pertaining to the bear market:

When the weather changes, nobody believes the laws of physics have changed. Similarly, I don't believe that when the stock market goes into terrible gyrations its rules have changed.

Nice Funnyman Trump images! Keep experimenting!

Thank you @dreamscape. Things are not as we expect them to be but it doesn't mean that the rules have changed or even altered.

Thank you for playing by the rules. I think you use apple computer software to make your pictures. But I will work with what I have.

I'm getting better.


Feel better soon, @mineopoly. These arts of yours confused my eyes, I couldn't tell whether I was looking up, down, sideways until I realized I had gone cross-eyed.

Oh so sorry for the cross eyed illness @take5. Fix yourself a nice drink and get some rest. That should take care of it.

Hello friend @mineopoly, it is interesting to experiment with the images, the introduction of this verse, John 7:24 "Do not judge according to appearances, but judge with just judgment". It's great.

Thank you for finishing the verse my friend @corderosiete and thank you for your prayers. I had a really bad cold and now getting over it.

You are exactly right and keen as to the point of my post. It is to ask what the truth is and make a just judgment even though things look twisted it doesn't mean that we have to be twisted. I may have to take some time off and pray and restore the heart of Mineopoly as teacher, father and shepherd.

howdy again @mineopoly hey this art program is pretty wild! and someone took Trumps photo and turned it into a clown! tsk, tsk, tsk!
the main photo at the top is definitely psychedelic and looks great!

Thanks. I have a long way to go to get these down. I will play with them next week.

I love America and respect our president... but sometimes he is a clown. So am I.

howdy back @mineopoly! well sir I don't even understand those art things that you use but they sure are interesting.
as far as the President..I think he acts like a clown quite often!
I'm not a liberal so I support many things that he's doing that no
one else had the guts to do but the way he treats people with such
disrespect and says ridiculous things off cuff is pretty disheartening.

hopefully in the end the good things accomplished will outweigh
the bad!
thank you sir!

Totally groovy.

So many mutants
So may Steem Monsters

So may or many? I love the closing line though, should make that song then we can replace "Are we Human, or pissy dancers..."

Thank you very much. I have a cold now and have been making some typing mistakes.

I took some tylenol and that should help.

Wow ... You've lost sight of you, my friend. This is phenomenal and the poem impeccable. Excellent!

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