Basket Weave Mandala - original art

in #art8 years ago

Mandalas are not easy

I had spent the better part of 3 days working on this mandala.
Looking for a challenge I thought, Gee, how about a basket weave border?

Basket Weave Mandala by Meredith Loughran

Man alive! Not only was I testing my patience, I was testing my eyesight as well!
And I haven't worked with a compass in... Well, let's just say since before puberty. I'm already awkward, why not add a tool to prove it? Oy!

Steem Dollars earned me some art supplies

It's been a really long time since I treated myself to anything nice. In fact, my husband and I went to Kohl's the other day to get him some new shoes. As I walked around I thought, "Oh, that's what nice clothes look like." Yeah, the perils of working from home. LOL

But instead of a new shirt I wanted a sketch book, markers and some gel pens. So we went to Office Depot to get me some goodies. Hubby even snuck a compass in the shopping cart to surprise me.

Art supplies for Meredith Loughran
The goods

Honestly, I think the mandala would have been better in black and white but I had the goods, so I used them.

If anyone ever tells you that mandalas are easy - smack 'em

Sketching the mandala, Meredith Loughran

I'd lost count how many times I drew then erased. On several occasions I thought about starting over, but I am a very stubborn person. Come to think of it, I should have bought some erasers.

Basket weave mandala by Meredith Loughra
Still a work in progress

Meredith Loughran posing with her basket weave mandala
And that's an exhausted me posing with the final mandala

Wall of #Steemit love:

This awesome name in peppers was created by @papa-pepper: @papa-pepper made my name in peppers! Meredith Loughran @merej99

Bibi Rillmann @poeticsnake art, doodle, @merej99 Meredith Loughran And @poeticsnake graced me with her beautiful artwork!

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Beautiful job!
P.S. I'm adding you to my follow list. I found you through this post:

I think @jacor is right, you're a great writer. I love your stuff! Keep it up.

excellent congratulations

Thank you for stopping by, @jlufer :)

Love the weave effect @merej99!

Thanks, @rigaronib. As hard as the weave was, I think I may be addicted to drawing them now. I'm beginning to plan out the next one. :)

That is awesome! I look forward to seeing your next one!

so beautiful ! I love mandalas !

I love mandalas too, but they are really hard - not so much with shapes or anything but the concentration. I do love a good challenge though. Thank you for visiting @mammasitta :)

I am giving them a go myself and finding it really hard. Bought myself some doodling equipment, will be a long time before I post my art work lol You did a brill job well done

Ah go on and post what you've got. It can't hurt right? Besides, the hardest part is letting go and posting it the first time. After that it's just a click of a button. ;)

I told Sarah that I might have created a monster because I want all the markers and all the templates! LOL

Not a chance members will think I'm only 3 they are that pathetic

oh I love the basket weave and the colours, and you just give me an idea to fix one of those kitty butt smudges thank you.

I like the idea but I need to work on it some more (being self-critical as always) I've found if whiteout doesn't fix it, coloring over it with a darker color works just as well! LOL I can't wait to see the final piece!

Throw that white out in the bin (or at least far far far away from your artwork, in fact, bury it in the garden if you must keep it.) mistakes rock as frustrating as they are sometimes, they keep you on your toes ​and help you make all sorts of discoveries.
I'd say the same about your eraser but i think you'd reach through the screen to smack me :D


Taking away my eraser would be like taking away my coffee. LOL
It ain't gonna happen. :P

Cool. if you have felt tip pens you might like to try drawing- like you have with the mandala and then using a damp (not soaking wet) paintbrush to bleed the pen colour- I think you would like this technique. Don't think it would work with gel pen though- but you could work over the top with them after.

I actually did color it in with fine point felt markers. I've seen some of your tutorials on creating soft backgrounds using watercolors. My husband is going to freak out if I keep showing up with things like paintbrushes and watercolors. Heck, I've even been eyeballing canvas and acrylics. Somebody stop me! lol

You need to hide these things in shoe boxes in your closet. Pull them out and say you bought them years ago!
Also works with shoes!

Love it. Smack them :)

LOL - some people pay good money for a smackdown! hahaha

nice! I like it :)

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