Contact - A Collaborative Art Journey with @everlove

in #art8 years ago

Last week was blades of grass, this week? Shards of glass!!! It gets harder and harder @everlove!!!

I saw this weeks post from here and clicked on it.. broken glass. The collaborative piece for this art journey. Well that's a tough one!!

So what to do?

I removed some of it along what seemed like a natural line

Ooo look at that, like some kind of alien landscape!!

And what suits an alien landscape best? A big moon! So trotted off to pixabay and choose a suitably dramatic one

A few little brush strokes in PicSay Pro and perhaps a wee guy pointing up!

But what is he pointing at? Well perhaps it was the man in the moon, achieved with some of the burn tool in the Snapseed app

But nah, everybody knows there isn't a man in the moon. Maybe an alien ship?

Like this one?

Yeah, but let's scale it back a bit, it actually looks like a spaceship now! Instead of me belly dancing

So to round it off I will add some stars from pixlr express

Tada, more subdued than last week but I like it! Hope you do too!


@meesterboom am about to hit the bed and thought hey,
check you out for the last lol tonight
and you never failed
so now you're on the moon?
Nice work btw

You know me, the earth is not enough!!! :0)

@meesterboom oh shoot why did they send you back?
earth was like ... why? I thought he's all yours? hihhi peace

Just can't keep me away!!! No mere earth can stop me ;0)

lol hahaha and lols :p
well I wouldn't want you away @meesterboom
that would be less fun here

Likewise, this place would be fair dull without your sunny self!

Have you been watching the Clangers? A beautiful post, missing an Iron Chicken, but the flying Meesterboom makes up for it.

I have watched the clangers recently, god it annoys me!! Hmm an iron chicken would have set it off nicely!

See I could tell you had watched it, a subconscious channeling!

Like the time I was in rehearsals with my band and was demoing a new tune I had come up with on guitar and the bass player listened then said "Knocking on heavens door?" And indeed it was. I had just invented it ha!

LOVE IT!!! :-D

I thought of you while I made mine (in Pixlr).....

Wayhay! Pixlr is the daddy! PicSay Pro is great to despite seeming basic at first! Can't wait to see yours!

Belly dancing spaceship? Amazing.

You have to keep yourself grounded somehow! ;o)

Thank you for posting @meesterboom. Really creative thinking....a sort of pop art..if you will. It is snappy....silly...and fun. Your tutorial makes us think we can all do it. Well done.

Happy Christ-mas to you and yours.

Thank you @bleujay! Your comments are always appreciated!

Nice! I enjoyed seeing your process and the close up the space craft. Fun stuff.

This is great!! I also saw an adventure of epic proportions in my piece!! Great minds think alike, I say. :) Upvoted.

Thank you, I saw your adventure, it was cool!

Ohhhhhh @meesterboom! Your art is fantastic. I love how you walk us through the process with your wit and spunky expression. Thank you for bringing such delight to this platform and to this collaboration. I am honored you have joined us.

It is always an honour to join!! Thank you again for the opportunity!!

So cool and imaginative! I actually posted a sort of similar idea!

Cheers! I checked yours out, I see what you mean. Like the little mountaineers!

I was waiting to see how you were going to get your picture in there @meesterboom. You did not disappoint! ROFLMAO! I LOVE IT!

Lol, you have me rumbled!!! ;0)

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