Interactive Paintings: the Vagabonds, Season 2, episode 6

in #art7 years ago

Presenting painting/game 6 already of The Vagabonds, season 2!

If you want to play along in this game, this is the gist of it: The Vagabonds are small, original paintings of mine. I post a new character every other day (roundabout every 48 hours). To play the game, you only need to make a comment on the painting with:

  • A unique first name of your choice for the character
  • Three random numbers between 1 and 9 (I have made lists, and your chosen numbers will determine:
    • The character's positive trait
    • The character's negative trait
    • The character's Profession
  • A unique superpower/item/weapon/artefact of your choice

So your comment could look like this:

Fran, 4-3-2, Smells Trouble a Mile Away [I'm just making this up... - and don't enter this in your comment!]

I will reply to your comment with the outcome of your character. In the example above this would/could determine her as:

Fran, the Clever but Godless Partypoopster who Smells Trouble A Mile Away [No, really, I am making this up!]

After (roundabout) 48 hours, I will close the submissions for that particular character, and post a new one. One winner from all the entries will be chosen (randomly, by dice) and that will be how that character will remain and will go on to Phase II of the game. I'm looking forward to fun and weird combinations - so, if possible, try to not choose numbers that have already been chosen - it makes it all the more fun (although I can't prevent you from choosing numbers already chosen, of course!)

When we have a grand total of 8 of these determined Vagabonds (roundabout 16 days after the first character), all 8 will enter Phase II of the game. Which will be a Vagabonds-special... But, despite some bribing efforts, I can't tell you anything about that phase yet, only it will be random, very very interactive and likely lots of fun for everybody!

Everybody is free to comment - and although there's no need to upvote or resteem to participate, I really do appreciate those! A valid comment will get my 70% upvote (I'm still draining my voting power with this game), and get a share of 1 SBD, split between all upvoting contestants (there are simply too many players, and a share of say, 1/14th SBD is really zilch).

Update on the SBD-payout: I received a little bribe sponsorship from @pv-p, thank you! I will split 1.5 SBD between all valid upvoting entries for the previous and this game. And feel free to give @pv-p's entry an upvote of yours as well, he's pretty committed to this game!

Now then, then now!, the results of Season 2, Episode 5

This was the previous episode's character:

This character received 11 valid entries, thank you, everybody wo made a unique character out of this painting. Here are all the entries:

Duncan, the Memorable but Vengeful Brainiac with his Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement by @fraenk
K'K'eeE, the Untraceable but Megalomaniac Brainiac with the only known Universal Wormhole Key by @edward.maesen
Osmond, the Majestic but Overworked Devil with his Tuxedo containing A Black Hole by @hazel420
Droopy, the Unstoppable but Apologetic Vampire with his Hidden Gauntlets of Fractured Eons by @mrfrost
Soloman, the Majestic but Pretentious Emperor with his weird ability to Turn Inside Out by @deemarshall
Vansick, the Supportive but Pretentious Challenger and he brings Good Science Science by @lamkuta
Phoenix, the Undeterred but Apologetic Shaman, Guarding against Attacks from The Science Of Whichcraft by @rizallatief
Siren, (maybe related to @rizallatief's Phoenix): the Undeterred but Pretentious Shaman, singing his Lethal Chants by @anumsteemit
Trigeal, the Unstoppable but Apologetic Devil! This Trigeal-Devil is also an excellent Nurse by @lintah
Valkyrie, the Supportive but Apologetic Janitor weilding his Golden Axe, denying All Opponents by @sudong
Archibald, the Hilarious but Sloppy Freemason, bald, but nonetheless Rocks the Mutton Chops of Sensory Sublation by @pv-p

And the dice have decided on the winner...

Droopy, the Unstoppable but Apologetic Vampire with his Hidden Gauntlets of Fractured Eons by @mrfrost

Congrats! Bragging rights are all yours!

Droopy will go on to Phase II (which is coming closer!) along with these other Vagabonds:

Caern, the Formidable but Lazy Octogenarian with his Dagger of Truth (by @edward.maesen):

Monica, the Neighbourly but oh so Predictable Duchess weilding her personal and Magical Sceptre of the Dunes (by @skippyza):

Zilong, the Courageous but Lovesick Samurai with a really Magical Spear (by @sudong):

Shelly, the Romantic but Tired Sidekick, with the Poisoned Hairpin hidden in her coiffure (by @hazel420):

Finally, time to present the character of Epidose 6:

Who is she? Give her a name in the comments along with three numbers (between 1-9) which will randomly determine her character and profession. And what weird or wonderful superpower/item/ancient or everyday artefact does she have? Feel free to comment, and find out, maybe your entry will go on to Phase 2! Let's have fun! :)


Lovely vontest. I always with you!

KhemAbd'la, 5-9-2, secret recipe of... (well, that's a secret also)

Well, a secret is a secret! 😄

Hahaha, I vry my best! No seriously, I want everybody to have fun. But silly spam isn't going to help. I do try to warn, but I can only warn so many times, right?

You do have a way with first names, man!
Here's KhemAbd'la, she's the Grateful but Superstitious Joker and she has The Secret Recipe Of...

Any/everybody: feel free to comment on what recipe KhemAbd'la has, feel free to upvote as well, this is what the game is all about!

I'm kicking this one off, she has the recipe to the Royal Lasagne that makes you feel compelled to tell bad Jokes so she can capitalize with her own -not-all-that-funny-jokes-anyway.

and I thought no one would guess the secret...! ;(

She may have other recipes though, or even a cookbook...? :)


hehehe yes I've enjoyed fabricating first names the last two episodes. This name was inspired by an article I was reading at the time about Egypt (known as Khem - "the black land") and a man named Abd'El; so I just combined the two and modified it a bit to make it sound feminine :)

Hey, great to read how you came up with that, thanks - that's a little behind the scenes as well :)

Episode 5 was actually the first time I told the internet they were wrong and I ended up being right. :-)

Sonja -3-3-3 - Best mom in the world (so everyone else claiming that is wrong)

Haha, @mrfrost vs the internet 1-0!

Here's Sonja, she's the Resourceful but Misunderstood Rebel, but still, The Best Mom in the World!
Sounds about right?

Aaaaaah absolutely!

Kareen, 7-6-1, the power to transform into a spam bot

I do enjoy seeing these spammers unwittingly come onto your posts marty

Hehe, yeah, I should't worry about them I guess :)

And I see what you did there, hehe, here comes Kareen, she's the Carefree but Foreboding Rumourmonger and she can Turn into A Spam Bot At Will!
Now that's a terrifying power!

Haha the Foreboding Rumourmonger sounds about right!

They have added some comedy value to the game ;)

Yep, that was an uncanny, apt, funny, serendipitous and synchronistic entry!

Man, I got so many adjectives... :P

And I haven't heard her since... Maybe her ears are ringing... :D

Haha do you just throw dice or pick random numbers now when you need to say anything? It would adverb 4 be a way of writing adjective 2 !!!! ;p

Yeah I was missing her in the last one! Though I saw another comment saying she's a real profile/person...well, someone's got to teach 'em ;)

Hahaha, I'd really need a bot to do that random commenting, and as an artist, I'm doing this all by myself :) And sometimes things get extraordinarily funny :D And comments do help!

Yeah, I figured she was human :P which makes it all the more difficult when you see the same comment appear again. I really want this to be just plain fun, and not annoying :P

Is the surprise for the next phase of Vagabonds that you're integrating some of these comments into the character dialogues? Like a hall of fame of top comments hehe

Thanks for the mention btw, just saw it! :)

Hmm, I did something along those lines in season 1, trying to integrate as much as possible. Nope, will be more interactive
cough playoffs cough

Happy? :)

Hi again. Here's my girl:

Sylvie, 4-1-9, sky sweeper

Thank you for the payout.

Cool, here's Sylvie, the Musical but Truant Vampire-Hunter, and She Sweeps the Skies!

That's Miss Patti, 2-8-6 and her spiral stitched Bullet Bra

Not Madonna then? Nah, she's getting old for that shit

Make way for Miss Patti, the Amiable but Masochistic Troubadour with her timeless Spiral Stitched Bullet Bra! :D

You have a way of picking these out!

I've never really been into christian folklore tbh :P

and yes... I do have a way :)

Loving the idea, truly a unique contest!
This is Eloise 1-7-9 her beauty leaves all the guys mesmerised. Her secret weapon, poisoned hairpins.

Thank you @geenaizzy, join the game!

This is your character: Eloise, she's the Everlasting but Vain Vampire-Hunter and her Beauty leaves all The Guys Mesmerized.

Nice! Would be awesome to see this one go through to Phase II: there would be both A Vampire and a Vampire Hunter in there... And that's all I'm going to reveal about Phase II... Thanks again!

Fran, 1-4-7, as strong as steel as weak as steel 😃

Thanks for your entry, @junsusukhairi! Although it's not against the rules, feel free to change the name of your character, as I put 'Fran' purely as an example in my post. I really want you to choose:

A unique first name of your choice

Other than that, this is Fran, the Everlasting¨ but Panicky Lost Soul with the strange quality of being As Strong as Steel, as well as being As Weak as Steel!

Nice one! But feel free to drop a comment with a unique first name of your choice, ok? Thanks!

I'm sorry my comment may be a little off the rules Mr @marty-art, I will re-give a unique first name from the choice of :

"codomos, 1-4-7 as soft as lightning bolt" hopefully I am lucky in this your post.

No worries, so it becomes Codomos, the Everlasting but Panicky Lost Soul, as soft as Lightning Bolt!

thanks for the understanding, I'm a little difficulty in translating english, because I'm Indonesian, every word I have to type in the first language in Indonesia I translated into English, this makes me very slow.

You're doing good, no worries! :)

I choose VICHYK, 5-5-5. who have the strength and never give up

Allright, VICHYK, the Grateful but Sinister Double Spy who has the strength and Never gives up!

he is,
Mr. Qontol, 7-3-8, able to attract women

Cool Mr. Qontol (who is actually female (see the post!)) is the Carefree but Misunderstood Juggler and he/she is very Able to Attract Women! Nice!

freya 1-2-3 wings that sparkle diamonds

Here comes Freya, the Everlasting but Kinky Rebel and she has Wings that Sparkle Diamonds!

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