"Spice Furnace" | Zen Colouring Contest by @magiccleatus

in #art6 years ago

I enjoyed doing @magiccleatus's Zen Colouring Contest so much last week that I've decided to take regular part in it =)
And this week, I put in even more effort, and had even more fun! ^^
Can you guess what this one is in tribute to, based on the image and title? ;) ... I'll tell you at the end of the post (although take a guess now - the quote below the image will give it away!).

Spice Furnace

Zen Colouring Contest by @magiccleatus
Max. Print Size: 8" x 8"

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

-- Frank Herbert, Dune

The Creation Process:

Of course, I started off with the contest image:

and this week, I remembered to keep the week's colour pallette in mind ;P ...:

I did something different this week. Last week, I merely created colours/textures using fractals in Mandelbulb 3D, and then "coloured in" the zen drawing with them.

This week, I created a simple heightmap using the zen drawing, and imported it into MB3D:

I then started playing around with colours and volumetric light... At first, it was difficult to get a variety of shades...:

At last though, I managed to get something looking pretty good (the image on the left):

It was still too homogenous in colour though, for my liking, so I experimented by making the surfaces reflective (image on the right).

Almost perfect! I liked the center of the first image and the rest of the reflective image, so I simply combined them in Photoshop =) ... I then touched it up with Selective Colour and a few other adjustments.

I hope you like it! =) ... And of course, the title is in reference to the great sandworms in the Dune universe. They churn through the desert sands, and especially enjoy spice-rich patches... My regular readers will know that Dune is my favourite sci-fi series ever. Well worth reading multiple times ;)

Thank you for your upvote 💖
A few recent posts of mine:
"Rubiscus" - Gallery: Motifs | "Fears and Their Flames" - Poems, 019 | "Omnis Phylogenesis" - Gallery: Fine Art
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All Images, Creative Commons License.

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Wow, what a superbly creative and original way to colour the stencil. The effects created by your process that you explained really accentuate the design. I love the inspiration of the Sandworms from Dune, it brings to life what one would imagine a cross-section of their tunnel systems would look like!

Thanks for another beautiful entry, I look forward to your regular participation and support to the #zencolourigncontest!


Please name your suggestion for next week's featured colour!

Thank you very much for those kind words. The tunnel cross-section idea is interesting! Though I believe they don't leave tunnels... It's more like earthwords... Where it all goes in one side and out the other ;P ... I had in mind more the mouth of the worm, or indeed, a cross-section of the worm's body.

Oh, forgot to suggest colours! Hmm... How about Gryffindor! ;)

I've not read Dune , but since you keep mentioning it and returning to it quite often I begin to think I should really give it a go :)

Oh and I absolutely love how the image turned out and all the thought process involved in there as well!

I really, really hope you do! (Remember to start with the prequels by Brian Herbert ^^) ...
In fact, if you start with them, I promise to start with you and we can read along together, hehe. I'd love to have somebody to talk to about them.

And thank you! These Zen Colouring Contests are great. I'd imagine you might have fun with them too, with your watercolours =)

I've not read Dune, but i loooove syfy stuff! But what an incredible design, the colors you used, the textures look so real. Amazing job!

Thank you so much! ^^ ... Oh, you should definitely get to Dune then. It's the LOTR of sci-fi!

2nd place, Congratulations!!

Your prize has been transferred!

Congratulations @mandelsage on your 2nd place win, your artwork is outstanding, so bright and beautiful sir❣️

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