"Shiny Magic Box" | dIFS Pong with @welshpixie! #007

in #art6 years ago

This is going to be a short, short post! Late as usual with this, but very happy to have spent the extra time on it =)
For those who aren't aware, @welshpixie and I are playing "dIFS Pong", a fun thing we fractal artists sometimes do ;) - Check out the first post in our series to find out more.
From her "Pong 006 - Star", I now give you:

Shiny Magic Box


What I did:

Please forgive me for not showing any images of the process. It is late, and all I want to do read a bit before bed, maybe drink a glass of wine too =)

All I remember is that I changed from Decombinate mode back to alternate, and I changed the transformation formulae "Apollo3D-IFS" to "Menger1-IFS". Also, I added hard shadows and reflection ;)

If you are feeling inspired, take these parameters and load them into MB3D using the "from clipboard" button and see what you can come up with...:

{Titel: newpong07b_big}

Thank you for your upvote 💖
A few recent posts of mine:
"Amortvoir" - Gallery: Fine Art | Colouring Contest! 1st Prize 3SBD - "Almëa Galadriel" | "Cell - Gallery: Motifs"
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All Images, Creative Commons License.


You are getting intense. I don't what "Menger1-IFS" is but I'm getting interested in visual arts. Sleep well.

Hehehe... Thank you =) ... Well, MengerIFS is one of the formulas you can use in Mandelbulb 3D to manipulate the fractal image. I always love to see what new users do when getting the program for the first time.. You should give it a try! ^^ ... It's free, too.

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