Could We Ever Solve The Secrets of Mona Lisa's Smile?

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Mona Lisa is the most famous and, at the same time, the most mysterious painting of all time. Both specialists, as well as amateurs have been trying to solve few mysteries that surround this artwork.
The most famous riddle concerns the quaint smile of a woman depicted in the painting. Recently, the new information has come up which sheds a new light on this enigma.

[Image Source]

There are many questions surrounding the Mona Lisa which was painted by Italian renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519). Nowadays, no-one can say for sure who was the woman shown in the painting, why her eyes seem to follow us everywhere we move, and why she is smiling. Some say that Da Vinci, actually painted an image of his lover or even himself, but the most popular theory points towards the wife of Florentine merchant, Lisa del Giocondo (1479 - 1542 or 1551). Why is she smiling so mysteriously? The researchers have presented few possible answers. Have they managed to solve the mystery of this extraordinary smile of da Vinci's model?

[Image Source]

Was she bashful?

According to the first version, the woman painted by Leonardo Da Vinci didn't feel comfortable being a model.
Was she really embarrassed?
If she sat for the first time, it is possible that she lacked self confidence, which reflected on her facial expression. Another version says that Da Vinci allegedly attempted to create pleasant atmosphere in his workshop, so the model could feel comfortable. In order to achieve that he invited few jesters who were supposed to amuse her, so she could relax.
Was she smiling for that reason?
Maybe her facial expression is caused by something completely different...

Pregnant or sick

Enigmatic Lisa could have felt ill during the painting session. Canadian scientists from the National Research Council, who analyzed the artwork using 3D scan, discovered that the woman wore a thin, transparent gauze veil that covered her shoulders. At the time of the painting, this type of veil used to be worn by women who have just given birth or who expected a child. Was the pregnancy the reason why she smiled?
John Taylor from the National Research Council Canada said that it appears that Mona Lisa must have been either pregnant or in confinement, and that it fits with the way she rested her hands over her stomach.

[3-D laser scan of “Mona Lisa” painting peformed by National Research Council of Canada. Image Source]

It is also possible that Lisa had partial facial paralysis. She could have suffered from the condition called Bell's Palsy which affects the nerve on the side of the face, that causes the expression of constant smile on the face.
The doctors don't agree with this claim though - if Mona Lisa's was palsied, then the corners of her mouth would drop rather than slightly raise.

[Image Source]

Scar after the accident

Another, quite controversial hypothesis suggests that portrayed woman took a part in the brawl. That's why she has such a gentle smile. Supposedly, the tiny scar has been discovered under the lower lip after thorough analysis of the painting. Missing anterior teeth caused the slight collapse of the lips and raising of the corners of the mouth. Is really a missing tooth responsible for this smile?
Perhaps Mona Lisa is not actually smiling...

Is it the result of clever application of colours?

The scientists recently announced that the mysterious smile may be solved. They claim that Da Vinci before the painting, skillfully blended all the dyes which caused an optical illusion.
Luis Martinez Otero, a neuroscientist at Institute of Neuroscience in Alicante, Spain explained that each one of us peperceives the hues differently according to how the light travels through our eye. Human retina contains many different types of cells that channel information to the brain.
"Sometimes one channel wins over the other, and you see the smile, sometimes others take over and you don't see the smile", said Martinez Ozero.
If we look directly at Lisa's lips then the smile will be barely noticeable. If we look at her eyes or neck, the smile becomes much more distinguishable.

[Leonardo Da Vinci. Image Source]

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Interestingly put together. I didn't know it's possible to do a 3D scan from a 2D image.

Yeah, that was a surprise to me, too :-)

No images are 2D. They all have thickness and light. Else they would be thinned out of our dimension.

So what is your best guess personally? I think that there is such a strong resemblance to some portraits of him including that illustration that you have shown it can't just be a coincidence. I think he possibly combined some aspects of himself with an actual female model and used his understanding of perception to give the painting a subtle ambiguity. So in essence I think a combination of all the theories is possible (apart from the Bells palsy for the reasons given - it is not consistent with it clinically).

I suppose we will never know for sure. Great post:)

It's an interesting and plausible idea really. I agree , it seems likely that he did combine parts of his own likeness in.

It is possible :-)

Yes. Even if it isn't something he consciously did, it still is an illustration of the talent and genius of the man:) He is one of my greatest heroes - like many Renaissance thinkers he did not confine himself to either science or art - he saw no problem with doing both.

I agree with you. There have been so many hypothesis that it seems that it will never be solved. With every new explanation, we drift further and further away from the truth :-)
Maybe there is no special reason behind this smile. Maybe just his model or Da Vinci simply wanted to paint a picture with a smile. Could be that simple lol :-)

Of course. Maybe it was just a happy accident. We always want an explanation to the mystery lol.

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