Learning and Innovation Go Hand in Hand

in #art8 years ago (edited)

"Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow" - William Pollard
untitled, 30 x 24cm, oil on canvas, Leo Plaw

In the last couple of years, I developed and delivered a workshop concept, whereby, creative activities were used to shift people's thinking outside of the box. Being a creative person myself, and of course having other creative friends, who specialized in many different artforms, I participated in and observed the effect and results that the arts can and do have on myself and others.

The Arts today appear to be something that is rather undervalued, sidelined, unless it is co-opted in the marketing and packaging of a product or service. But, the commercial application thereof is definitive proof of how powerful the Arts are.

New concepts and ideas are given shape and life when expressed creatively. People can be inspired to reach for new horizons that previously were never imagined, or deemed mere fantasy. During the Cold War, while the USSR made great strides forward with achievements in space, the USA's own space program was rather lack lustre, owing to a lack of official interest and therefore funding. 

One of the key figures behind the US rocket development, Wernher Von Braun, had the life long dream of going to Mars. Going to the Moon would be just a stop over on the way to Mars. It is what inspired all of his work, even the more dubious weapons development during WWII. It took the collaboration of Walt Disney himself and Von Braun to conceptualize exact scientific and engineering plans into something that the American public could understand, and accept was possible. 

It worked. Public interest and opinion was moved, leading J.F. Kennedy to his famous speech announcing the formation of NASA and the ultimate aim of humans stepping foot on the moon. The rest is history.

Creative learning is what inspires innovation. Von Braun's calculations could have simply been presented as is, but few would have grasped it. We can all think back to our own schooling, of days in the classroom, hours dragging on, as we engaged in tasks, the reasons for which, seemed beyond our ken.  But, when there was a science experiment or a creative activity, all were focused on the outcome. Engagement was at its fullest, and these became our most enduring learning experiences.

Play, is just another name for, creative learning. It is when we play that we discover and learn the most, whether it be by happy fortune, or unfortunate mishap. It is then that we seize upon new ideas, build upon, modify and innovate.

Innovation is what brings change, advancement and adaptation to our world. The success of yesterday, is the normality of today. Muddling along with everything as it is, might suffice for today, but what challenges does tomorrow bring?

Play is the creative practice of tomorrow.

Leo Plaw


Excellent article, thanks for sharing and uprising the value of art in our lives. All for one and one for all! I was very curious to see how you'd bring this about using this story, good job. Namaste :)

It is a theme that has kept me preoccupied for some time and is ongoing.

Imagination is a wealth highly underused and undervalued too... What do you mean by "preoccupied" you "for some time and is ongoing"? Namaste :)

Interested in, often questioning, observing, discussing, the purpose/s of art in the world. Is it just decoration or entertainment? The answer to that I have laid out above. Ever since having to justify or argue for my interest in the arts over career options to my parents long ago, it established in me awareness over the years of how largely the Arts are perceived as marginal.
I think it was Einstein who said, "Imagination is intelligence having fun." =)

I have the strange feeling Einstein, you and I wouldn't have to fight about the value of art and its monumental potency to change the world for the better while allowing for great emancipation of the human mind, spirit and endeavours. I rarely give a 100% of my voting power to a comment, but your great comment deserved it. All for one and one for all!!! Namaste :)

Thanking you most kindly good sir!

Glad to see you here Leo

Good to see some familiar faces Nad! It would seem most of the circle of people we know, are adverse to trying something new. I'm looking for the next big wave, so that means trying out a few different surf spots. ;-)

It is always good to find new circles to promote our work. i find this circle quite different than the other social network. I am quite surprise to what they are interest in my work. yes i was happy to see you here too.....

People seem to put more effort into their content here, but, it is promoted more as a "blogging" platform, so overall, it tends to be more thoughtful. That may limit its uptake and growth of community, because, that does not speak to the mass. My only concern is that the platform never experiences much growth and remains a bit of an echo chamber.
Yes, I'm tired of floating around the same circles, again echo chambers, circles of other artists. I'm seeking real audiences, and for that, you have to present in other places where you are not expected. Then you become exceptional and stand out.

Leo you already exceptional and stand out. you don't need an audience to let you know that. I always found moving was a good way changing circle all the time is working. More and more people know about you until it becomes organic and growth by itself. In so many years I know you work you are maturing so beautifully. Go about finding new people to share your work with. That's how you build an audience.

Thank you Nad. I give more energy to consistently and regularly producing better artwork than promoting these days. It is paying dividends in all senses of the word. ;-)

Excellent article. I think the biggest problem in American culture is the fact that our school systems are not embracing the culture and it is drying out. I believe our children should still be allowed to be creative and we should stop eliminating the classes that draw out imagination or we are going to end up being a society that creates nothing. A lot has changed since JFK's speech.

Thank you @qezzit.
Creative and innovative people do make good sheeple. People who think outside of the box are required for innovation and advances. But that makes them dangerous for the status quo. They have the nasty trait of questioning and challenging what is orthodox.
A great example of this, is the crisis the CIA/NSA ect. faced after Snowden leaked their information. Smart people such as him are needed to keep their operations going, and ahead in the "race". However, as mentioned before, and evident by Snowden, the establishment now had a huge problem on its hands when with recruiting new people. The more rigorous the process of weeding out "undesirables" means fewer star performers.
I feel this translates globally on the whole, and not just the USA.
We are in a peak period of innovation, which therefore means a peak period of disruption to every establishment, whether, it be government, the corporations who own them, the media now challenged by the internet (fake news), banking and finance challenged by cryptocurrencies, coal and petrochemical by renewalbles.
What we are witnessing, is on par with advent of the Guttenburg printing press, that facilitated wresting the control of people's thoughts and conscience from Catholic Church, and the spread of other faiths. It ultimately underpinned the development of science, allowing for the dissemination of ideas, theories and research.
So, just as in Guttenburg's day, we perhaps should not look to the establishment to further the development of ourselves or society, as their imperative is to retain control at all costs, but rather to private innovators such as Elon Musk, who is bringing renewable energy solutions to the world, terrestrial as well as extraterrestrial transport developments.
It comes down to who we choose to follow, and or if we choose ourselves choose to lead the way.
Their is hope and opportunity in the world. The choice is ours.

Thank you, Thank you!! Since joining steemit a month ago, I have found the best therapy in the world. I saved until I bought my new toy, a freezedrier, something I wanted a long time. I am going to enjoy life, and yes I am totally playing with my new toy :) I have no idea where it will lead me, but since I got my machine (toy), I am having fun and find myself content, thinking a lot of what I will do next, where is it going - I have no idea. But I have learned a ton, and learn more every time I pick a new item for the freezedrier. I know its not for everyone, but it is for me. This was so motivating for me. I didn't have a lot of support for why I was getting the machine, but I purchased it anyway. You put into words what I feel :) Onward with my life. I am playing and learning a lot these days! It feels good and I never want it to stop. So glad I found this. voted resteemed followed

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