Animal Spirit Guides - My Original Illustration - Koi

in #art7 years ago (edited)


Just finished this Water Lily and Koi illustration.


In the kingdom of spirit animals, the Koi is emblematic of Transformation, Motion, Intuition, Motherly attributes, Patience, Courage, Focus and Prosperity.

Revered in Japan they are recognized not just for their beauty, but for their ability to transform the observer into other-worldly states of perception.

These altered states of perception ultimately lead to the attraction of high energy - and this manifests in the form of prosperity of all kinds in our lives.

Available to purchase as a quality canvas print here:

With Love xox

(New to Steemit I have a lot to contribute to this vibrant community. All words, pictures and illustrations are my own work. I politely request that if you enjoyed this piece you spread the love and generously upvote/follow and even resteem so as, together, we can fly - with thanks).


Such beautiful art! I admire the beauty and grace of the Koi and also the symbolism of the water lily. My spirit animal guide is the Tiger...he has been with me my whole life. As an extension of myself my old friend has given me courage, strength and bravery during countless difficult times. He also teaches me how to understand myself...and my personality...and teaches me how to be a better person and especially when to say sorry! <3

What a royal beast the Tiger is. I have done a Tiger illustration and have it up my sleeve for posting soon - hopefully you will like it too ;) Hope your week is going well. I appreciate your generous comment, thank-you xox

I am looking forward to the Tiger illustration! <3

Is that digital art?

Indeed it is :0 I love getting my hands dirty and messing around with my paints etc but, for now due to hobbled living circumstances, must be satisfied with creating on my computer. Over time I intend to share more of my real world delights! xox

Cool. My dad is an artist. Acrylic on canvas. I’ve shared a couple on my blog. He has dementia now and is in a nursing home but still paints at 82 years old.

Sorry to hear of your Dad's demise. My Mum had dementia and ended up in a home - it was just too sad and I was relieved, for her, when she passed. The good news is that now, as spirit, her faculties are fully restored! Great eh? It is fantastic that your Dad still paints; I wonder are his creations still solid? With love xox

His paintings are a shadow of their former splendor but he enjoys it and so we encourage him. Sorry about your mum but I agree with you, she’s better off. I wouldn’t want to live like that.

It is good that your Dad still enjoys painting; Mum used to knit beautifully but in the end could only fiddle with sorry lengths of ratty wool :( On a brighter note - the most beautiful thing is that she recently said to me "Linda, It was not so bad!", this made me weep - bless her and bless you and your family and whilst I'm at it me too!! haha xox

What's your spirit animal?

Good question - I have no idea! although I do know that my spirit guide is called Mary and my guardian angel Matthew :) I wonder do you know yours? xox

Mine is a Wolf, Do you get any specific animal come up on you? dogs come up on me pet dogs jump all over me even wild foxes come up on me. You will see your spirit animal it may be a bird that's always in your garden or you might see butterflies a lot more than your average person. It;s the one that comes to see you.. You will notice now I have told you you will see a lot of whatever animal it is. x

Dogs are such wonderful creatures and we can all learn so much from them. To be honest I am not aware of any creature that pops up regularly in my life experience. Perhaps this is simply because my attention has been elsewhere; I will try to be more mindful and keep my eyes peeled! The Wolf is much maligned and is an incredible pack animal - I have an illustration of one to share soon too ;) haha xox

You will now you know a certain type of creature will make itself known repeatedly & too often to be coincidental. That will be your spirit animal. A zoo is a good place to be. Lions & Tigers growl & spray at me cats don't like dogs I had a pet cat too loved him dearly he never sat for strokes for long with me he would sit for hours with anyone else purring. He used to settle down near me like on the end of the bed so there was trust there just never the closeness that I would have liked. Pet dogs even if I'm visiting someone with a nervous or even a grumpy dog they will say 'he doesn't like strangers watch out' or whatever their own dog surprises the owner they just click with me. Foxes are wild & yet they just seem to be everywhere I look walking towards me (not close but coming my way) cats usually are walking away they will cross the road or be disappearing.

Just looking at this make me feel at peace :)

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xox Peace is good xox

Love the beautiful illustration you did! I didn't know that about koi. They have always fascinated me and I love the Japanese culture. I have early memories of visiting a japanese garden and watching the huge koi swim.

Thanking you kindly :)

Perhaps Koi are your Spirit guide seeing as how you say you are drawn to them?

Mine, I have been told, is The Eagle.

Have a superb 2018.


Very lovely🙂


Big thanks.


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