The Old Dog Asks: Does Anyone Out There Like This?

in #art6 years ago (edited)

I love the arts! I do have formal training as a designer and I have studied the history of art but I do not claim to be an expert. Still I am often puzzled at what others value. To each his own I guess!

Here is Some "Art Work" That I Saw Recently!

A few weeks ago I accompanied my wife to an eye clinic in the area of Luzern. The walls were decorated with various pieces of art that were also available for sale. 

How do you like this piece? It is titled O.T. and seems to be of mixed media; smudgy pencil on painted canvas with two painted rectangles.

Here's a close up of the painting's focal point. It looks like the artist needed several attempts to get this "quality"!

In case you wold like to buy it here's the price tag together with the artist's name Albert Merz.

To see a previous article of mine on modern art please check this link for more shocking examples:

The Old Dog Asks: If It's Presented As An Art Exhibit Does That Make it Good?

Check out this video for an explanation of Modern Art

So What Do You Think?

  • Do you like this piece?
  • Do you think that anyone will buy it?
  • Am I uncultured because I don't understand it?

Thanks for following me on my travels and I look forward to sharing my adventures with you. 

Until next time,    

@kus-knee (The Old Dog) 

Let's Succeed Together!


Art you like and art you don't like.

Art you think is a scam and was too easy and made too quickly. "My kid could do that" They're really just thumbing their noses at everyone and telling everyone they're stupid. It's ugly. I don't get it. I don't understand it. What is it? Modern art is crap. Abstract art is shit. Who do artists think they are anyway? Why don't they get a real job and get off the dole? My taxes paid for that? Artists are commies. Artists want anarchy and no rule of law. Art has to tell a story. Art has to uplift the people. Art has to take years and years to make. Artists have loose morals. Artists are drug addicts. Artists are amoral. Artists don't believe in god. Artists are irresponsible. You can't be an abstract artist unless you are a master draftsman first. You have to study for many many years before you can be an artist. Artists are pacifists and draft dodgers. Why should we pay for art? artists think they are better and smarter than everyone else. Art should support the state and the party, all other art is degenerate. Art is sinful.

Everyone loves to pile it on artists. Especially abstract art.

The ramblings above are a few of the things i've heard and read in the last 50 plus years.

This is not specifically about anyone in particular or about the painting posted. It takes courage and commitment to be an artist. Just to even call yourself that sets up a polarization with all "non artists". Think about it. If you don't show people elaborate detailed old master style drawings or photographic style painting they think you are a fraud. Steemit itself demands "blogging" with all images. Blogging? Writing? Explanation, demonstration. Images are not allowed to stand on their own

This topic is huge and i have gone off on a rant and all over the place. There is much to be said and it's been said by countless far more educated and talented writers than myself. I'm not a writer at all and much prefer image making. But here we are in the Blogosphere.

steemit demands blogging with photos? no it doesn''s just a front end on the steem blockchain, you can do whatever you want. your images have been standing on their own for a year, and yet you still rant...hmm

Yes I’ve heard all of the comments that you mention in your post. Well ranted I must say!

Dire Straits nailed it in 1978:

They sure did!

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Yes? Dali has done some rather "cultured" pieces that have brought big $$ in, not that I am comparing them, but, saying that he is not many people's cup of tea.

I love perusing art galleries and going to an occasional auction, but, even I have a line in the sand. :)

Definitely not something I would be collecting... Now, let me go watch the video. Have a nice day and I hope all went well with your wife's eyes. I bet they put these up to see how well you can see. ;)

Upped and steemed

!tip (send it to the artist, he will be lucky to get that much for the piece)

Thanks for the comment and the tip. Sure, I'll send it to the artist.LOL

Ha!!! I'll be checking! ;)

LOL that "art piece" is not art for me because it is just not skillfully done and anyone can make that. @kus-knee
A true art for me is like a masterfully done statue or painting that cannot be remade.
Modern art as they say is like garbage and always doesn't impress the viewer.

This is a puzzling piece for sure.

I for one do not go for it. I idi a post a few months back about the whole abstract art deal. I had more pics and planned to do a follow up, so thanks for the reminder :)

It reminds me of one genius movie - La grande bellezza. If you haven't watched the movie, probably it's hard to get this scene:

But find some time to do it! (I know, it's 2h30m, but it's worth it.) Sorrentino thrives through stunning photography and perfectly framed story to ask a number of existential questions of modern society, making visually beautiful satire. Highly recommend.

You're welcome. If you watch the movie, please give me some feedback. Have a nice day!

An interesting picture and I definitely would not have bought, especially for such a price!

I'm sure that you wouldn't.

It's weird... I've been in the art business for many years, and there are lots of things I still don't "get," @kus-knee.

I am reminded of a conversation I had with a couple of curators many years ago who remarked ("off the record") that sometimes the "art" lay simply in persuading a gullible public that some random lines on a canvas was, in fact... ART. I imagine there are probably a few leading Big City art critics who do precisely something like that...

And yet, there is really no "accounting" for taste.

"I am reminded of a conversation I had with a couple of curators many years ago who remarked ("off the record") that sometimes the "art" lay simply in persuading a gullible public that some random lines on a canvas was, in fact... ART."


Oh yes @kus-knee , of course everyone has their own idea about art, but to draw like this !? I do not know what the author wanted to tell us with these drawing!

It seems to me that I even drew better when I learned to hold a pencil as a child. Oh, for that kind of money my parents could not work, haha

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