
beautiful sketches, kristy <3 love all the different poses and the progress shots, also <3

i love bat no 8's quizzical expression * __ *

good luck with getting delegated SPs !!! tell people that their SPs will be used to curate quality stuff on Steemit, because you have really impeccable taste <3

Aww thank you!! :D
You're much better at this, sounds nicer xD I will give it a try, maybe someone will be interested to delegate ^^ <3
Yeahh (8) was maybe confused by a camera flash xD haha

You have amazing drawing talent @kristyglas. I like how you explained your drawing process from birds to dragons and bats. Whatever it is that you draw, you make them look realistic yet adorable. Thank you for sharing. You inspire me to draw. How did you start learning to draw? I would like to learn too. I used to take some art classes in school but did not continue. Now, I am interested to pick it up again. Thanks @kristyglas!
p.s. I like bat 12... she seems to know where she is headed to, like she has a mission, a goal.

Thank you! :D It's so much easier to write about things I enjoy. Plus I learned a sort of formula of what to mention when writing. The main trick was for me to realize that the reader can't read my mind, so explain it or link a post where I explained it before xD My main concern now is to not to be repetitive with my posts. Haha

For learning to draw I suggest first reflecting what you would like to draw. Then cut it up into simpler steps and a sort of schedule.^^

Also read and learn about art elements and principles. Those are useful no matter what you draw. I've also done a couple of step by step drawing tuturials, one is about birds and the other about toats. I can look for the links :D

Have fun with this and you will want to draw more and more. Try to focus on things you draw/learn, without distractions, that way you'll learn faster.

Good luck and can't wait to see your drawings :D

Thank you for your engaging comment :3

Thank you so much for your advice @kristyglas! I do like flowers and nature, maybe I can start with that. There are many beautiful flower photos here on Steemit :) I will start with pencil sketching. Aah let me go find your tutorials :) I think drawing, like most art and craft, can be quite therapeutic and it helps with calming our mind and soul (when done at our own time - no datelines whatsoever like rushing to make gifts for Christmas or birthdays ). Haha I don't think you will be repetitive at all. If you repeat, it is just to get the same and consistent message across and you will have new readers, so it shouldn't be a problem :)

I'm very glad to hear that :D Flowers sound very sweet and fun! I hope you'll share some of the drawings with us ^^ I recommend to start with pencils and then try the same drawing with your favorite medium.
My tutorials themes are different, but the principle is the same (for pencils): use soft sttrokes; start with the simple shapes like ovals; then define the objects outline; next mark the main details and where the shadows are and finally do shading- from soft to stronger; use one direction for shading until you feel comfortable :D
Thank you very much for the compliment and I hope you enjoy drawing :3

Great sketches, I love bats and I can´t decide which one I like most.

Thank you! :D

Congratulations on your anniversary!

I didn't know bats could live so long. Your upcoming underwater work is exciting! Really looking forward to those studies.

Regarding delegation, how does 300 SP for 365 days sound? I'm willing to do that if you're interested. =^D

Wow! Thank you that would be incredible! :D
<3 <3
What can I offer you in return? ^^
I will be preparing giveaways for delegators maybe like raffles tickets where winner(s) picks from available rewards, but that's still in a planning phase ^^ (& I'm open to suggestions)

I already got started with some fish studies haha a bit impatient ^^ I will share a more detailed plan soon as it will be very handy when making the posts in July.

I made it a 365 SP delegation instead. You are reliable and thorough in your work, so I trust you will use it well. I'm just a minnow myself, but I like to help where I can.

Honestly, I wasn't expecting anything in return as far as a reward or prize or anything. So I don't have any suggestions in that category this time. People love a good raffle, though - you must be heading in the right direction there.

Your July is going to be phenomenal! Thanks for being you KG :D

Thank you so much!!! Super excited :D Can't wait to start tomorrow.
And glad to hear about the raffle ^^ I have to prepare beforehand to avoid being very late.

Hope to see you for the next random games :D

I like how you studied to make dragons, nature is indeed the best teacher. And that bat that can eat 1200 mosquitoes is my hero XD.

You’re quite gutsy with your SP delegation plan, I like it :).


Thank you xD Yeaah plus facts like these can give fun inspirations for my dragon descriptions :D
As for delegation I first need to make it more convincing xD haha

These are so dope!!! You really nailed a ton of poses with these guys.... and being underwater is kinda my addiction i can't wait to see your studies/ imagination go wild next month :)

You get the first sneak peek of the plan hihi :D
Might adjust it still.

O damn!!! What an epic list you got going on... so much variety of cool shit to draw :) So i'm really excited about Day 8, Day 11-12, Day.... shit well all of them really hahahaha.

Thanks haha now I just have to do it xD
I'm even more sure that it will be fun ^-^

Thank you! Yay at least someone is just as excited for the mermaid project xD

:)!!!!!! :) :) !!!!!!!!

Wow I like the designs you made are awesome! It is a great job that you do in fact is excellent, thank you for sharing :D

Thank you! <3 ^^

Really nice, you make it seem so easy to draw these .. never gave it a try though.. love the ones you made.. good luck with the delegation askings, and congrats on the bday ! :)

Thank you :3
Well it's much easier to draw this now that it was a few years ago :D You should draw what you like ^^ It's much easier and more fun.

Lol I have so many things I like, but I like a challenge too.. so usually my next work is something I've never done before lol :-)

I can tell that bat's wings aren't easy to draw at all, good job!

Thank you :D Not hard with reference, but impossible without xD (for me)

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