My Love Affair With Masks; Entry #1

in #art8 years ago


I grew up as a military brat. Both my father and my step-father were military, so my family moved around from base to base, all across the United States, never spending more than 5 years in any single location. In most cases we were on and off the new military post before we even got a chance to make friends with anybody, in some cases less than 12 months. Although I didn't know it at the time, by the age of 8-9 I began to distance myself from people outside the family...I wasn't a recluse by any sense of the word...I just learned early on that most people were going to enter and exit my life in rapid succession; either we were going to move, or their family was, since they were in the military too.

When I graduated high school, I followed the family tradition and enlisted in the Armed Forces of the United States. As luck would have it, I predicted a major conflict occurring during my time in service, and I was proven right; we entered a war against Iraq. That event gave me every reason to reconsider my chosen career path and as soon as the war drew down, my enlistment came up and I decided there were easier ways to earn a living without being someone else's tool for death and destruction.

Somewhere along the way I develop a passion for collecting masks. I believe it is the anonymity they encompass that draws me to them...for when a mask is worn, only a select few are privy to the true identity of the wearer...and beckons me to find a place for them within my collection. I have arranged these masks upon the walls of my bedroom; needless to say it has caused a few feminine invitees to become unnerved at first site, but eventually they become comfortable with them, or they find their way tot he door and never return...which is neither here nor there...I am single and ENJOYING a drama free form of existence that others only dream of achieving.

Anyway, without further ado, here is the first submission in this category. These masks were collected from various places around the world, as I and family have traveled on vacations. This one came to me by way of my daughter. She added this to my collection when she visited Cancun, Mexico after graduating high school and preparing to head off to college. It is the only one that does not hang from my wall, as it has it's own pedestal...which means it owns it's own private spot on my night stand.

You can check out some of my other photo entries at any of the links in this sentence.

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