Art Explosion Week 36 Winners! The theme was CITY!

in #art6 years ago

We have chosen the winners for week 36 of ART EXPLOSION, the theme this week was CITY, there were lots of great entries this week and we thank you all for joining :D @vachemorte and I have finished our deliberations are are proud to announce 6 prizes!

News for future contests

Due to my schedule being a bit busy the next contest ( and possibly future contests also) will run for two weeks. This will allow me some time to catch up on personal projects but I think it will also give people more time to create great art so it will be a win/win.

On to the winners!

In first place is @jmvanbreda who made this beautiful crisp city illustration! He wins 10 STEEM!

In second place is @octocel with this escheresque city! They win 5 STEEM!

In third is @javicuesta who brings us something amazing every time! The process for this is great, he wins 4 STEEM!

We have three honorable mentions this week who win 2 STEEM each:




We congratulate all the winners and want to thank each and every one of you for entering! The creative minds of Steemit continue to impress us! The next theme will be going up later today and payments will be arriving shortly!


Thank you very much for the honourable mention, and congrats to all the other winners =)

Thank you so much for participating your city was very cool 😀

Thank you for the honourable mention. This is very unexpected!
Congratulations to the winners!

The aerial view was unexpected, thanks for joining!

Es un honor estar entre los ganadores. Muchas felicidades a todos!

Thanks for joining you art was super cool :)

Wow. This is a pleasant surprise. Thank you so much to the host and congrats to the other winners.

The beautiful precision of your lines and clean composing was great, thanks for taking the time to enter!

Always a pleasure. I love your contests.

Thank you @juliakponsford and @vachemorte. I´m humbled for the thrid place, there are many great entries. Congratulations to rest of the winners!

Your process was very cool, I was sure at first it was a shopped photo, very impressive :)

Thank you so much @juliakponsford and also thank you @vachemorte :)
Congratulations to the winners!

Thanks again for joining I really like your style!

Mis saludos, tengo una inquietud y voy a expresarla; he observado que todos los ganadores, sus dibujos son digitalizados, no tomaron en cuenta el esfuerzo de muchos al emplear colores, lápices, acuarelas que gastan y cuestan mucho dinero. El dibujo que ganó el primer lugar, ¿que cosquillas le dió?, una ciudad solitaria, solo da tristeza o terror. por favor para los próximos concursos, tome en cuenta esas manos de esas personas que dan y se inspiran para dibujar y colorear. disculpe mi sinceridad. Hasta una nueva oportunidad.

Buenas, @ydris. Perdona que te corriga, pero si te fijas tanto el primero como el segundo lugar son trabajos manuales. Si lo que te refieres es que la calidad de la digitalización es alta, bueno, son trabajos que deben mostrarse por pantalla por lo que el arte final (al menos de la forma en que yo lo veo) no es la pieza en físico si no su versión digital. Esto corresponde a la presentación del trabajo y ya que son obras visuales, es importante la forma en que se presentan.
En efecto, las acuarelas, los lápices y el papel cuestan mucho dinero. Lo sé bien porque más del 90% de mi trabajo es manual. Sin embargo el arte digital también requiere de esfuerzo, estudio y práctica y algunas veces incluso un equipo más caro. No creo que sea del todo correcto poner a uno por encima de otro, al menos no para tomarlo como criterio en un concurso de creación artística libre.
Recordemos que si hay algo sujetivo es la visión y la percepción estética, sin embargo creo que @juliakponksford siempre ha sido muy acertada no solo desde el criterio de gusto personal si no también desde el punto de vista técnico y conceptual. Si no te gustó el trabajo del primer lugar estas en tu derecho de que así sea, sin embargo debes tomar en cuenta que tal vez esa tristeza que tu notas sea lo que buscaban o que simplemente no estés percibiendo lo mismo que ella al ver esa obra.

Creo que me excedí un poco con el largo de la respuesta pero aún no domino el arte de explicarme con brevedad.

Acepto con humildad las correcciones, quiero aprender. gracias, soy muy curiosa.

You are entitled to your opinion but let me correct you, only 2 of the 6 creation we chose this week are created digitally. We take the judging of the competition really seriously and as the rules say clearly every forms of art is accepted and that include digital creations in all forms. We won't choose a winner based on if they use a pen or a computer, we instead look at the following: Respect of the theme, originality, technique, description of the process and in a more general sense we need to get a kick out of it. So you can forget your "inquietud" everything is under control :)

Hi yris, I appreciate your feedback but if you take the time to look at each post and see the process 4/6 of these are done using traditional methods. The process is important in the judging but the final product is king! If someone makes something absolutely beautiful it doesn't matter to me how they made it, it's the end result and how it makes me feel that is the most important. We accept all types of art here and will continue to do so, there are other contests on Steemit that focus more traditional works so I feel there is a choice for everyone.

Congratulations to all the winners! ❤

Congratulations to the winners !

Cogratulation to all winner that very awesome

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