Sketch Book Throwback - Part 2

in #art7 years ago (edited)

And I'm back, Half ashamed of revealing these awful sketches from my teenage years. But guess what! They are a part of me too. Getting better is failing first so I'll close my eyes... write a few words and POST!

This time I'm sharing some of my more futuristic drawings and try to make sense of it. I always story ideas and would try to capture them in sketches. The funny thing is, I can see in those sketches, the early premise of the stories I have in mind today. Seeing how it grew, how elements and designs from various plots fed off of each other, is fascinating.

You probably won't see what I mean but I'm sure with time you make connections in between all this. I'll try my best to guide you through this mess in the mean time.


Here is a little Mash up of various ideas. A dark hero that likes revolvers, A city skyline with a luxurious casino, Future punk goons, jets and Nano body enhanced technologies. Good ingredients for an explosive cocktail, right?

You will find some of these concepts in what has become "Bullet Proof Minds" in my head, A telekinetic future thriller about revenge and social medias.


Little action scene from our unknown hero from the previous mash up page. I would very often start up an intense gun fight and stop before the first shot. Probably didn't master the fight scenes yet. The most interesting part was the set up for me at the time.


You might recognize the skyline from our futuristic city in the background. This was an attempt at character design for the main character. If you follow my latest work, Shades Of Men, my longest comic to date, it might remind you of the design for Lev.


Didn't remember that.
Interesting right?


For this final page, I tried to work on fighting poses. We can notice a telekinetic move in the top left corner and monster slaying on the right hand side. Never managed to create "good" monster designs. They always tend to feel out of place in the world. That might be one my challenged for IN/SYS, which I described here.

Thanks for taking this dive into my past with me.

See you on the other side,


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It's always interesting to see how far we progress. If I had any real regret, it would be gifting or trashing all of my work from my teenage years. In a way I robbed myself of the experience you shared in this post. But no matter! Great post, I liked seeing your take on your early work!

Oh no! That's too bad you threw it away! If you gift it, that's still a nice gesture though. Someone must be pretty happy. I'm trying to gather all of these pieces because I must admit it's all over the place. I'm sure I'll share some more later on. Just have to connect it all together! ;-) I hope I can get a full scope once I'm done.

Yes, I learned a lesson. I keep almost everything now! Looking forward to seeing more of your artistic progression, @jrej

Totally! I trashed so much work... think of all the nickels and dimes they could have made on steemit someday. I try not to lose sleep over it... ha ha

I will be hoarding all my future childrens art work stuff, until I die, that is for sure.

Lol. Life has such a sense of humor, eh! Insert something about 20/20 hindsight here ;)

Oh, the infamous sketches from our youth! Tries to hide the fact that she has none

None! Oh that's too bad. No worries you'll have ton of projects coming up and your current work will be your past work. You'll be able to look back at it as an old lady saying: oh those beautiful sketches-- The good old times...

Good reveal of your process. Going to check out your Graphic Novel for sure.

Thanks again. It means a lot. I hope I can see some of your process going forward! ;-)

it's amazing and powerful arts

Thanks a lot @Shohelspain. It's only sketches but they tell my story...

Interesting studies @jrej and curious for more so I follow you now + big upvote.

Thanks a ton @romaan-namoor I hope you'll find some other valuable blogs from my profile going forward. ;-)

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