COSMIC WHALES, oil painting. The Divine Mother. About Fasting on Water.

in #art4 years ago (edited)

Here's the 3rd original painting that I created this freshly started year so far. Of course I am working on more, and much bigger sizes, but that takes time.

hanes cosmic whales.jpg

Tomorrow I will be fasting on water. That's another decision I committed to in 2020, besides painting tons of bad ass art = to fast regularly. Eventually I want to get to 7 days water fast. I hear that's the magic number when most of bad parasites in our bodies (and there are tons!) die. It's time to say hasta la vista to those little f$ckers :D

It's super hard for an active guy like me who is used to eat A LOT. But I fasted on water alone for 2 days once, and I really felt the benefits of it, despite it being a major challenge. My skin improved. My energy and focus improved.

I know a friend who healed very advanced stage of breast cancer by 12 day water fast then going slowly on green juices alone. Amazing feat, and not uncommon.

I also noticed how much time I suddenly had in the day. It's ridiculous the amount of time we spend thinking about, shopping for, preparing, eating and digesting food. I believe that for some people it is up to half of their waking time!
Not even talking about the amount of money we spend on getting way too much food into our tummies which is most likely not even good for us.

Yeah, I hear you screaming, because me too, I LOVE FOOD!!!
Just saying- a little break here and there might be a good idea.

But back to the whales!

I believe that the Divine essence that holds Universe together, is feminine in its aspect. Sure, at some point there is no duality, just Atman, pure Oneness with no opposite poles. But as far as duality still exists, I think that the nurturing essence that connects all things is Feminine in its nature, while the force that creates, Shakti, the big bang, is Masculine in its essence. Shiva kind of force, that we all have withing us.

With this painting of cosmic whales, I tried to capture the nurturing and sustaining energy of Divine Mother.

Whales have always possessed the mother energy for me. Don't ask me why, that is just my perception.

cosmic whales logo.jpg

Here's few more of my paintings that feature whales.


Illumination final logo.jpg

Mandala logo.jpg

not alone logo.jpg

As you can see, I do paint whales quite often. No surprise, they are one of my favorite animals ever.
Them, pandas, jaguars, lions and birds of prey.

What are your favorites?


Thank you for reading and all your love and support!

Big Hugs,

P.S.: My knee is healing nicely. Thank you for your healing vibes!

hanes eye ! 3.jpg


I like the one with the Northern Lights but I LOVE the one you are working on, the last pic. Superb!

@thekitchenfairy thank you kindly! And for your support!

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This is an awesome cosmic whale. I think you do a good job of evoking cosmic mother energy. Hey how are you doing, your knee okay?

Much better. Happily hopping around, bit limping but getting better fast. Thank you for asking! And for your support!

Hahaha. You know my favorite here. I am so happy with the northern lights painting. It is a true beauty.
Glad that your knee is getting better.
Resteemed :-)

There's just something about whales. Even if they're not your favourite animal and you never otherwise think about them, when you see them or see them in something, you just pay attention.

And I think it would be pretty hard to go wrong with cosmic whales XD These ones are spectacular and so is that nebula thing (I don't think I used the right word).

Congrats! Your works are awesome! !BEER

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