Art as a tool for awakening, Art as a tool for spiritual revolution

in #art8 years ago (edited)

My name is Jan Kasparec. I'm a full time artist- painter. 3 years ago I was broke. Now I sell paintings worldwide and my clients and followers are growing exponentially. The moment I stopped trying to become successful and famous and switched my attention to how can I be of service, it was all given to me.

Since I was a kid, I wanted to change the world for better. Now I only want to change myself, so the world around me can follow. And it is indeed happening.
As teenager, I had to flee my country. I swore that nobody will ever take away my freedom, so running was the only option. I was rebellious, brave and naive. I joined one unnamed army of mercenaries and for 5 years I went through rough military drill, deployed on 3 overseas missions. These were tough times. I was too young and too proud when I went from warmth of family home right to devil's lair. I learned what it actually means to touch the bottom of psychological and physical limits...way too many times. I was bullied, tortured and eventually depressed. But it was necessary to put the first crack in the shell of my ego.
I came back to civil world somewhat more ready for life. I got a job offer in an international finance corporation thanks to my language skills and composed persona. With no experience in finance I made it to manager's post in 3 years. I wore a nice suit and drove a nice car, but deep down I knew I'm betraying the real purpose of my life. So one sunny morning I woke up, threw away my phone and bought a round the world ticket. I spent the next few years backpacking the world, searching for my soul. I've seen glimpses of it during a Vipassana meditation in India, but I wasn't quite ripe yet to shed the old self.

After my trip, I moved from Europe to Canada on a recommendation someone told me in a pub in Prague. On a gut feeling. I picked up another finance job in order to get the residency papers, but I was already painting most of nights and weekends.
After 7 months I was fired and thus became full time artist. I found my first shabby studio and spent 16 hours 7 days a week building my dream of success and fame. I didn't sell anything the first year. Second year wasn't much better. I had burned all my savings, refusing to take on a part time job. It was at my third year, completely broke, when I realized that I wasn't given talent to become rich and famous, but to bring people back to their real selves, to give joy and peace. Shortly after I had a vision of a painting of Buddha in my meditation. I painted it and posted on Facebook. It sold immediately. So did the second one. And thus my journey of a visionary artist started.

Last year I went from 1 thousand to 70 thousand of followers on my Facebook page ( What other experienced artists told me to abandon for lack of potential sales, became my unique renowned style. Since then I have sold art to 4 continents.and I was contacted by companies like Samsung to paint their product in my style. I've had people cry in front of my art and I have received countless "Thank you" emails from strangers.
So how did that happen? I gave up all expectations and hunt for achievement and listened to my heart. I started to give to charities and focused on spreading the positive conscious vibe rather than contributing to the vortex of money, glamour, gossip, distractions and dark forces running this planet.
My art became my Sadhana (spiritual practice), my gift to humanity. I came to realize that anything created in a state of pure consciousness carries ego-transcending power within. Art has the power to bring people back home, to their hearts, beyond the ceaseless chatter of mind. I've seen it countless times and I am living example of it. It has the power to show us that the problems we face as humanity are nothing but reflection of turmoil in our minds, our rigid beliefs, the illusion of separation. It has the power to reconnect us with our true selves within, so we stop seeking without.
I have a dream, but it's not about me anymore. It's about everyone. It is so beautiful that I will give it my every breath to see it flourish.
Thank you for being part of the change.
Peace & Love


Very cool pictures @jankasparec . You got a FB Fanpage like too.
A verification picture would be nice- with you ,the steemit logo, date and your steemit name on it.

Please do this then I'll upvote.

Done. Please scroll down at the end of my updated post. Thank you and All the best to you!

Good suggestion, thank you. I just posted one- scroll all the way down. Glad I was still in my studio having a late painting shift so I could take one! Have a good one and thank you.

You are welcome :-) Really great art work.

Where does George Washington keep his armies? -In his sleevies

Not to believe my mind, beginning with the idea of myself. Mind is just a sum of past conditioning. Truth is in the silence of mind, in the quiet whisper of your heart.

Very inspiring story - greetings from the far east in Niagara Falls ;-)

Thanks so much brother/sister!

It's brother ;-) You are welcome ...

I love it, love it!!

Love your art Brother!! Steemit rocks and can be an amazing platform to display your work.

Thank you fellow soul. Sending good wishes your way!

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