Neal Stephenson's Seveneves Character, Dinah MacQuarie - Digital fan art & mini review

in #art7 years ago

Dinah MacQuarie, chracter from the epic Sci-Fi novel, Sevenes

My digital vector fan art

Busy working in on board the Cloud Ark in Zero-G , Dinah takes a moment to reflect on humanity's desperate situation. At this moment in time, she just wishes she could be with her father.

If you haven't read anything by author Neal Stephenson, now is the time. Stephenson has created a Science Fiction masterpiece that will keep you hooked through all 880 pages. His scientific knowledge and prose make for a truly fascinating read. I find all of his books to be thoroughly engrossing. He crafts masterful stories and creates characters with depth that you really care about. Stephenson's novels are so technically detailed, you might just learn something from them.


Here is a great little review from the Guardian :


The Cloud Ark orbiting high above the doomed Earth...

I also highly recommend that you read Stephenson's other books.
Check out Snow Crash, The Diamond Age, Quicksilver, and my personal favorite, Cryptonomicon.

My Dinah MacQuarie illustration was created on Affinity Designer, a vector program similar to Adobe illustrator.

Hope you enjoyed it! The artwork took nearly two days to complete. I spent some time editing and tweaking the image as I am a bit of a perfectionist.

Let's take a look at the design process

  • Pen & Pencil

Dinah sketch.jpg

*She had a bit of a Giraffe neck to begin with *

  • Digital Vector

Dinah in progreaa.jpg

  • Vector design programs are great for editing and moving objects around

  • Final


  • I'm quite happy with the way she turned out. What do you think?

Small logo300 white block.jpg

Thanks for stopping by! I really hope you enjoyed my post. I put a lot of love into it. Stay tuned for more content :)

**Don't forget to follow me and Upvote if you enjoy my work..


Fantastic art. I've read most of Neal Stephenson's books, except Seveneves, but now I'm intrigued. I think I found my summer beach reading book. Thanks for the book recommendation and most especially for the great art.

No problem! Glad you want to give Seveneves a go. You won't be disappointed :)

Great representation. It fits her!
I really enjoyed Seveneves and the funny thing is that I was way along in the book when I realised what the title actually was. Until then I was looking at it as a mirrored seven or as a made up name. And then it hit me, great moment!
I hope there's going to be a sequel as the ending practically begs for one.

Thanks! I wasn't sure if the hair was right or not. Glad you thought it did the job :)

You might have to add another one to your summer reading list.
From Wikipedia

In May 2016, as part of a video discussion with Bill Gates, Stephenson revealed that he had just submitted the manuscript for a new historical novel — “a time travel book” — co-written with Nicole Galland, one of his Mongoliad coauthors.

Ack, what do you know...

Releases June 13th

It's funny you posted this @jameshsmitharts. I was just talking about Seveneves with my son, who graduated with an English Literature teaching degree. We were talking about "flash fiction" a term he used for a story with only so many words. It seems one of his professors was a fan of this genre, as well as all things having to do with "space elevators" Which reminded me of Seveneves. Then we got into a long discussion about Neal and I learned that he attended Iowa State University, in Ames, just 60 miles away from where I live.

Anyhow, back to your post. I enjoyed seeing the thought process you used in completing it. How much time would you say you spent on the whole project?

Are you aware a movie is in the works?

Thanks for sharing.


Wow, thanks for your amazing comments :) I didn't know there was a film in the Hope they can pull that off.

In hours, I'd like to say 7 hours ;)

Thanks and take care

Doh! Sorry dude. ..

Now the other cursed thing is I have to wait until the 13th. I did pre-order it from Amazon.

I actually got it on Kindle and am loving it.

The new one? Ah, what the heck. No spoilers. I'm sure I'm gonna love it as well. Hmmm I wonder if I go to Amazon UK, if I can get the kindle version.

I love it, the weightlessness of her hair is working well too. I think having the hand in the direct light in the upper left is a little distracting tho. Looking forward to following and your work. Btw you seem like the type of art geek I'd like to be friends with. cheers at you and steem the revolutionary social media

Just followed ya :)

Cheers now were friends. :3

I have read SevenEves when it was just issued. I believe it took me around a week to read it entirely.

This is one of the books I intend to re-read later.

Other books I already read several times:

  • The Millenium Trilogy (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, ...)
  • Guns, Germs and Steel

It's about half way!! Well, if you haven't read it yet, you must read Cryptonomicon. It's a must and will be right up your alley. Half of the story takes place in ww2. I think you'l love it :)

I HAVE read Cryptonomicom, of course. And Reamde too.

I started the Baroque cycle, but I stopped in the middle of Quicksilver. I will read it later, I am sure.

Ah ok cool. Is Reamde good? I got half way through an audio book of The Confusion. Goes on a bit...

Yes, in my opinion, Reamde is very good.

And it takes place partially in British Columbia, where I live when I am not traveling.

Great, might be the next Neal Stephenson book I read.

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