My Daily Life : Introduce You A Friend Whose Paintings Are Really Amazing / 介紹你們一個好友和她漂亮的畫作

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Hello my Steemit friends,

Today I am gonna introduce you one of my best friends we grew up together for more than 15 years - her name is Kam T. Since I knew her when we were both kids, she loved painting a lot. Since she started working for a very busy company with crazy workload, she didn't paint much until last year. I like her so much as she is a humble, happy, strong and brave woman I have ever met.

今天我想介紹一個的很好的朋友叫 Kam. T 給你們認識。我們一起長大,認識大家大概已經十八年了。當我們還是皮小孩的時候,她已經很愛畫畫了。當大家開始到社會工作,她開始愈來愈忙,到近一年她才開始在下班後開始繼畫畫。Kam是一個我認識的朋友中最謙虛、知足和勇敢的女孩。

Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 下午05.51.20.png
'Autumn golden smile',金秋 ,18x24cm

'Flowerfield closeup'

I pretty know how not easy to start being an artist. As you know my amazing partner @jankasparec is a famous artist as well, I think what he went through wasn't that easy as he mentioned in his previous posts on steemit. However he is gifted. He has passion, love and mission for the world. When every time he shows me how happy he is when he has new idea of next painting or after stretching a new canvas, the excitement and happiness he has is priceless and precious. That's why he has my company and backup as always. I am so proud of him!

我應該算滿了解要當一個藝術家是不容易的。我的伴侶 @jankasparec 是一位很有名的油畫藝術家,如果你們有看他之前寫的文章,你們會想像他經歷了不少走到了今天。但即使如此,他用他的才華及對畫畫的熱情去感染他人和世界,所以在短短幾年的努力他成功了。有時間當看到他對新作品有了想法或是他終於拉好了新的畫布,他的滿足感和開心是很珍貴。我真的很以他為傲!

'May be',20x20 cm

'We can’t stop the waves, but we can learn to surf', 20x20 cm

At the same time, I am so proud of my best friend Kam too. I really admire Kam's hard work and she is brave enough to start her oil painting career now after the busy work. She also travels a lot around the world and those experiences make her paintings alive and beautiful even they are just small paintings. Btw, she always said she is a big fan of Jan Kasparec.

正因為如此,我明白Kam 也很欣賞她一路而來的努力。即使工作回家已經很累也堅持要畫畫。她愛旅行也曾在國外住過,所以經歷讓她的畫作都充滿了生氣。經歷對一個畫家是很重要的。

'Flower field'
"There are always flowers for those who want to see them", 30 x 30cm


If you like her paintings and want to know more about her, you can follow her Instagram :

@ tinyplanet_

I think she must be so happy and grateful to have someone who loves her arts. And here I wanna say Congrats to her as she had her first client who bought two of her painting at the same time.

我這裡放的畫作只是一小部分而已,如果你們都喜歡她的畫,可以到她的Instagram@ tinyplanet_ 看一下。而且我想在這恭喜她,上星期她的第一個顧客一次買了她兩幅作品,真的很替她開心!

Thank you for upvoting, resteeming and leaving comments :)
Wish you guys have a beautiful weekend!

With love,
follow @gladysmak


Images are from Instagram @ tinyplanet_


Happy that I follow her on Instagram. Thanks for telling me about her and for writing this post. I think that it's pretty obvious from the pictures how talented and dedicated she is. It really takes much more that just talent to create art like this. It takes endless hours of honing your skill, sacrificing social time and defeating self-doubts and criticism. I am very proud of your friend and I wish her the best! And thank you for the mention babe, I feel your support every day! :-*

Thanks for this beautiful comment to me and my friend. I know you guys will like each other when one day you two meet up. Glad that you can feel my support :) you are amazing❤️

Looking forward to that! And get her on Steemit, she would kick ass here! One painting post a day, she's set for a year ahead!

Really love the one named 'maybe': it's beautiful and poetry!

You have the same feeling as I do. I am in love with it too! Thanks for coming:)

Great post @gladysmak. Some wonderful paintings there. I particularly like the one of the ocean with the sun(either setting or rising). It certainly invokes memories of past mornings when I used to live 10 metres from the high tide mark in purau bay, banks peninsula. I would go Kayaking each morning at sunrise just to capture the serenity of life when no one is about. It was like being the last person on earth. Thanks for the memories

Glad that you love it and recall your lovely memories Jack! I haven't been to Purau Bay but it definitely a beautiful place with nature. Did you go camping there?

I use to live there. The house was very close to the beach and I would kayak for about 4 miles each day, had lots of walks along the beach and at particularly low tides I would collect oysters. It was a great place to live.

Impressive :) I'm going to find her on Instagram asap! and maybe there is a chance to see her work on Steemit as well, did you talk to her about it? :P

Thanks for your support @herverisson :D You are amazing!! I just told her I wrote a blog about her arts on Steemit and actually I am persuading her to show people her work on Steemit :P

Looking forward to see her art being successful here as well :) Thank you for showing us about her skills!

Yeah, they are good. The first one is my favourite :d

Glad that you like it! My fav is 'May be' , the purple sky :D

Please tell your friend that her paintings are exquisite! She should post them here for all to see. 😁

I sent her the link just now! She must be so happy when she knows she gets the compliment from you!

Thank you for sending her the link! I hope she listens! ;)

Nice painting...

Fyi, there's a typo. Look for 'oil panting'

Thanks Ace!! You are the best! :D

You're welcome. Why don't get @tinyplanet onto steemit?

I'm asking her to do so! Let's see if I can convince her 😎

wow supoer and amazing photography dear @gladysmak





WoW .. perfect drawings.
a really good artist. Thank you for introducing this friend to us.
I will examine his work :)

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