in #art5 years ago (edited)

Ornithomancy and Ornithophobia.

Both form the construct that hangs over me.
My shadow self, my true self
The part I fear most
The part I know most true
The part I love, would love, if prepared to step through.

But from it I run, borrow time upon wing.
My own clipped long ago,
I am a passenger upon the wing of my love.

They come calling at night, from the murder we flee
From within and without, on the run with my three

Before time, beyond veil
Raven waits, to prevail

Carries me
Calls me
Warns me
Walls me.

This is a depiction of my shadow self


For the art explosion.

Here are some progress shots.





A3 graphite on paper.


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I really like this one. Your drawings have a certain zen to them. I think its important to face the shadow and to embrace it as part of oneself. Beautiful, M

Well, I guess this means I survived the cull 😀

I had to look up cull lol, and still not exactly sure the meaning. You are a survivor 💪.

You cut back the people you follow. I didn't check if you cut me or not, when you commented on my post I figured I made it through selection. I wasn't culled.

Cull -reduce the population of (a wild animal) by selective slaughter.

Hahahaha Awesome. No, you most certainly were not culled 😁💚🙌

Wow, how much details on one painting. Very poweful. :)

Wow, Marg.

The Intro ... I read it, then re-read it, a half-dozen times. Paradoxes are Potent.

The drawing ... I studied it over and over. Very ... Egyptian. Like something from the times of the pharaohs. How you come up with this stuff in beyond me. Anyway ... I LOVED it.

Beautiful entry. If you don't win, I'll challenge the Contest Organizer to a game of chess. :-)


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