(.) CO((mission))ED ART ... a call for FUN !??! -))steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

(( FUN KEY )) ... T'one SeTTeR - ))
(( FUN KEY )) ... T'one SeTTeR - ))

WhaT FUN .. can, 7 SBD get YOU ?? - ))
... ?? - ))
Hmmm ?? ... HoW about .. ??
A PosT CARD siZed .. "doDDle" .. by me, shipping included - ))
.. ha ha )))
... would YOU like to " " C " " - ))
FirsT maybe a PeeK "in-to" .. how i got here ?? - ))

... YOU 'bet' i'm a CosmiC DimensionaL NinjA !! - ))
... and WITH !! ...ExtrA-ODINARY-lY ... F'UN-DER - ))
.. ha ha ))
... simple 'fun' - )
.. mORe COMpLEX FUN-nY ?? ?? - ))
... ahhhh SHinnY FUN !! - ))

.. - ))

ArE YOU Cur-i-ouS what i might make for YOU ??? - ))

30 minutes of FUN ... = ... a colorful little doDDle - ))
and then, PuT into an envelope .. and mailed to YOU - ))

... ?? - ))

Here is my email: [email protected]

... a small idea of what might happen - ))
ThiS is 'me' on a white board for 20 minutes - ))

i will accept (( ONLY THE FIRST 7 PEOPLE )) .. please - ))

TO make that YOU .. send 7 SBD .. to be dep(OS)it'ed here: @fun-along-theway
... and tracked here:

IF you're not sure .. if the 7 are filled .. please check - ))

ANY "ACCIDENTAL" SBD sent to me ??? .. will be "hoarded" - ))
... and held ransom !!!
... until ALL the 'ransom reQUIREmeNT(S) are met' - ))
ha ha )))
... OUCH !! !! .. .. .. so rude - )))

... i don't look ?? anything ?? like .. ?? that ?? - )))

greb'Z )

"" UP is IN ""

... not convinced of my CrazY ?? - ))
ha ha ... yeah riGht !! - ))

Here's my .. re-introduction (( i'm only on day 9 ))
... and i FounD a MaGiC L(AM)P 2 days ago !! - ))

ps ((all images belong to me))

ALL FOR 1 WHALE CurratinG POWER ... together is FUN !! - ))


itchykitten IS IN!!!!!! MORE FUN! Thanks for the hookup brother, you're my fun-kinnection!

crystalized fun is beaming around the world! 7 SBD on the way

OH YeaH IT IS !!!!! - ))
SweeT Br.OTHER ... !! - ))
.. received and APpreciatED !! - ))

.. awaiting email coordinates - ))

Love the chaotic madness going on in this post!! :D Upvoted.

HeY .. THANKS YOU !! - ))
MosT appreciated !!! - )))

.. the "RELAXED" V-iD .. loved it )))

More hunter hangouts soon I promise :)

Promises promises .. you new whaleS .. so SHY - ))))
ha ha ))))

Tu es vraiment très talentueux et plein de folie, de la saine folie pleine de sagesse selon moi :)
Mes oeuvres préférées sont celle avec une fleur sur un fond rouge ainsi que la dernière que tu présente et qui se nomme «UP is IN» si je comprends bien. Mes yeux se perdent avec bonheur dans toutes ces couleurs sublimes. Merci pour ce partage. J'aimerai bien accepter ton offre mais je ne peux pas, question de budget, mais peut-être accepterais-tu un dessin de ma part en échange? ou si tu habites au Canada, peut-être un crayon enjolivé par des plumes? Je pourrai t'envoyer par courriel une photo pour te montrer de quoi je parle exactement si tu es intéressé par mon offre. Encore une fois, tu as été entendu et acceuilli ! Bonne journée!

You are really very talented and full of crazyness, a kind of crazyness full a wisdom according to me :) This a compliment by the way, i am not very sure if i'm saying the same thing in english as i do in french, i hope so :)) !
My favorite works are the one with a flower on a red background as well as the last one you present and which is called "UP is IN" if I understand well. My eyes lose themselves with happiness in all these sublime colors. Thank you for sharing. I would like to accept your offer but I can not, budget, but maybe you would accept a drawing from me in exchange? Or if you live in Canada, maybe a pencil embellished with feathers? I can email you a picture to show you what I'm talking about exactly, if you're interested by my offer. Again, you have been heard and welcomed! Have a good day!

.. YOU'r FUN !! - ))
.. and i'd BE HappY to make a TradE !! - ))
A drawinG from YOU .. would BE LoveLY !! - ))
.. and beside .. ThiS .. isn't about the 7 STEEM .. ha ha - ))

JusT a FUN way to ConnecT ... = ... YOU naileD IT !! - ))

OUR .. ex-ChangE .. will BE a side PROjECT ! - ))

YaaY .. !!! - )))
i accept !! - ))

.. and i'm LiT UP !! - ))

greb'Z )

ps .. when you email your address, i will return mine -))

Wonderful then! I will send you an email!

SweeT !! - ))
.. life is so FUN - ))

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ThankS so MUCH !! - ))

This post have been Prove Read , Upvoted & Manual Curated.
Thanks for using #whalepower Tag and share with the Whale Power Community, Upvote , Reblogged , comment when ever you can.
Curated By @paul-gillbanks for #whalepower Tag
Founder @bullionstackers
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ThankS aGAIN !! - ))
.. i like this !! -))

I very much like your art--oh yes we could play on the same page and so great things!!! Brilliant job @fun-along-theway. Are these created with pastels?

Bit of everything -... in the different pieces ))
Acrylic paint, conte crayon, chalks .. - )))
ON different projects i've used .. dirt, coffee, pollen - )))

INtuitiON .. is a FUN and COnFUSING ... 'leader' ?? - )))
ha ha ))

ThankS for looking !!! - )))

Mixed media--some of my favs!!!! I've used dirt and coffee too. Sustainable art is one of my passions. I love including nature in my pieces. A taste of a few of my pieces:

FUN - )))
... i'll go check it out NOW )))

WOOP WOOP !!! - )))

... 6 LEFT !!! - )))

Very nice. keep it up.

Thank YOU !! - )))

your welcome. :)

First time I have seen your art. nice work!

hi ShantA !!!!!!!!!! - ))
Thank YOU !! - ))
... dang IT .. (( blushing )) !! - ))

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