(.) SurelY ?? KnoT TodaY ... day 1 ... with the ""Ma'G'iC.-(L(AM)P)""steemCreated with Sketch.

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

... ha ha ... an .. on and off switch ??? ... come on ????
who ?? comes u'P . with this crap ???
... hmm ?!! ( !?! ) ...
.. ??
YeaH .. ? ..ah'll right .. 'MR' ..'made in china' .. - ))
.. ! - ))
... what'aYa gOT ???? .. ! - )))

... ???????????????????????????? -l
.. ? what ? .. ? .. ? .. ?
... wH '' what the HELL is that !!!?????????????????
... ???
... (((( ?!? ))) . ?? "what" ?? .. ..
.. whOOOo'Z ?.?. ????????? ... talkin ? .. to me ??
???? .. ? .. ?? .. what ???? ((( ??? )))
uhhhhh ?? .. where am i ? ..... ? . . . .... (( ? ))
??? ( ? )
??? .. ? .. its a ?? .... ??'S'Lerah'mN ?? ...?.." of the .. what" ???
?? ( ??????? ) ??
... ?? .. ??
... what'D "YOU Say"???? (( ? ))
... i''m confused ... ? ... ((( ??? )))
??? ... ? what "IS" this place ?? .. ??????????
... ok ?? ...?
.. its ??? ? the ..s'si'mp''list eXplaNation .. of who "" i am "" ? .. ????
?? ..'me'.. ??
? . ? . ?
.. in the !! ?? UNIVERSE ?? . . "? me & the universe ?"
?? what ???? ............... ??
!!! ?????????? - ((
.. it's numbers ?? .. ?? .. ??
.. ?? .. ?? .. ??
... "I'M-mm" ... "the" .. "G ReENn SPOT" ??? .. ? ...?..????
???? ???? ((((( ??? )))))
... ?? ... ??...?? how does 'that' explain "ANYTHING" !! ? !!
??!!! what !!!???
... PpfffffffffhhhhhhhH .. "what" ?????????????
.. ?!!!
...? "".. in-fin-it-e"" .. being ???????? .. ... ?? .... 'me' ?
... ?? ((( ? )))
... i don't "get it" ??? !!! ( . )
... ???. .. ...
"WHERE !!.. THE "HELL" ... AM i (.) !!!!!!!!!??"
? .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .... .
..... !!! AND !!!... !!! .. !!! (( . ))
... (((( ! )))))
... do"" i ""..?.. "get" . three "WISHES" ??? .. ?? ( ? )
?? ... or'rr ?? ..?? ... ''something ????? - ))))
... ?????? .. .??
... ?
... ??? ??? ... ?? ?
... are 'you' still ... "here" ((??))

WWW'woooooooOOOOOOOOohhhHH !!! !! !!
... w'what ?? are "YOU" .?? , , "you doing" .. ?? . ?? . ?? . ??
.. ???? ... ""in"" the "TREEEEee" .... w'WOOOOwHWW !!! ?!?!??!??!?!?!
... !! ?????? !! .... the 'tree' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!??!??!?!?!
.. ?? !!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!??!??!?!?!
wooooahhH ! ???? ! ...?!?!??!??!?!?!
... ? ! ???
... " ?? i'Mm ?? " the 'part' of "YOU" ???????????????? ...
.. ?? ... ? that'S .. "ME" ???? ?
... .... ..... ? ((((( ??? )))))
?? .. ? .. rrrr??r'RI-ghT .. ?? .. ?? ..ok ?????
.. .. .. .. ?
... i'Uhhh .. ??? .. "mmm'NOT" .. r'rEEally ?? 'sure' ?? .. .. ..
.. ..
.. ?? .. what to 'say' ? ? ? ... . . ...
.. ? .. ? .. ? . . . ....
... ? .. ?. . . .... . .
'yes' .. i 'can' "FeeL" ... "?? something ?? weird .. "inSIDE" ?? ...??? ???
??? 'its' ??? ...
.. ahhH "???" .. "w'w'wWhaT" ! ??? . . ... ?? ( . )
??? ( ? )
... ??????????? ... " mag-ic carpet " ?? (( . )) ?? . . . . ?? .. . - ))
ha ha HAAaa !!! ... yeah ... !! ya !! ?? !!!!!!
!!! !!!
!!!????!!! ... "my !! LIFE !! " !!!???!!! .... HHAAAaa?aa?a?aa !! ((( . ))) !!
!!??!! " A MAGIC CARPET !!RIDE!! .. ??!!?? "MY LIFE" ??!!??
ha ha ... ??????? - ))
... NO WaAYY !!!!!! ( . ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!....... !! - ))
... " ?? ... have YOU ((????)) ..seeN ?!!? "my" .. !!! LIFE !!! ??? ((( . )))
... ??? .. . .

... wOw ! ... ???!?!??!??!?!?!
?? ... " the start ?? "and" .. finish .. ? together ???
?? ... always 'new' ??? ... "ALWAYS" .. ???? // .now. ?? (( ????? ))
... ??? .. that makes "no" sense ( . )
.. . ? ( !?! ) . ... . . .
... yeah "YA" ... "" IN-F'IN'ITE Being'S "" .. ???.. ?? ( . )
? .. ?
... "you" said 'that' ... already .. ? ( . ) ?
?? ...?? .. ??
?? ... 'try' to ??imagine?? .. "?? trajectory ????" .. ?? .. ??
( ? ) ( ? ) ( ? ) ... ??
??? ... "light" ... ??? ... "what" .. ?? ( ! )
.. ??? ( ! )
... oHH !! ... like "LIGHT" !!?!! ... oh ... OHh .. ok .. i .. '?? ??!!!!!!!!!!!
... OOOOOOOOOOO'hhhh ... O-woWW .. that makes sense .

... ? infinity ? ... 'expands' ?? ... fF'rom the .. "inSIDE" .. ?? OUT ?? .. ?? .. ??
?? .. ?? .. ???!?!??!??!?!?!
??... all'ways "new" ... all-ways "now" .. ?? ?? ???!?!??!??!?!?!
??? ???
??? .. ??... what ??'time IS iT' ?? .. ?? .. in an ?? ?? OCEAN.. ??? ... of ""?? .Now''' .. ?.. ??"

... ha ha ... 'good one' !! - ))
?? it's "what" ?? .. ?? .. ??
??? ""OCEAN" of "E"-motion"" ?? .."" and "now"" ... ?? .. are the ?? 'same' 'thing' ?? (( . ))
... ha .. ??? .. ?? (( ?? ))
... ??? (( . )) ... yeah !! right !! .. (( . ))

.. ? ... i've 'seen thaT' ! .. before ?? ... so what ?? ( . )
.. ?? ... ?? ... ?? ..
... so ?? .. "E"motion ... ?? creates ? clarity ??
... ? is ? "that .. ?it? .. ??(( ? ))
.. do ?? ... i'h? ... 'understand' ?? .. ?? .. ??
.. ??
?? ! what ! ?? ... e'MOTION "? IS ?" .. "clarity" ... ?? .,. ??
... ... ...
... ????!?!??!??!?!?!
... ????!?!??!??!?!?!
... ????!?!??!??!?!?!
? .. how can "that' ?? ... be"true" ?? .. hmm ???!?!??!??!?!?!
... ???!?!
. ?
.. wow ( ! )

.. oh ok ?
. uhm ?
uhhhm ??
.. oK ! ! .. ya'h ... ! ... hHm'!! .. .. 'that "feels" pretty goOD' - ))
?? ... h'mmM .. !! - ))
.. ?? .. ?? .. ?? .. ??
? but ?? .. "?"
... ...
.... ohhhhhhhHH !! (( !?! )) !!!
.. O ..
Ri-(G)-hT ... .. ? write ? ... ?? wRitE ' t'U ' aHL'' .. ??
... what ?? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?? ...

???????????????????? .. ??.. wHERE'Dd YOU GO ????????? - (
... ??? .. ??? ... ??? - (
??? .. ??? ... where did the "on and off switch" ..??.. 'go' .. - ((
... ??? -l
.. ?? -l
? -l
.. "what ha!pp!ned !??" .. .. .. .. .. ? -l
.. .. .. ..
.. ?? - ((
.. ?? - (
.. ? - (
.. ?
.. ?
.. ?' -(
... did ? .. "i" . 'do' ?? something ?? .. 'wrong' .. ?' -(
.. .. ..
,, ,, ,,
.. .. ..
.. .. .. ......... .. i'm sorry - ((


Image source please with link
Please Read my Guidelines first

I am following your trails, love the comment

.. thankS YOU - ))

i REallY like this https://steemit.com/whalepower/@paul-gillbanks/i-am-a-lost-wanderer-donated-2k-steems .. its GoT soMe "KunG POW TRaction" .. well D'ONE !! - ))

Ok .. a few of them are 'made' by ME .. and, the other from google images .. i copied the images to my .. conFUSE'r ?? .. i don't have 'links' nor. info .. of the images "not" made by me .. and .. i used ALLoT of different word searches ??!! - ))
... sorry .. my 'bad' !! - ))
.. wasn't TRYinG t"TO BE" .. sneaky .. ha ha )))

anyways .. thanks for the HeadS UP - ))

.. i can BE more dilligent + TwisT the (SOURCE) !! - ))
INTO .. the stories - ))))))))))
ha ha ))
.. thanks for the reply - ))

greb'Z )

.. no worries .. "if" ... i don't get the PumP - ))
.. i'm sure tHERE are many otherS who could USE IT - )))
.. sincerely - ))
.. -))

I understand and upvote
Next time please put a link of your source images.
I do actually like your content.

ThankS ALLoT !!! - )))
.. that'S GolDeN ..'enough' FOR ME !!! - ))
... and, i've got an "endless" GigglE !! - ))

M(OR)E ..to.. C(OM)E !!! - ))
ha ha )))

Love this post. man..all the pics are funky.

Not sure how i missed this ?? - ))
.. thankS !! - ))

«the only thing in your way is you...» So true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO ... let YOUr FEELING .. of, NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!! - ))
""BE"" .. the SUCCESS .. YOU SEE(K) !! - ))

so .. simple .. so POWER-FULL - )))

meaning .. tHERE are ONLY TWO WAYS !!! -))
TO, k'NOW .. "HOW" .. you are doing in LIFE !!! - ))

HOW YOU FEEL .. NOW !!!! - )))
((( the most important !!! - )))
and ... what's .. s(HOW-IN)g .. UP !!! - )))

ALL reFLECTIONS !!! - ))))
... and, i LIKE WHAT I SEE !!! - )))

and, I LOVE HOW i FEEL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ))

greb;Z )

Voilà un ajout inestimable! Je copie ton commentaire sur un jolie carton et je vais l'épingler dans la cuisine pour le lire et relire encore afin de toujours me rappeller cette simple vérité: «let your feeling of now be the success you seek» C'est tellement beau et puissant! Merci encore! J'apprécie énormément nos échanges des derniers jours! Ils mettent beaucoup de lumière dans mon coeur et de belle pensée dans mon esprit. Ils rendent plus facile le fait d'être présent ici et maintenant! Merci!

This is an invaluable addition! I copy your comment on a pretty cardboard and I will pin it in the kitchen to read it and reread again so as always to remind me of this simple truth: "let your feeling of now be the success you seek" It is so beautiful and powerful! Thanks again! I really appreciate our discussions of the last days! They put a lot of light into my heart and beautiful thought into my mind. They make it easier to be present here and now! Thank you!

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