Portrait review / Prince Victor Olukayode Dada Completion

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians, welcome to my blog and my page, this moment is just for portrait review, as you can feel the best right now drawing portrait is pretty cool. You can check the steps here too.

(completion of Prince Victor Olukyode portrait)

since am done with this somehow difficult but successful portrait. It has been a great job, no sleep, no rest, day and night. But with time, the giant portrait is completed. (Prince Victor Olukayode Dada)




Process I went through




















Please Note this please, drawing is great! No doubt, But be accurate in what you do. Always be proud of who you are, what you are. Be happy and always make people around you happy and lively

These is my life . This is my work. I'm proud of my work.

Thanks for viewing my blog




Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Seriously, you are very talented, @dotman-art. And i admire the fact that you here show us the steps you went through from scratch to finished product.

I also find your inclusion of the short video clip, very useful in verifying originality of this post.

That is very good. I wish all those (original art work creators) did what you have here done, you know, included at least a video clip. I think that is one very useful way, if you are still building a brand, for verifying your works copyright.

Your example here is something the community can learn from,besides the obvious quality of your portrait.

Now, i do my own personal curation, @dotman-art. I aim to find those newbies who create original content, on relevant subjects and who excercise on them, great depth of presentation, such as you here have. So i am going to feature you in my latest, 8th Edition of Xposes, a project to bring exposure to unnoticed gems like you.

But most importantly, i curate for the @asapers! Have you heard of them? They are a group that manually scouts for quality content primarily from those who follow the official @asapers account, and then curates, supports, promotes....

My advice: consider following @asapers. That will give your works a chance of being selected for curation. And heck, your work is quality! I have no doubt it will every once in a while be selected!

Of course you can also join the @asapers discord https://discord.gg/UPtnzx. It is not a requirement, but why not, if you have the time and wish to meet and make the acquaintance of several wonderful members who will indeed additionally, individually support you?

That said, i am pleased to say that,

This Post has now been chosen and will be featured in the 8th Edition of Xposed. Hopefully it will bring you some much needed exposure and rewards which your post deserves.
For more details on this project, read Xposed Introduction

@mirrors, I really appreciate your comment and your words on my drawing, thanks . It is my pleasure being on this great platform where I can show my talent, originality and it pure content.

Just keep it up, and you will go very far!
Otherwsie, the Xposed Edition #8 is now out, and you are featured.


Wow, I'm so happy . I have one coming very soon too. Watch out for it. It is about shop painting..thanks so much, keep the curation up.@mirrors

Wow! I will just keep my fingers crossed i wait. In whatever small way, i will support it. Thanks

Wow, thanks for visiting my blog, more if it to come, I promise

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