Five Fresh Leather Badges

in #art7 years ago


I am super grateful for the opportunities for inspiration my clients give me. Here, Scotty asked me to render a Pelican in flight in the style of Huichol sacred yarn paintings. Each of their artworks is a prayer they discover from a peyote ritual of vision questing. I really enjoyed learning about their culture as I researched Scott's request.


Scott also ordered this Courage badge for a friend, based on a card from the Osho deck. I appreciate its striking simplicity after doing the Pelican badge's busier use of space.


The third badge I made is this beautiful bear, Ursula, under the constellation Orion, with poppies. It is so fun designing a picture from all the elements my clients request. Like a puzzle.


My Ursula client also commissioned a Truth to Power badge for her partner, and wanted some Aquarius energy streaming through it. Here the Water Bearer spills a glorious flow of bright blue waves.


Finally, I created a badge depicting a third client's husband Jonny as a gnome wearing a tophat and tails. I really think I captured his flair for style! And yes, he really does have a beard like that. ;)


Here is a look behind the scenes, with all the badges carved in plain vegtan cowhide, awaiting their dye job. Also included: a butterfly badge I made last year and finally managed to sell!

Thank you so much for spending time with me in my studio. Hope you, too, have a creative day.



Those all turned out amazing. I really like the colors- the bear is probably my favorite.

Thanks! I love that one, too. Really a nice challenge making this diverse batch.

it's beautiful!
I invite you to see my blog, there is a lot of art too!

Beautiful post, following :)

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