Just a reminder - this is real :) STEEM wallet by @armadilloman

in #art6 years ago

Have you seen my STEEM wallet? No not that one silly - anyone can see my dang account wallet. Check out this bad mama jama <3 <3 <3 Big ups to @armadilloman the leather artist! This is even more beautiful in person than I was expecting, it is my new favorite thing <3 <3 <3

STEEM Wallet by @armadilloman 2
Click to embiggen

So let this serve as a reminder. For me personally, this is the first tangible thing I have held in my hands that was manifested through STEEM blockchain. This is real.

STEEM Wallet  by @armadilloman 1
Click to embiggen

I intended to buy myself some toys with a STEEM bonus I earned from recommending all-star curator @markangeltrueman into Curie, but I accidentally submitted the Amazon order with my wife's payment method in a late night haze of button pressing. Even though I have a new microphone (affectionately dubbed my "Markrophone"), it wasn't technically paid for with STEEM. This wallet, on the other hand:

Yup this seems to be real. I distinctly recall the postal carrier dropped a package off. I have photographic evidence. I have a beautiful leather card wallet sitting in front of me now.

Video Proof


Can't wait to see the Markrophone get some more action. Really love the wallet. Very tempted to order one myself to replace my 15 year old one.

It is definitely not a full wallet - it is a card wallet and it does hold my ID, 4 bank/credit cards and my insurance cards. I folded up a $20 bill and shoved it in but it really isn't going to be holding much cash with the number of different insurance cards I have for my kids' medical and dental as well as my own. But it is awesome for carrying around what I need to carry around, fits very comfortably in my front pocket when I am driving.

And of course, it's a great conversation starter...

"Ooh thats a nice wallet, why has it got swirly lines on it".

"That's the Steem logo"

"Oh, you mean the game download app"

"Nope, the blockchain backed social network"

"You mean like bitcoin"

"Well no, not really, you get rewards for posting cool content on a website. Its the future man!!"

"Sounds like a scam"

"Well i bought this cool wallet with the money I made from it"

goes home, looks up steemit, gets confused, sees trending feed, never signs up

I hate forgetting to switch accounts.

great comment though!

That I like:

Having some real life crafted products sold on Steemit and puchased with Steem, that is really great. Maybe the rise of a Steemazon?

Wouldn't it be great if there were a Tab on the website that opens a shop where Steemians could submit their products or purchase products from other Steemians (and all in Steem or SBDs). Not a e-bay clone like already exists, but more of an amazon clone, that remains on the website.

I believe there's a same idea done at @steemgigs where everyone offers something in exchange for steem. Mostly talents, art crafts, gigs. I am not sure if life-crafted products are offered. You can check out the FAQs of steemgigs here. They're also formulating about service in exchange for service. It's really a great platform.

Wow, I checked it out, it does seem like a real Steemit marketplace is setting itself up!

Indeed. It just needs more tweaking because of recurring issues about the site.

yes that would be awesome

Oh cool thanks for the tip!

Looks nice. I wonder how much would it cost for that wallet to be shipped here in the Philippines.

I will just have to enquire on the USPS as to the cost. And then you have the issue of customs duties if applicable. Just be warned, shipping from the US is SLOW.

At the time he sold this wallet it was a $3 SBD price difference for international shipping.

Cool thing! I would have gladly bought that purse! Looks very stylish, nothing superfluous.

Nice steemit wallet carlgnash (59)

Very nice and very real.

It can take the majority of world a very long time to realize what the innovators have known for a while now. Crypto is real and Steem is truly one of the best.

Thanks for being real :)

This is cool. I have a friend who was able to visit another city, meet up with a fellow Steemian, and send him some Steem in exchange for local fiat. It's interesting when things start happening which link Steem, crypto etc to the 'real world'.


Apparently, I am in desperate need for a new wallet... This could be it!

(I like a zip for my coins though?!)

@armadilloman is a cool dude I am sure you could work something out!

I keep telling my wife I'm cool. Maybe now she will listen. :) . Most any design is possible and I can fabricate other things. Its all dependent on time and money and ideas!

Ha! I was about to reply to Carl saying "I know someone who desperately needs one!"
It is veeeeery pretty I have to admit.

That is really cool! I would love to have one but can't afford it yet lol!

My wallet is some hopelessly dorky tommy-hilfiger-turd-of-a-fiat-holder that I literally took off of a dead person (not kidding, true story for another time...oh, and nothing criminal at all). Clearly it's time for a change, thanks for the heads up @carlgnash

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