Principle of the Day Defined...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Principle:  You must define a subject before you can study it.

Photography and artwork by bleujay.  'Interesting Architecture Discovered on a Cloudy Day'

.....a 100 percent powerup post.

Today would be a good day to define the word...Principle.

Some have inquired what is a principle....from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary ...prin'ci-ple...number3 and 4 apply...3.  A fundamental truth; a primary or basic law, doctrine or the like. 4.  A settled rule of action; a governing law principle.

Some quotes are principles but not all principles are quotes.

Some things are said so many ways by so many people...they become proverbs.  ie. ' Never look a gift horse in the mouth.'

Synonyms would be...'axiom'....a statement of self-evident truth.....and 'maxim'...a general truth or a rule of conduct expressed in sententious form; esp. a saying of a proverbial nature.....and 'adage'...a saying which has obtained credit by long use.


'Thank you' to bleujay's readers.


Thank you for your reply @christian-trail. Appreciate the upvote and 'follow'. New post coming soon.

Welcome to Steemit.

Happy New Year.

Oh , this is some post , Thanks for the clarifications , I'm one to float on many topics so , I probably have my principles mixed up :D

, I'm doing promos for my second post too , please take a look :) , I'm trying to push past the 10 views per post , I've spent hours into it.

Do you think little dangerous or wrong without studying first?
I just want to know what you think.
Thank you always @bleujay :)

Thank you for your reply @bontonstory.

Many times we proceed in the direction of a subject...without obtaining all the obtainable facts. However the more facts we have, the better decision we can make regarding that subject. Where we might begin is of course with definition. can be dangerous depending on the subject....if one takes medication for exanple without checking for themselves the side effects and ingredients. This becomes part of taking responsibility for ones thoughts, motives, decisions and actions.

We could say for example....Steemit is yet undefined and when trying to make an attempt to study it...many are confused. That is probably not the best example...yet does explain 'the why' of the degree of difficulty to determine what Steemit is. ...and perhaps we have discovered that Steemit is what you make of of it...therefore it is individually defined.

Thank you for your query which provided opportunity for ponderence and dialogue.

Very kind of you to drop by....always a pleasure. A bientot. :)

Even though it's dangerous, some people including me sometimes can recognize later about what it was. It could be looked like foolish. I know we'd better define first before it hurts us, but we can make a mistake because we're not perfect. That is sad. I basically agree with you, and thank you for sharing your thought @bleujay :)

Looking forward to see more good posts from you!

Thank you for your kind words @funnyman.

Looking forward to your posts as well.

Beautiful reflection my great friend @bleujay. Congratulations
No doubt it is so, you can not be successful in a study without the correposing analysis.
thank you very much
Greetings to all the family

Thank you for your kind words @jlufer. You are quite right...analysis of the situation is always helpful as well.

Wishing you and your family all the best. Ciao.

@bleujay wow improving :) ...
longer text :)

you really have an eye for photography you know that

Thank you for dropping by and your kind words @englishtchrivy.

It was really with you in know how you push Steemians to do their best. :) Another principle comes to mind....Have no expectations...:) that being said...if one thinks of something useful to add....bleujay will give it a go.

All the best to you. Cheers.

@bleujay, wow, that's touching
thank you
you're right, no expectations - just do your best :)
and focus on what we want :D

Thats the trouble @englishtchrivy .....principles are not always what we want but surely what we need.... :)

Yes...bleujay will endeavor to bring quality photoart as the 'sugar' to help the 'medicine' go down.

Enjoyed your post today....lovely shade of bleu...reminds one of delphiniums.

All the best to you and yours.

@bleujay I love them but I don't have them only in Sonsbeek park, next summer I'll take pics for you :)

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