Answer to Life! Challenge30, Day2 , Train and Think | Steemit Review

in #story8 years ago (edited)

o 3 minutes is all it takes o
Now that we know what a master is from my first post , lets get deeper into the play

I'm cheating a bit with the content, but that's neither here nor there , It's the internet of things after all. We can only learn from each other. Life is a Journey we all share after all.

Let's ask Joe about that illusive thing called life. And please if you won't read the post watch the video and if you read the post, Thank You ! You got this far, so you better get strapped in!

Pretty fascinating , to think that we could be just lazy , but it isn't just that , we aren't lazy , we are pretty good at finding excuses and reasons for sometimes irrelevant topics, or other times downright harmful treatments towards ourselfs and in the final case , against others , just by acting stupidly. And hey , all of us are lazy and stupid there's nothing to be afraid of.
No reason to be ashamed , there are just consequences , just like in life. Everything has benefits and negative drawbacks sometimes. Being lazy saves energy, being stupid saves time. (and I'm very stupid for wasting mine xD )ScreenHunter_826Jan.0501.10b4fbb.jpg and again ScreenHunter_827Jan.0501.15c9976.jpg

Now that we are inspired and hopefully a bit more open minded

, lets talk about something interesting and potentially life saving , Training.

Why I get up every morning at 6am , go to bed, wake up at 10 and hate myself for missing 4 hours , find the day ending in about 6 hours after I've got out of bed and then proceed to sit on my ass for another 8-10 more hours, before its 1 to 2 am past midnight. Well I do that because I used to train every morning and I loved the benefits(some word porn) bene is good in latin and fit just fits , if you're interested , apparently there is a good reason , a lot of them actually.

Watch this video and you can see what I have said.
Explained In a deep manner , with reason and evidences for each benefit.

For me it was a insightful video coming from a new and awesome channel that i had watched earlier today and it just fits the theme.

And by the way the end loops perfectly into the beginning ,tell me if you see what i mean, or if you know what i mean:)! (like the fact that there is a 4D in here:) (and exercising gets you to other "dimensions") (singing too , even further)
so i will use that and say i live in another time zone and this is my today's post , until i finish the post at least. :D

My god did that joke cost me some nerves , the browser just crashed on me , first I have to say Thanks STEEMit , second my PC has been up for 23:40mins and third i have 4 windows with 244 tabs open, maybe that's how thankful I am to steemit :D (80%).

So yes it's been a fine day. I've spent about 8 hours on here , curating , voting , commenting and now posting.
Had 2 walks , 2 semi-runs , one training session and lots of read comments and posts.
I swear it's getting to me I don't use social media at all :D

It just shows what some incentive , a little push , time and interest can do.

Now lets set up the ending. Since the next post might be on philosophy a good quote to get us going and out of the box is what the wisest Greek answered to the claim from the Oracle of Delphi. , Ask Plato about Socrates!
"I know that I know nothing"

so Answer your life , only you can. kinda what Joe was saying in that first video.
Find the Answer!

And stop crashing my pc :D , I guess I've burned too much coal STEEMING today :D , also posts take about 1 hour to make , so stop rushing with your thirst for rewards , all we need now is bots posting, with probably 1/4 to 1/2 of the votes being of bots.


4D Inception : D xD Good Night ,
also watch the Truman Show , Good Morning Good Afternoon and Good Night !

that's my daily digest.
and show some love to Jim Carry , Joe Rogan , Steemit and Training, because they all Love You !


ok I got the trendy categories and keywords down , now I have to thank the bots! They are here :D!ScreenHunter_828Jan.0504.3567bd0.jpg

and here I was saying It's good to wake up early in the morning. Not sure how I could manage that with 1 hour of sleep, maybe not today. :D

Anyway , thanks for the votes I can't say its all bots , sure there is probably a botchain, but at least 9 people viewed it :D and some should have voted by hand it's enough to see some growth from my first post.

They wouldn't all be bots, but looks like a curation trail.

As for the tags, best not to use steemit if it doesn't relate specifically to the site and/or currency. Some people will flag you for that. Just letting you know.

I'm ranting on a tangent , there is at least 1 paragraph related. I think that's what got me the trail. I just saw robotev,1 ,2 , so i got a bit suspicious :D

No problem. As for the trail, it could be what attracted them. Not always sure what they look for. There are many, and as you noticed, some are bots - with certain criteria they look for such as specific tags.

They are looking for fresh STEEM :D to feed on from the hot brains of people posting :D I will probably look into autovoting and bots in the future , but I'm not sure when that could be I have enough on my plate as it is , if I'm posting for one month and with all this promotion I'm doing , there should be enough posts I read.

I didn't get into curating seriously until late October, after being here since August. Took me a while to understand it, and the three currencies. I manually curate, but I'm not opposed to bots. May also look into it in the future, if the need arises.

Giving you a follow also , nice blog and thank you very much :)

Thank you, happy to follow back.

You can promote your posts in steemchat under post promotion anything. That's the road we've all taken. Learning from others in steemchat is the best way.

Divide your thoughts with separate titles. Use headers for titles, your posts would be much readable.

Great post, I always love philosophy! I also like Socrates too! I find it interesting that quote by Socrates too because Socrates was actually quite arrogant!

He would go up to people and ask them,"what do you know"? They would then share with them their knowledge, thinking he genuinely wanted to learn. He would then go on to debate them and prove them wrong on whatever topic was being discussed :P

Rethink your life | Joe Rogan

featured vid got pulled, here it is :D

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