Skeleton bronze sculpture. Step by step #2

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Maintenant que la tête est terminée il va falloir commencer le reste du squelette.


La colonne vertébrale : pour réaliser la colonne j'ai utilisé deux moulures demi rondes que j'ai soudées ensemble pour avoir une tige ornementée des deux cotés. Je l'ai ensuite entaillée pour créer les vertèbres.

Now that the head is over, i have to start the rest of the skeleton.
The spine : to make it I used two half round moldings that I welded together to have an ornamented stem on both sides. I then slit it to create the vertebrae.


La cage thoracique : après avoir découpé un petit ornement pour faire le sternum j'ai soudé des moulures que j'ai ensuite mises en forme pour créer le volume de la cage thoracique .

The ribcage : after cutting a small ornament to make the sternum I welded filigree sticks that I then shaped to create the volume of the ribcage.



Le bassin ne présente pas de difficultés majeures.
Les os des jambes et des bras : ils sont réalisés avec une moulure de filigrane roulée sur elle même.

The basin does not present any major difficulties.
The bones of the legs and arms : they are made with a filigree molding rolled on itself.


Les pieds et les mains* sont composés d'ornements et de dents de fourchettes.

The feet and hands are composed of ornaments and fork teeth


Le bas du squelette monté:

The bottom of the mounted skeleton:


Rendez vous pour la dernière étape.

See you for the last step.


Summary in clickable images:

Step 1 Step 1

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Merci pour vos votes , commentaires et partages


only seen this today - but now upvoted, resteemed and shared:

Many, many thanks Otto ;-)

Well, that's cool.

You're welcome. You're certainly a skilled craftsman and artist.

Man, you're killing it. Can't wait to see it all done, I have to get my hand on some of your work one day.

Thanks alktoni ;-)

Very cool. The shaping you did on the fingers, toes and spine looks like a lot of work, and the results are great! Thanks for posting.

Thanks bro ;-)

very beautiful picture ok I have vote.jangan forgot vote back

Dear Artist @alain-bellino ! This post has been resteemed and upvoted from FineArtNow account ! Become our friend ! See you soon !

Thanks Fineartnow, done ;-)

I thought you were going to make a literal "skeleton key" initially, nope a full skeleton, I am seriously impressed!


Thanks ryivhnn

Genial.. franchement je ne sais pas comment tu as de la patience. C'est super beau.

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