The Old Dog Asks: Beautiful Architecture or a Prison?

in #architecture6 years ago

The other day I came across a new building that was under construction. It looked interesting, unique and beautiful....... from some angles. Looked at straight on I was wondering if those that would eventually work inside its walls would fell imprisoned.  Let's take a look.

What Do You Think?

I was fascinated by the patterns created with the use of the wood facade. Beautiful and interesting!

Here, on an unfinished section, you can see the metal frames and brackets that helped create the pattern

This shows the pattern from the unfinished side of the building. Interesting concept!

Good, But..............Here's Why I Wrote Prison

As I passed by the front facade I was no longer sure how much I liked the design! 

When looked at straight on at the front we can see that the windows are obscured by the wooden beams. How would you feel if you were working inside of this building? Imprisoned? 

I didn't have the chance to enter inside but would the beauty on the outside be completely lost to those on the inside? What is more important making a statement to those that drive by or making those that work inside it comfortable?

What Do You Think?

  • Do you like the building?
  • Is it only nice from certain angles?
  • Once inside would you feel like a bird in a cage?
  • Do you think that sometimes designers lose sight of those that need to live and work in a building?

Thanks for following me on my travels and I look forward to sharing my adventures with you. 

Until next time,   

@kus-knee (The Old Dog) 

Let's Succeed Together!


It depends on how I am looking at it. I was confused by the bars across to give it that look in the first picture. The word why? comes to mind as I study this architectural curiosity.

From the inside, I can only imagine bars, although would that same odd placement show as bars or another design? I guess I would have to see it, but, I do not relish the thought of feeling imprisoned.

Not my cup of tea, but, I may be looking at it wrong. :) Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Yes keep yourself free from the prison and thanks for the tip!

My pleasure!

I agree maybe we need to the call Project from a different angle.. but it still gets that prison effect ☺️

I am against it. First I hate obstructed views. Worse yet this was done intentionally!!! Second, think about the upkeep of the wood. It will be never ending. Plus any stain or paint wont be able to be sprayed because of the glass and the over-spray. Cool pattern, but I always believed in functionality over aesthetics.

Your thinking coincides with mine especially the maintenance nightmare aspect!

  • I don't like the building.
  • Some angles favor it ... first shot. The last photograph scares me.
  • I wouldn't feel like a bird in the cage, I think the inside view can be more friendly than the outside.
  • Designers are often lost in their art.

Thanks for your perceptive comments!

My pleasure!


Many feel as you do.

I saw it ....That's a good sign:-)))

I think sometimes designers lose track of the main objective especially if they people involved.. let's see what the final product will become!

The pattern and style of the facade I love as an art piece, say hanging INDOORS on a wall, but I detest this sort of brutalist post modern architecture. In fact it's really antiquated (being post WWII) but for some reason has held on for people to feel it is so 'modern' when in reality it feels cold and rather than give the people both inside and outside the building a feeling of awe and wonder, it makes them both feel prisoners of somthing? Possibly of bad design born out of a post war time where the world was viewed as a harsh cold place.

Give me the clean lines of the Georgian era for such look where symmetry met art or even the ornate joy of the Baroque.

You make a good point about it being art hanging on a wall. It had visual interest and beauty but to be inside.......

It looks like a crumpled paper but as an OCD individual I just like it to be all straight @jznsamuel the view is obscured to the left and right from the front of the window. But I think it is just a design also for a wind break purposes.
The owner of this building wanted to be different and unique.

Good points

Like you said, with some angles it looks wonderful! A metal structure and seems like a good architect building as well! Nice photography of course!


Great photos, my friend and this facade of the building looks very interesting and made with a specific design! Thank you @kus-knee

Really located in the building will not be comfortable. If only this building is not for people

It seems to be an office building.

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