Crossing Romania in Seven Days. Day One!

in #archisteem6 years ago (edited)

Romania is the country of Eastern Europe where I live for 65 years. It is a small to medium country, according to European standards. That's why it has been easy to travel so far in almost all imported places, having friends and relatives in many parts of the country. These trips have been made many years ago, and lately I summed up only two visits per year, taking into account my age.

We never know what surprises await us. When I thought I will stay home more, I received a request and a proposal from a very good friend. My good friend had bad luck, the police suspended his driving license for a whole month. My friend has an activity that forces him to travel every month across the country.

So I received the proposal to cross Romania in seven days with him.


A challenge! I have accepted, from friendship, from the curiosity of seeing how a few cities that I have not seen for a few years have been transformed and because our route will go through some of the cities I have not seen until now.

We set the route and how long we will be in each city. We were away one week, Monday morning until Sunday night.


That's what it's all about. I want to take you with me on this trip, to know a little from Romania and about some important cities through which we stopped.

I must also say that the part of the country we are going to visit is Transylvania. A region with great natural beauty and cities that are distinct from other parts of Romania. This is due to the fact that Transylvania was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the architecture of the buildings was influenced by the Western architecture, by the cities of Germany and Austria.

Now we are ready for the road. We left Bucharest Monday morning. It was the first day of snow this year. That's what I saw in the morning before going on the road. I was a little worried, I have not driven the snow for many years.


We went with great difficulty, especially as halfway was on the serpentine mountain road. The first city we stopped was ...



Brasov is the most important and famous mountain town in Romania. It was built by the Germans in the 1200s. It is the most famous winter sports center, the Poiana Brasov resort is known all over Europe.

The most famous and visited part is the Central Square and the cathedral called Black Church. The hotel we lived in is right on this Square and has allowed us to better see this area.





The mixture between autumn and winter has brought snow and a lot of moisture on the streets, not quite for walking and for my wife's despondency. Although we had free time for a walk, we chose to look for a hotel for the night that will come.


We found the perfect hotel for us, right in the center and unexpectedly cheap.


Hotel Safrano Palace


It's also a historical monument, where stayed Alexandru Vaida Voevod when was traveling to Brasov. He was an important Romanian political figure, former Prime Minister of Romania and one of those who contributed to the unification of Transylvania with the Romanian Principalities in 1918 ... the year when modern Romania appeared. Interestingly, my wife is also called Vaida and comes from the same village where Vaida Voievod was born ... it results that there is a good chance that they were relatives.

I liked this hotel very much, had an interior courtyard, in fact a hall and the rooms were on one side and the other. It looks like an inn, and the hall has the sky like a ceiling.




Basically there are two parallel, parallel buildings that are separated from that hallway. At the end you can see a medieval tower, I liked it so I photographed it both day and night.




Our friend left to do the job so my wife and I have a few hours to walk around town. Last time I was in Brasov about ten years ago, still on the run, and now I'm glad I have a few more hours to see the city. With all the snow on the streets I started on the expedition. Unfortunately, due to insufficient time, we cannot leave the central area ... fortunately here is the most beautiful!







When I see a city, a new place, I look especially at the buildings and of course the oldest are the most beautiful. They are like a message received from those who lived hundreds of years before us. I like to imagine who lived in those houses, to imagine how it was everyday without our facilities now ... electricity, home water, phone, TV and the internet!




It cannot be a city break, a walk without the temptation of shopping. There can always be something that we really need - in fact, my wife needs.





At the same time, a lot of strolling means energy consumption, so a little hungry. The hunger must be fooled a little, until the evening meal that we will take together with our friend. So I'm looking for something easy, a pie or a pretzel.



I was attracted to something specific to this city. There are many inner courtyards and I was fascinated by the tunnel that leads from the street to that yard. I discovered a few and looked through them.










It was a long and tiring day. I left Bucharest at 11 am and arrived at 3 pm in Brasov. Driving the car was difficult due to snow and wet and slippery road. Now comes the relaxation, the evening meal and pleasant discussions and memories with friends and a glass of wine.

We went looking for a good restaurant and found it very quickly, it was a few steps away from our hotel. The advantage of living in the center!



Bella Musica Restaurant...since 1360 !?!


A restaurant built in 1360 in a cellar, probably because of that it lasted for hundreds of years. The very pleasant atmosphere, we were the first customers that night, we really scared a bit because an empty restaurant can mean bad food. Soon other customers started to appear and the food exceeded our expectations.





We ate a potato soup with smoked bacon and sour cream, goulash soup and goulash stew.

We only drank water because of our friend, Doru. He knew a wine shop and wanted to have a special drink at our hotel. So we went to buy the wine.




The evening ended well and pleasantly, the warmth of the room and the glass of wine. It was a tough but wonderful day. Tomorrow we leave, we will be on our way again. Before I leave, I leave a picture I liked ... I like the decomposed, abandoned places. I think it's an effect of old age.


A brief review and a proposal!

If there are tourists who visit Bucharest and who want to see something special, I recommend them a short trip to Brasov. Let me give you some points:

  • Bus from Bucharest to Brasov: cost $ 13; time: 3 hours and a half
  • A night at the hotel, double room: $ 65
  • Restaurant: 1 person $ 25
  • A good wine: a bottle $ 15-20
  • A good beer: a bottle $ 2 - 4
  • A cake, ice cream: $ 2 - 4

In our short visit we saw a bit of Brasov. Those who will have more time and will want to visit the city will certainly have many pleasant surprises. I want to go back to Brasov for a longer vacation, of course.

This will continue, the next stop in Targu Mures!



Dear @bluemoon,

Thank you for the submission for our project – 1001 Places to Remember. Hooray, your story is now listed in our project publication, you can check through our progressive report either from our @fundition project page or @archisteem account. We will be sorting out the seasonal shortlist authors and make an announcement soon for the seasonal reward.

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Thank you! This is my first submission. I really like your project and I'll try to post as often as possible and try to improve my quality.

Great, we love your story as well @bluemoon. Do keep it coming!

Thank you! I'm very glad! I'll do everything I can ...

I love travel stories like this! I'm hooked I love those tunnels! U+R! :)

Thank you! By what you say you encourage me to continue in the same direction. I hope the next post will be better.

This was absolutely wonderful! Travel in snow is not too pleasant, especially if you are not used to it, but, once there are enough cars on the road, it melts the snow down a little bit.

The architecture is jaw-droppingly beautiful. I really loved the little alleyways and the cobblestoned areas. The passageways with doors on each side. Oh, Dan! @bluemoon This town really has so much to offer! I could tell it was a German town when you got there, it looks typically German. :)

The restaurant was so rustic and had such a nice atmosphere. You will probably laugh, but, the Cathedral (one of) in downtown Washington, DC, has the exactly rounded cobblestone and brick interior in one of its smaller chapel alters. I need to dig up a picture to show you. It is unbelieveable.

I have so many questions about this beautiful town and to say that your pictures are superb sounds so trite. I mean it and I am so happy how much your photography has taken off.

I love the building at the end, the demise of certain parts like that makes a statement. I look forward to you doing them every day! I am so glad you are smart enough to break them up that way. It is so much beauty and should not be rushed!

Thank you for taking us!

Upped and Steemed


Thank you! I love your way of commenting and enjoying what you see. For me it is the main barometer of posting quality. I worked hard to gather this story, I had to make sacrifices, one of them is that I did not manage to write in #MarketFriday today, I feel guilty about you.

Unfortunately, I am now busy and I do not know if I can manage the seven days to the end, as I wish.
Anyway, I'm happy to write these travel memories and I'm most glad when people like you are reading it.
Brasov is a spectacular city, a relatively small town, in the other places where I was, I do not think I will find as interesting things to reveal. I'll try though, thanks again!

I can tell you worked hard to gather this story. I think that is one of the hardest things when we are away is to try to capture for a blog some of what we see. It does not always translate so well on the paper, but, this blog did very well. The entire town was breathtaking, everywhere you looked.

It is in the small details that you really captured and pointed out that the statements are really made! (To me anyway) It also shows how much you observe. Again, that is only my opinion. Never feel guilty about #MarketFriday! You never miss it and there will always be another! This was a nice change today and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

You don't have to do the seven days in a row. Just still break them up and bring us all back to the journey when you get to the next part. It will be fun. It might not feel interesting to you, some of these places, but, traveling to a place I have never been is always interesting to me. :)

Thanks again! It was awesome!

You're a real friend! Thanks for your encouragement and advice. I'll take them into account, of course. Let's hope that this place will survive and we will stay close.
After that we will tell all the stories we know or discover. I'm glad I could show something in this city ... the beautiful parts! You know very well that we are tempted to show what is beautiful and ignore ugliness. That's why our presentations can be misleading, they can present a reality that we ignorantly did the ugly parts. This is the part I fear, not to lie through omission, to leave a false impression.

How true that is!!! If we showed all the ugly parts, who will want to see the pictures? I actually like to show off those parts of the city sometime, for a point of showing how a once beautiful area had fallen into disrepair, or even I have shown the worst parts to show the homeless and less fortunate.. and how did we ever get there where we don't care or our own parents/brothers/sisters/kids?

But, for the most part, just like the selfies we take, it is more presentable to use the best of pictures than the least of them.

Yes! I look forward to whatever you put out. Do not stress to make it amazing. Just trust in your friends that we like your work.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Thanks! You are right, we must rely on friends first and not disappoint them. I'm writing for friends first, I'm glad I'm overwhelmed when I was just writing for myself because no one else read.
I think it's good when we write about a place to show the beauty first, that's what we enjoy ... but there's a little mention with something we did not like ... like an advertisement...

Honestly - a lot of people read and don't comment. It takes time and it takes an effort to think up a comment! Well, you know that! ;)

Yes, I know...sometimes is harder than to make a post!

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Thank you very much! I love travel content and hope to do some good blogs.

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Ooh..what an amazing opportunity to travel you took ! I didn't grab if you are on the way now, or if it is a travel you have done and that is now finished..?
The city is wonderful, and I guess this is even better in spring or summer ! ;-) The buildings are beautiful ^_^

Thank you! It was nice but now is was between 19 - 25 in November. I hope to make one post for each day.

This will be very interesting ! A lot of work documented it a lot indeed ! ^_^

Yes, I have a lot of photos. The story must be around around these images.

This is a fantastic post I always love seeing your photos and this deserves more attention! I'm nominating it to @c-squared.

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