A trip down MMORPG memory lane

in #archdruidgaming6 years ago (edited)

This is the ultimate nostalgia post for me as I tell my journey in the world of MMORPG. I have started playing Guild Wars 2 again but that is not the game I am about to go all feels for.

It started earlier with one that has certainly aged and younger generations would laugh at what I used to play. It had none of the awesome spell effects or character animations that makes you look like a bad-ass. It didn't have epic bosses that completely filled your screen and gave epilepsy-inducing flashes and sound

It wasn't even in 3D! and it has a pastel looking color palette and a cutesy feel to monsters.


From Unsplash - Mark Cruz

I am talking about Ragnarok Online! This was my first foray into the world of MMORPG. (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game)

Created by Gravity, a South Korea gaming company based from a manhwa (Korean version of a Japanese manga) of Lee Myung-jin called Ragnarok

The online game heavily uses the theme, locations and story of the characters and they appear in several instances as NPCs (Non-Player Characters).



I remember waiting in line to get that CD installer and buy some game cards. Getting home I installed it and began my quest in the land of Midgard. You all started as novices but eventually had your 1st job compromised by several different classes. Using a fantasy setting you could choose to be a swordsman, thief, acolyte, mage, archer and a merchant.

I started out as a male swordsman intent on becoming a tank and protecting people!

Friendship and love

I am not one hundred sure how it happened but eventually, I changed my main character into an archer class. I do remember there was a girl involved in that decision. She used a hunter character which was the 2nd job after being an archer. She used the name Sushi as her identifier because she was half Japanese and all her characters had the same pink hair.

I remember making a new character and patterned it after her and we would be going through boss hunts twinning!

Full disclosure I have never once told people that I am a girl when playing. I was always been upfront saying that I am a guy that likes to use female characters. This was because it spawned this tradition of being catfished or pretending to be a girl to get boosts and items for free.

Yet my friends get a kick out of pimping me out and the more I protest, the more people believe I am female.

It even inspired this song by a famous local band telling of an adventure of a young man who played Ragnarok and grew in love with a girl he met online. It tells how he would even give up his life online to make sure she doesn't get killed Then one day they decide to meet up and he was all dressed up and even wore perfurme. To his horror it turned out to be a guy hence the title of the song "Chicksilog" which roughly means a woman with balls (I don't think it was literal but more figuratively that it was a guy pretending to be a girl)

The song is sung in our local language but is still fun to watch for the context.


It was over a decade ago when this happened but I remember it like it was yesterday! I remember the feeling of getting home from school and booting my computer and playing till past midnight just grinding and item hunting with my friends and guildmates.

Boss Hunts

I remember the feeling of getting a Boss MVP card and shouting for joy as getting that kind of card was less than 1%

The video is not mine but see how some of the boss hunts were. At first it usually involved 2-6 people depending on your equipment but as you grow stronger you usually would just have a priest buddy so that the rewards are split 50-50. Rangers were very good since they had bows that could use elemental arrows and racial cards that boosted its damage potential. It had an Area of Effect attack to clear out the MVP mobs and then it had a single attack skill Double Strafe that was just insane in dishing out damage per second.


The friendships that I got eventually turned to guilds where we were united to trying to make a name for ourselves.

You know as kids you wanted to be strong and be idolized by other players and so having a guild helped in getting people in boss hunts and taking castles. Castles just like in real life meant treasures and every week there would be sieges where the intention of each guild is to reign supreme and hold the castle for another week. This was called the War of the Emperium (WOE)

I was part of the Onslaught guild in the old Loki server in Philippines Ragnarok and we had so much fun playing and trash talking.

This is how I learned the art of trash talking to get under the skin of your opponents. A well-placed insult can be effective in riling up an enemy and make them make mistakes in judgement. We had so many good trash talkers and a lot of mommas unwittingly made use as part of taunts.

None was sacred as everything from physical appearances to bad breath were used to get someone angry. There have been several instances of things getting physical in the real world because you know boys will be boys.

See below a typical siege done. You can skip to the 1 minute 25 seconds for the actual video.

There is something about the bonds you create with your brothers in arms. It can be likened to the bond you make when you play sports with a team.

The memories of your exploits and and the stories told over cold beer when you get together still makes you laugh.

You all fondly remember an EB (Eye Ball - which is meeting in person your online friends) of Onslaught where you finally saw the Sushi and confirmed she was indeed female. You remember the stories made that night of who got drunk and who kissed who.

Some of those ended up together and got married. Some where hook up stories that you blackmail some of your friends till now. Yet all of you smile when you remember it.

Most of the people that I played with back then are still my friends and I still play with them in the games that followed. You played World of Warcraft with them, Everquest, Starcraft, Overwatch, PUBG and all sorts of online games with them.

You all still have old Ragnarok Online characters in a private server that you play with each other when you don't feel like playing Guild Wars 2.

I still sport the same pink haired female avatar and being cute while kicking ass in the field.


To them you would always be that pink haired hunter that they got to know more than a decade ago and I am fine with that memory.


This post is an entry to The gaming community Archdruidgaming contest of a nostalgia post. Archdruid Gaming: Gaming Nostalgia Contest


Oh my G! Reading your post brought back lots of memories -- sleep-deprived yet fun memories. I was a hunter then, and I also have a merchant. I loved the hunter, long range fighter yeah. And how could I forget those cute porings with the indelible sound they make. I remember travelling an hour just to attend a Ragnarok convention with my clique guild. Suddenly, I miss those days. Gosh, i remember all the cards I used for that pay-to-play. I should have been close to being a millionaire. Lol.

Thinking of it, I never actually got to meet my tanker-turned-friend-turned-fling. He was a priest and we used to hang out at the Clock Tower hunting for the rare Whisper card. Oh gosh, I am close to tears bringing back all these memories.

I miss my hunter, got yadah as a name too. Lol. Thanks @maverickinvictus for the opportunity of going that memory lane. Got me teary eyed and all. Lol.


Ahahahhaa what a story that you got there!!! Yeah we all had the priest/priestiess buddy that turned into a fling lol

Oh and the conventions and World Ragnarok championship was just awesome.

It was such a life and a memory :)

In my opinion everyone have their own preferences and choices, and gaming is an aspect where people connect themselves in the role which is played in that particular game. And if anyone agrees or not games are integral part of our life.

And your post is clearly reflecting the deep essence of your thoughts towards the gaming aspect and in my opinion your craze is really adorable to see and read for sure. And now time is changing and we are watching more and more Virtual Reality Games.

And i am also enthusiastic towards the games but, i was pro gamer in past and particularly pro in Counter Strike and connecting with the Lan and playing with friends in Multiplier mode. And those days were awesome for sure.

Currently i am really active in Smartphone Gaming and now i am super active and pro in Dream League Soccer 2018 game, and it's one of my favourite game when it comes to android gaming because i found some realistic effects in that game for sure.

And when it comes to Smartphone Games then i find GRAND THEFT AUTO SAN ANDREAS game cool and awesome choice because it's an open world game also i love it's overall story and these type of games can increase the interest levels.

And two years back i was in pro in Max Payne 3 and Grand Theft Auto San Andreas game when it comes to PC, and for sure Max Payne 3 is one of the best and one of the excitement game with awesome and realistic effects and these type of games can change overall experience of gaming.

And recently i bought GTA 5 game but it's not working on my PC due to low end specification system, and hoping that soon i can play and i can experience the exciting world of GTA 5. And GTA Series is one of the amazing series till now in my opinion.

And my next goal in aspect gaming is playing GTA 5 and completing it, and for that i have to upgrade my specifications and soon i will going to work on it. And thank you so much for taking us from your gaming experience and journey through this post.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂


I must be super old. My first video game was on a Commador 64. I remember when the original Nintendo came out.

Online games weren't even a thing yet when I was a kid!

Thanks for sharing some fond memories. We have all done something to impress a girl, but your story is epic. I hope you become even more famous on Steemit. May local bands create new songs for you.

Have a good one!


Hi! @ maverickinvictus

That's quite impressive post. If I have to say something related to gaming than I 'll say :)
None that any game I more loved then assasian's Creed frenchize. Thanks to Ubisoft for creating such an ambitious game that I survived so long regardless of all mental, social and physical calamities that struck me again after again several times within fast few years.
Apart from this I know not if there were any hidden tales related to gaming experience that had ever happened in my life except one when our one friend was caught by principal holding a pendrive in his hand. It was really a hard day for him and us too. As Gta 5 was waiting inside it!


Always great to hear about someone’s first MMO. They always seem to have such a long-term effect on someone even long after they have played it. My first was Everquest it was the first time I ever felt like I belonged in a community. I started off in just a family friendly casual kind of guild. After a while, I really started to look forward to there one day weekend “fun” raid to the point I really wanted to do it more often.

I ran into this one guy who was in a raiding guild on the server at the time and was lacking a healer to do some grinding for experience. Almost every day whoever his healer was I never ask was never around. Many at the time were quitting the game as they were hitting the wall and wanting something fresh.

One afternoon I end up getting asked if I wanted to heal as I had a few times before. Turns out the guild leader and some officers were along for the run as well. They noticed after almost everyone pulls I had to sit down to regen mana. They thought that was rather odd so I was asked about it. They had no idea how horrible my gear was till they found out. They first thought it was a joke if I recall as it was a rather hard dungeon (I forget exact name for) as they had to wipe a few times in the last few runs they did. Which is in part why they were looking for a “better healer.”

Not too long after that suddenly their rules in both age requires (I was rather young) and their long waiting application process where overlooked as they really wanted me to be a member. They even were willing to put up with me having to afk for dinner to eat with my folks! We ended up being the top raiding guild on that server for quite a number of years a few months later. I guess they really did need a better healer after all hehe. Granted I was just a small part of the giant thing with 100 or so active members. They always seem to make room for me in the raid and I never felt like I belonged more in a place than those memories of that community and those years I played that game.

Since you joined our discord and are a member you are more than welcome to use our community tag #archdruid for your gaming related post if you like. We don’t include gaming at the end of it as to keep it shorter and so we can add words like a contest for things like #archdruidcontest . Which makes it rather easy for us to create and use a new tag if we ever see the need without it becoming extremely long and overburden.

Thank you for sharing your entry with us.

Often our first MMORPG shapes our gaming personality and would be our first way of being exposed to a more international community of people.

I love how it opened up a way for me to talk to someone living in another place far away from me.

Your story is so awesome about your experience in becoming a raid healer. Often in MMORPG support classes are not that many because most people want to be a tank or a DPS character.

Some of the more memorable characters in guilds were of great support healers that saved a party from failing a raid.

I have tried my hand in being a healer and knew that I really sucked hahhaha I just couldn't handle keeping everyone buffed and healed up.

Yes I am in the server and has gone through some of the posts there :) it is nice to see gamers in one place.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

I’m more into DPS classes these days. Every single time I try and play a healer I just rage “this is not how a healer class should be.” Most times they just seem to lack real depth to them. I had so many different skills, items, and other things to think and maintain while healing back in the day I’m just to spoiled at this point! Will forever miss playing a Cleric in Everquest!

though i am not a gaming guy, i enjoyed the blog.

Though you didn't win I still gave you an up vote

Thanks though. hahahaha

Your post was upvoted by the @archdruid gaming curation team in partnership with @curie to support spreading the rewards to great content. Join the Archdruid Gaming Community at https://discord.gg/nAUkxws. Good Game, Well Played!

I am so thankful for the upvote and curation! It is a wonderful thing to remember by and thank you for the opportunity to think about it.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Sir @maverickinvictus I used to play Ragna too with @davinsh and his wife @essiehime. That was my first time playing MMORPG as well. We were in the Chaos server then moved to Odin. I still have the cards I used. LOL

Oh the feels... ♡♡♡

Oh wow that is so awesome I lost all my cards hahahhaa I had like so many.

Ragnarok Online was truly something. You all should try to play LimitRO it is a good private server and is fun too.

We sometimes pop in there and play.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Interesting story, each of us had some stories with games in our lives, as you wrote, when the game did not have to have great graphics and did not have to be developed, played for the climate, for friends who also played with you. Each of us has thousands of memories and each of us can describe their old stories about their favorite games, it's a pity that the atmosphere from old games will not come back, new games kill the imagination and are too easy. Well, everything goes ahead and you have to accept it. Good luck :)

We all have that one memorable MMORPG that made us have lifelong friends that we can never forget.

We came for the game but stayed for the community.

Some of the new MMORPG does seem easier and in a way that you can power through most of the content alone unlike before you really needed parties even in leveling.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

True! Thanks :)

Hahaha! A nickname I acquired from my friends when I was much younger was babygirl. It was because I had feelings in the game, which was a big no no, even though I was just a spectator to their drug smuggling and alterations to the drugs, I still called them out. Oh well lol.

You had a local band make a song out of your experience??? Awesome! You're always helping people all over. Im not sure how u do it!

Hahahaha I can't imagine that you get called babygirl!

Lol yeah the local band was also a gamer and so it was fun that they made a song out of the experience of so many people who played the game!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

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