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RE: A trip down MMORPG memory lane

in #archdruidgaming6 years ago

Always great to hear about someone’s first MMO. They always seem to have such a long-term effect on someone even long after they have played it. My first was Everquest it was the first time I ever felt like I belonged in a community. I started off in just a family friendly casual kind of guild. After a while, I really started to look forward to there one day weekend “fun” raid to the point I really wanted to do it more often.

I ran into this one guy who was in a raiding guild on the server at the time and was lacking a healer to do some grinding for experience. Almost every day whoever his healer was I never ask was never around. Many at the time were quitting the game as they were hitting the wall and wanting something fresh.

One afternoon I end up getting asked if I wanted to heal as I had a few times before. Turns out the guild leader and some officers were along for the run as well. They noticed after almost everyone pulls I had to sit down to regen mana. They thought that was rather odd so I was asked about it. They had no idea how horrible my gear was till they found out. They first thought it was a joke if I recall as it was a rather hard dungeon (I forget exact name for) as they had to wipe a few times in the last few runs they did. Which is in part why they were looking for a “better healer.”

Not too long after that suddenly their rules in both age requires (I was rather young) and their long waiting application process where overlooked as they really wanted me to be a member. They even were willing to put up with me having to afk for dinner to eat with my folks! We ended up being the top raiding guild on that server for quite a number of years a few months later. I guess they really did need a better healer after all hehe. Granted I was just a small part of the giant thing with 100 or so active members. They always seem to make room for me in the raid and I never felt like I belonged more in a place than those memories of that community and those years I played that game.

Since you joined our discord and are a member you are more than welcome to use our community tag #archdruid for your gaming related post if you like. We don’t include gaming at the end of it as to keep it shorter and so we can add words like a contest for things like #archdruidcontest . Which makes it rather easy for us to create and use a new tag if we ever see the need without it becoming extremely long and overburden.

Thank you for sharing your entry with us.


Often our first MMORPG shapes our gaming personality and would be our first way of being exposed to a more international community of people.

I love how it opened up a way for me to talk to someone living in another place far away from me.

Your story is so awesome about your experience in becoming a raid healer. Often in MMORPG support classes are not that many because most people want to be a tank or a DPS character.

Some of the more memorable characters in guilds were of great support healers that saved a party from failing a raid.

I have tried my hand in being a healer and knew that I really sucked hahhaha I just couldn't handle keeping everyone buffed and healed up.

Yes I am in the server and has gone through some of the posts there :) it is nice to see gamers in one place.

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I’m more into DPS classes these days. Every single time I try and play a healer I just rage “this is not how a healer class should be.” Most times they just seem to lack real depth to them. I had so many different skills, items, and other things to think and maintain while healing back in the day I’m just to spoiled at this point! Will forever miss playing a Cleric in Everquest!

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