They Were Schocked When I Told Them About This App!

in #appics6 years ago

They were shocked.png

I didn't tell you everything about the conversation I had with my teammates about STEEM and the Steemit community.

If you missed the previous post, I recommend reading this also. Just click on the thumbnail below.

Forget this Game.png

After I realised that it is not easy to convince people to give Steemit a chance which I can totally understand because blogging is not for everyone.

Even it is not necessarily required, but this is the image Steemit has;a blogging site!And people equate blogging with writing articles with a lot of words. Its the image of Steemit and honestly, in my opinion, it's difficult to present it to my teammates differently.
Honestly, I don't want it because it is a blogging site and there is nothing wrong with.

I am convinced people can learn to use this site, but this is a hurdle not everyone wants to overcome.

But then I told them for example about Appics!
The first SMT(Smart Media Token) based application. Let us call it the decentralised version of Instagram.

I could already imagine their reaction because Instagram is the number one social media my teammates are using. Especially the story feature. Oh, my god, they love it. Sometimes I am telling them to put some more aesthetic effort into their stories because I get eye cancer when I see how bad they are🤣.

But when I told them about Appics, I got more attention.

Someone asked: What? I get money when I post pictures?

Me: You can. It's not guaranteed. You have to build a following there or better bring your followers from Instagram with you. When people give you a Like than they give you a monetary value depending on their voting power. A like is not a heart like on Instagram​, it is money.*

Teammates: Ray how is that possible? I post a picture and earn money?

I explained them the system again, and they finally understood.

Teammate: Yeah, this is much better than this blogging site. This is better for people like us.

What he meant with people like us was that it is simple to use. You don't need to know how to play with words in a contribution. You don't​ have to make some researchers​s for the next post. There counts more the visual aspect. You just need your phone!

If you are following me, you know that I find Appics as a really interesting project. But it's not available yet and when it's​ launching this application needs to prove itself first. Real world and theory are two different things.

But my Teammates told me, when I will find it enjoyable, they will give it a try. And who knows maybe they find their way through Appics also to Steemit. But they were really shocked​ when I told them about it.

Have in mind that both applications are not against each other. No, they are supporting each other. I call it an own ecosystem within the STEEM ecosystem.

I love to see that more and more application already exist and are coming based on STEEM. I am excited to see where this whole will go.

What do you think?


Das Problem ist doch folgendes...

Deine Mates haben sich DEINEN BLOG angeschaut und sehen die Arbeit, die Du da rein gesteckt hast...

Recherchieren, Schreiben, Photographieren, Erstellen

Aber das ist nur ein Weg...

Die steemit Chain bringt doch auch Streamern mit DLive eine Basis... also warum nicht mein GAMEPLAY direct into the net???

kann gehen aber eben auch nicht

DMania lustige Bilder hochladen und durch votes etwas erhalten...

DTube ein paar Videos von Trainingseinheiten das MEEETING am Flughafen oder sonst was laden und schon ist man drin....

Man muss nicht grossartige Geschichten schreiben können um die STEEMIT Chain zu nutzen und davon zu profitieren, das schöne ist sogar das man durch die Verknüpfungen auf mehreren Plattformen dann sogar gesehen werden kann...

Also auch hier auf STEEMIT ist es doch easy möglich mit nur ein paar Bilder votes zu erhalten, es ist nur eine Frage wie man es Verkauft oder eben an wen oder unter welchem HASHTAG ....

Ich sehe es zum Beispiel sehr Positiv das du eben mehrere Ecken beleuchtest und es Deinen Mates dort näher legen möchtest ;)


I am excited for Appics and the other SMT applications coming.I know Appics will gain more users and we can easily encourage our followers/friends from IG & fb to join. Thank you for sharing this @modernpastor! God bless!😊❤

The best way to tell people about Steemit is taking them from the known to the unknown. Such was Christ’s method of teaching.

From a familiar foundation to a completely strange rooftop. From Instagram, even better off for a wider range Facebook then money. Everybody loves to hear that part.

More Steem based applications mean more use cases for Steem. It will shoot to the stars.

Preach it!
Great said.

That's for me the major point. The more application on STEEM the better will it be in value.

Preach it! 😄

It's really satisfying to see the steemit blockchain growing.

Best of success for your game tonight!!
You can do it ;-)

Thanks my friend :)
I am excited to see what will happen.

hahaha you're right, my husband was the one who got steemit in November last year, and he described it to me but it did not call my attention, I thought it was something like facebok, and really facebook I HAVE NEVER liked him, he insisted me many times and really It did not appeal to me, in December when we got a holiday it showed me more and it was in January that I decided to create my steemit account and I sincerely LOVE. This application appics sounds very interesting, if you have named it several times even once I asked you if you could work without investment since if it is like steemit I am sure that I will like it. When will its launch? and under what currency do you work? steem, sbd? Thanks for your posts about the subject. Have a great day.

A like is not a heart like on Instagram​, it is money.*

This is the best line I have heard about Steemit. No one wants your heart, keep it to pump blood for you. But we would do with some extra money.

With so much platforms on the Steem blockchain and new ones coming with SMT, they will be something for everyone. Not necessarily bloggers. I have a friend who's not so good with blogging but he's a programmer and focus his attention on Utopian.

what i think there is lot of chance to add more people here. personally me... already added 50+ people on steemit and they are blogging here. in future , there will be a lot. because they know that steemit will pay for their valuable time. And for those who dont write well, will easier for them.

I believe due to the simplicity of posting pictures and uploading videos online. I see that more people will join appic easily than steemit, people likes to expresses themselves through photos and since they are not writing anything but just posting photos and tagging the photos will make it fun and easier for people to us.

Appic has a great future , I won't be surprise to see appic reach 2 million users before the end of this year @modernpastor

Well told my freind. See it the same way.

But Steem is not a just a blogging. It is Steepshot,, Dlive and many more. Why didn't you mention that to others?
My opinion Steem is at least proven platform. That do show you can earn money. Appics currently has just a nice look and beautiful words.
Dont get me wrong, I love the idea and I wish to see it living ;)

No, you're right. But this is what I said. In theory, it sounds great, but it has to prove itself first.

There was no need to explain it that way to them. Dtube which is for me the second best application on STEEM will be not interesting for them. They are not able to see the beauty of STEEM even when you show them how much it already moved forward. But give them something they already know then it is different. And Alpics is exactly that.

I think this is a great opportunity for earning money.
Thanks for sharing such a great app.

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