Our Goldfish Gets A New Aquarium. Finally!

in #animals6 years ago
I have recently been feeling very gulity about the state of our goldfish accommodation.

I imagine that it happens to a lot of people who purchase the odd goldfish or two. They get it home, place it in an aquarium that seems more than big enough only to find that the said goldfish rapidly outgrow the size of the tank.

So, being overcome by a sense of guilt and shame I decided to splash out (pun intended!) on a new stylish tank so our goldfish could move out of his/her cramped quarters.

We managed to find a stylish looking tank from a well know brand on specal offer in one of our local pet shops.

A nice shiny, brand new aquarium complete with pump, LED light and filter material. We had also purchased some tank ornaments, plastic plants for colour and real plants to help with tank health.

In the following picture you can get a good sense of the size difference. Our poor cramped fish is in the old tank on the left while the new one on the right awaits water, plants and ornaments.

The finished result. After setting up the tank and leaving it to settle in for a few days, we introduced the goldfish to its new home. He/she seemed a bit bemused at first by the amount of space available but soon started to explore the new surroundings.

The fish looks happy in its new home but I'm now beginning to feel guilty about it being all alone. Might have to go out and find it some finny friends!


All Images By The Author

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That is a spiffy set up! I'm sure the goldfish is greatly appreciating the new space. Looking good!

I'm not sure the goldfish is still happy with it. It managed to get itself caught in one of the ornaments and we had to pull it out by its tail! Needless to say, we have now blocked up the offending ornament to prevent future mishaps.

Oh my! Well that was certainly an adventure! I'm sure the goldfish will get its bearing soon enough and figure out a safe route to cruise.

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