Caught an angry Momma Garter Snake this morning.

in #animals6 years ago


This morning after getting up Bridget's Mom came over because we were planning on working on our house today. We have a wood pile filled with 2X4's in the backyard. We needed wood for some measurments. I'm inside finishing up eating breakfast when Bridget comes in saying that we have a snake for you to catch.

OH BOY!!! I start getting excited!

She said that it was a little baby snake about a foot long or so with bright red stripes down its back. So ok I'm thinking, "Cool, you found a little baby garter snake." Bridget's Mom said she saw it first before it disappeared in the wood pile. So I started digging through the wood pile pictured above when I see this huge, 2 and a half to 3 foot long Garter Snake.


She was PISSED! Apparently this was a big Momma Garter Snake and she was nesting under the wood pile. I didn't find the baby Bridget and her Mom was talking about but I did find Momma LOL. She was feisty too! Got some good pictures of her trying to bite me.


Hey Mom, is this the little baby snake you were talking about??? I couldn't help but bring the snake over to show Mom and grandma who were now working on the truck. Mom's expression was like, "Oh fuck no!"

Got some good pictures of her in the grass so you can see just how big she was. She was beautiful and had beautiful markings. Her stripes were bright.

After this photo shoot it was time to let her go. I let her go back in the wood pile in hopes that she will reunite with her babies assuming after all that she was nesting under here. Plus I want all the snakes I can get living in and around the garden and house. They help get rid of rodents and other vermin. Garter Snakes are just as good to have around as King Snakes.


After all that hissing and striking, she only managed to bite me one time. Right on my Pinkie Finger LOL. It doesn't hurt believe me.

In case you missed it, you can check out this beautiful majestic Black Rat Snake I caught last week here...

As well as this Northern Water Snake I caught here...

As well as this little baby Midland Brown Snake here...

As always, I'm Theo aka Rainbow Man and here is the PROOF!
Proof of angry Momma Garter Snake.

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That beast was beautiful! Enjoy.


Beautiful. On so many levels.

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Yeah the markings on that snake are vivid as heck! Very nice.. many do not appreciate nature's helpers!

A very beautiful specimen, and a wonderful proof!

Thanks Papa Pepper!

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