Caught my first water snake this year.

in #animals6 years ago (edited)

Today while venturing around the woods behind our house I found this Northern Water snake.

water snake.jpg

Yeah he looks pist! This snake is harmless and NON-venomous. Another reason to not fear them. They will put up a good fight if you catch them. These snakes are real aggressive and will bite the shit out of you if you are not careful. They will even flatten their heads and bodies out to appear deadly and venomous like the Cotton Mouth.
water snake.jpg

He was around 3 foot long. Full grown adult. He calmed down quite bit after handling him a few minutes.
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Stick your tongue out my wife said. The snake not you! rolls eyes
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I have been catching snakes and other reptilians since I was about 4 years old. I love critters. I will catch anything! I love not having fear of snakes. I love not having fear of nature. I love nature. I AM nature! So you can guarantee if there is any kind of out back lawless fork tongued lizard headed bullshit around here that I will find one and catch it. And then walk it down main street for all the world to see. I CAUGHT ONE!!! Reptilians fear me. Venomous or not I will catch them.

I will be catching snakes and other critters all summer long. Maybe I will get lucky and catch a Cotton Mouth, a Copperhead, or better yet a Rattle Snake. That would be awesome!

And as always I am Theo aka Rainbow Man, Hippie With A Gun, and here is the PROOF!
water snake 6.jpg

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Glad to see someone find an angry snake and NOT assume it was a cottonmouth and kill it! Kudos to you. :)

Hey thanks. I started catching these snakes when I was a teenager living here in Arkansas. There are like 8 or so non venomous water snakes. This one was a beautiful specimen. I let him go in our pond after taking these pictures. Maybe catch him again some day.

Yeah he looks bigger than most I have found. :) I bet you do run across him again someday!
I've loved catching and playing with snakes ever since I was a kid. One of my favorite critters. :)

Man, too busy on my end, I missed the payout on this one! Also, technically I'd go with Plain Bellied Water Snake.... Still a good catch though.
This six second video I made may help with identification.

Personally, I like both!

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